November 30, 2011

Medical Freedom Zones

CHEYENNE: The Wyoming Liberty Group (WyLiberty) released its latest Liberty Brief, Medical Freedom Zones today. It shows how the State of Wyoming or a tribal nation could create a zone where health care professionals may serve patients and conduct research free from most government intervention.

"The American health care system today is riddled with government prohibitions and inefficiencies. The Medical Freedom Zones brief is a blueprint for the creation of health care competition and choice with the best practices in tort reform, arbitration, and medical innovation," said Benjamin Barr, counsel at WyLiberty and the brief's co-author. "Our brief shows how tribal lands offer the best opportunity for medical liberty because, as in the case of gaming, tribal sovereignty protects activities on reservation land from the heavy hand of government interference."

Americans have looked abroad for cheaper and more innovative health care options. In 2008, about 540,000 Americans travelled for health care treatment. India, for example, is expected to earn $2.2 billion in medical tourism revenue by 2012. To stem this flood and allow Americans to get the quality health care they need without travelling abroad, the Medical Freedom Zones brief includes a primer on tribal and state sovereignty to show how local jurisdictions might capture this market.
"Our report shows how the creation of a freedom zone in Wyoming could quickly attract medical investment and entrepreneurialism," said Steve Klein, WyLiberty staff attorney and report co-author. "If the state chooses not to pursue a freedom zone, the semi-sovereign status of tribal nations could also provide an escape valve from our centrally planned system. Independence from overbearing federal or state regulations could create the solution many Americans are looking for."
"Medical Freedom Zones promise to be islands of medical freedom in a sea of over-regulated medicine," said Barr. "We invite you to consider the creation of medical freedom zones and engaging the Wyoming Liberty Group in reclaiming our lost liberties."

For more information, please contact:
Benjamin Barr, counsel,
Steve Klein, staff attorney, 307-632-7020