Global Warming: March 29, 2008

Climate Alarmists

Lord Christopher Monckton provided this op-ed per request of Randy Bangert,
Editor of the Greeley Tribune, through a connection with Good Neighbor Law.
We are proud to be the first to post Lord Monckton's work. GNL Editor

Lord Christopher Monckton

CLIMATE ALARMISTS are alarmed, scaremongers scared, for their predictions of catastrophe are not coming true. "Global warming" has stopped. For ten years, average temperatures on Earth have not risen. For seven years, the trend has been downward. The fall between January 2007 and January 2008 was the biggest since records began in 1880.

Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the UN's climate panel, says it had better find out where it got its sums wrong. Lord Lawson, a former UK Treasury secretary, says the panel should be scrapped.

Polls reveal that voters worldwide, bored with wolf-crying scientists, see "global warming" as just another pretext for more tax, regulation, and empire-building. So the tiny clique of politicized scientists driving the scare are desperate to revive fear of doom. Otherwise, the multi-billion-dollar climate-change industry is headed straight down the pan.

A favorite tactic is to blame any passing extreme-weather event on "global warming". This just in: "A 5,282-square-mile ice shelf has begun to collapse because of rapid climate change in the Antarctic Peninsula. The Wilkins is one of a string of ice shelves that have collapsed in the past 30 years. Larsen B disappeared in one month in 2002. Six similar collapses underscore the region's unprecedented warming."

Blood-curdling, but false. The Wilkins Ice Shelf, like its vanished neighbors, was not there in the mediaeval warm period, or in the 2000-year-long Holocene Climate Optimum, when global temperatures were above today's.

Ted Scambos of the National Snow and Ice Data Center, who first spotted the disintegration in March, says the Wilkins has been in place for a few centuries. So it was not there before.

The Antarctic Peninsula represents just 2% of the continent, and still less of its ice mass. The vanished ice shelves covered a combined area just 1/55 the size of Texas. Massive chunks break away from Antarctica all the time, to regrow in colder times. Whalers' logs going back centuries report sightings of vast icebergs hundreds of miles long.

Since regular temperature records were first kept 50 years ago, most of the continent has been cooling. The Antarctic peninsula is an exception. Local undersea volcanic activity may be partly to blame.

Another factor is the warming effect of the recently-ended 70-year Solar Grand Maximum, when the Sun was more active, and for longer, than at almost any similar period in the past 11,400 years. Long-term ocean changes have also contributed.

In the Arctic, the media reported less summer sea ice than at any time since records began. Most did not report that records began only 30 years ago. Or that at both Poles there is more sea ice now than ever since records began. Or that there are five times more polar bears today than 50 years ago. Or that the Arctic was warmer in the 1940s than today. Or that the average thickness of the vast Greenland ice sheet grew by 2 inches yearly from 1993-2003.

Even the UN's climate panel says melting ice will not raise sea level by Al Gore's imagined 20 feet for several millennia, largely through natural causes.

Back in the Antarctic, winter has come, so ice-shelf disintegration has stopped. Even if Wilkins collapses altogether, melting ice shelves add not a millimetre to sea level: the ice is already floating. Niklas Moerner, who has spent his entire 30-year career studying sea level, says sea level will rise this century by little more than the 8 inches observed in the 20 th century. Just 3 inches of that rise will come from ice-melt. "Global warming" profiteers had better start looking for another job - or another scare.

Christopher, Third Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, was policy advisor to Margaret Thatcher as UK Prime Minister, and an international business consultant. He has lectured on climate at university physics departments and at corporate meetings, and shares the Nobel Peace Prize for his contribution to the IPCC's 2007 report - he foiled an attempt by UN bureaucrats to multiply the contributions of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets to sea-level rise by ten.

Lord Monckton's Nobel prize pin, presented to him at Rochester University, New York, by the emeritus Professor of Physics, was made of gold reclaimed from a physics experiment. His short papers for the layman on the science of climate change are at . His gripping, fast-paced, fact-packed, emotionally-charged   feature-length movie Apocalypse? NO! , replying to Al Gore, is at .

Communication with Mr. Gore's scheduler continued............

FYI - an open letter to the Scheduler for former Vice President Al Gore and Tipper Gore.

Dear Kalee,

As you read following, you'll see my request to some of our local papers.

After meeting Dr. Willie Soon - and researching his papers further - I fail to see any reason as to why Mr. Gore would not want to clear an hour of his schedule - and openly debate either Dr. Soon or Lord Christopher Monckton.
Surely he understands the gravity behind the fact that many non-govenmental agencies and all three candidates running for president are breathlessly dreaming up more policies and treaties - based on an allegedly warming earth.

As you're well aware, making policy based on errors (I understand scientists have now documented close to 35 in Inconvenient Truth.) will have a horrific, negative impact on everyone in the world.

Many of these policies will destroy resource production in the United States. The ripple affect will be devastating. We'll no longer be able to stave off world hunger, let alone feed our own poor and hungry.

I believe that if Tipper and Mr. Gore had the factual science on global warming, they'd reverse their positions in a heart beat for a child.

Please pose this request to Mr. Gore directly. For I believe he will be eager to vanquish these speculations surrounding global warming, and do the right thing.

Again - we will make Dr. Soon or Lord Monckton available at a location convenient to Mr. Gore - within 48 hours notice.

I look forward to hearing from you soon, with a confirmation day, place and time - for us to present either Dr. Soon or Lord Monckton.

Thank you Kalee. Your attention to this critical matter is greatly appreciated.

Roni Bell Sylvester
970-284-6874 <>
cc: Interested parties

----- Original Message -----
From: Kalee Kreider
To: Roni Sylvester
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 2:10 PM
Subject: Re: Request for Mr. Al Gore to debate - Lord Christopher Monckton or Dr. Willie Soon

Thank you again for your invitation.

Mr. Gore is not interested in a debate with either Dr. Soon or Lord Monckton.

As you may know, Lord Monckton and Mr. Gore exchanged op eds in a UK paper.

We are aware of Dr. Soon’s statements.

Thank you so much for reaching out and do accept my apologies that we cannot accept your kind offer.
Cheers, Kalee

Dear Kalee, March 26, 2008

I'm sorry no. I'm not aware of op eds in UK paper. Please attach and send.

If Mr. Gore is not interested in a debate with either Dr. Soon or Lord Monckton, who is he interested in debating?
What does "we are aware of Dr. Soon's statements" mean?

This whole situation is akin to a hack doctor stating -"You have breast cancer, and there's only one treatment. I'm going to have to lop off your breasts."

Whereas a good doctor would explain, "You have breast cancer. Thank GOD science continues to bring us new treatments. Let's discuss them all. And please seek second and third opinions."

Or a hack doctor claiming - "You have prostate cancer, and there's only one treatment. I'm going to have to lop off your penis and testicles!" Whereas a good doctor - - well you get my drift.

Please let Mr. Gore read our exchange. I refuse to believe Mr. Gore would want us ladies to have both breasts unnecessarily and crudely loped off...or gentlemen to be castrated. Surely he'd encourage us to seek "second and third opinions."

You might be underestimating his charitable will.

Thank you,


Good Neighbor Committee
P.O. Box 155 - La Salle, CO  80645

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