Global Climate Change: August 14, 2010
Sea Experts Do A Smackdown on NASA's James Hansen: Potential Sea Level Rise Is Only Fraction Of Hansen's Ludicrous Prediction

Don't laugh too hard. I live in a formerly glacier-covered area which about 14,000 years ago was buried under maybe 6,000 feet of ice, as was all of Canada and the US down to about 150 miles south of my house. Sea level was nearly 400 feet lower than today during that glaciation, as witness drowned seamounts off our coast showing evidence of former land-plant life. Likewise, I've seen wave-cut notches in the cliffs in the Bahamas that are about 30 feet higher than current sea level, and I've seen stranded coral reefs near Puerto Rico about 9 feet above current sea level. We're in an interglacial period right now. The ice will be back some day. Sea level? It go up, it go down. Sometimes a lot. It just ain't goin up very fast right now. But that could indeed change quickly. All that ice over my house went away in a period of about 500 years, during which sea level rose 390 feet at least. Before that, you could buy real estate 50 miles off the present Olympic Peninsula shoreline, assuming Ugh the cave man was selling. The reason the ice melted so fast about 10,000 years ago is not known, but it was followed by a very hot period (we still have cactus growing here that survived the cooling about 6,000 years ago, when sea level stabilized and the forests began to grow in the Northwest). We also have mastodon skeletons with spear wounds from whoever lived here about 9,000 years ago, the bones were in a guy's front yard in the town of Sequim, about 100 miles from my house. Anyway, Hansen is a jerk, and he is a scare monger, but it's been a lot worse and weirder than he says, and I can see the evidence all around me - my house is on a 300-foot-high glacial drumlin that's 30 miles long and 5 miles wide. Mother Nature is a lot stranger even than Hansen is. Ron Arnold


Read here. James Hansen, and his creepy friend A. Gore, have crisscrossed the world claiming sea levels will rise by some 20 meters due to global warming. It's a nice scary story designed to frighten the clueless, MSM reporters and Hollywood celebrities, but unfortunately it is told by two non-experts regarding sea levels. As a result of their non-expertise, it happens their scary story has zero connection with current reality or the ancient/historical past.

So, what do the real sea-level experts say? The latest peer-reviewed report from the world expert PALSEA team indicates a worst-case scenario of 0.59 meter to 1.4 meters by 2100. Hellooooo....the experts say it's not even going to be close to the 'teens' let alone a rise 20 meters.

And carefully note, that's the worst-case scenario. If the actual present trends of sea-level rise continue, it's highly likely that the sea-level rise might only be 0.2 meters by 2100. How scary is that? It's only a tiny fraction of the mythical scariness.