Just Plain Bad Bills
Because we believe the public needs to know the dangerous consequences of a BLM appointee to Interior,
we share the following exchange and information about Jon Marvel's Western Watershed Project.
History surrounding Mr. Marvel and company, reveals they are not good neighbors, for
their actions generally bring injury to their neighbors. Editor GNL

John and Crew,

Found this today in a connection to Western Watershed Projects. Mr. Marvel now states he is planning on being the new Director of BLM for Idaho if his cronies get elected in to the Presidency. Guess he already knows who will win come November. The West is under assault by these folks and we need to band together to fight them or there will be no hunting, no grazing, no Western way of life. Just a lot of wolves!

Jeff Sayre

Jim Caswell was director of the Governor of Idaho's "Office of Species Conservation " under Dirk Kempthorne
Kempthorne was appointed Secy of Interior.
Kempthorne assumed office and immediately recused himself in regards to wolf delisting, leaving the extremist freaks to run roughshod over us with the ESA.
Caswell was then appointed as head of the BLM for his role in stalling wolf delisting for 8 years.
Now that these two are planted in their positions by the extreme left , they will dismantle the Dept of Ag. and rid the west of ranchers, hunters and rural private property rights.
25 years ago animal right extremists and proponents of the social engineering scheme known as "The Wildlands Project " took control of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service {DOI}..Step by step, piece by piece, the Wildlands Project is coming to fruition. The Project, foundational to the U.N.Biodiversity Treaty which was never ratified by the U.S. Senate, calls for approximately 50 percent of the United States to be set aside as "wildlands", where no human can enter. Much has been accomplished over the past several years toward that goal, and the pace is stepping up at an astonishing rate, with the help of the federal agencies.
The Agency designed by law {Title 7 of the U.S. Code } to protect ranching is the Department of Agriculture.
The U.S. Congress NOW proposes to strip the Department of Agriculture of it's jurisdiction over land, water and forests and turn over all jurisdiction of BLM and the U.S. Forest Service to the Department of Interior and the animal rights and environmental extremists that control that agency under the pretext of "fiscal responsibility."
The war for the west will be lost without so much as a shot or whimper if Congress is not stopped .
The Department of Interior was never authorized by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution.
The Department of Agriculture exists under the Department of Commerce and is a Constitutionally authorized federal agency.

Robert T Fanning Jr.

Drive to Axe Federal Predator Eradication Program
$100 Million Agriculture Program Slaughters 1.6 Million Wild Animals a Year

Washington, DC - A new coalition of conservation groups with a combined membership of more than 10 million is launching a campaign to abolish an entrenched federal program dedicated to killing wild carnivores. The groups argue that the predator eradication program is biologically counterproductive, uneconomical, inhumane, and creates serious safety hazards from widespread use of highly toxic agents and other lethal chemicals, equipment and techniques.

Wildlife Services, a euphemistically named arm of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, spends more than $100 million in taxpayer money each year to kill one wild animal every 19 seconds and one wild mammal every 150 seconds, according to 2006 figures. Wildlife Services provides agents to poison, shoot or trap animals deemed a "nuisance" to ranchers, farmers, and others. Controversial techniques used by Wildlife Services include explosive booby-traps and aerial hunts.

The new coalition is coordinated by WildEarth Guardians, which has long opposed eradication of native carnivores, such as coyotes, bobcats, foxes, bears and wolves. The coalition is asking Congress to eliminate any further funding for Wildlife Services predator control efforts.

"Wildlife Services is premised on the notion that animals considered 'varmints' must be shot, poisoned or killed in their dens," said Wendy Keefover-Ring of WildEarth Guardians, who organized the coalition. "Modern wildlife management has moved beyond the 'shoot first' approach peddled for decades by our Agriculture Department."

Due to a rash of accidents, mishaps and security breaches, Wildlife Services is currently undergoing a nationwide safety review of its aerial gunning and poison management programs. In addition, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is now considering a ban on two of the most deadly poisons used by Wildlife Services to kill wild mammals.

"The federal government ought to get out of the wildlife extermination business," stated Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) Executive Director Jeff Ruch, noting the conflict between federal agencies working to preserve natural predators, like the wolf, and Wildlife Services that seeks to kill wolves. "Wildlife Services is an unjustified, dangerous and needlessly cruel subsidy for agri-business."

The call by conservation groups to curb the funding for Wildlife Services will undoubtedly be met by fierce resistance from livestock organizations.

WildEarth Guardians Contacts:
Wendy Keefover-Ring | WildEarth Guardians | 303.447.8655, Ext 1#
Carol Goldberg | PEER | 202.265.7337