November 26, 2007
Jack Venrick

"It is the greatest scam in history. Global Warming; it is a SCAM." That is what John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel said in an article for the publication, ICECAP, recently. "Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific date to create an illusion of rapid global warming [and were rewarded by their government pals with] huge research grants to keep the movement going." 

It's not property owners causing the problems,

  • its the pandering government courts, legislature and executives who have no scientific credentials, common sense or objectivity
  • The green groups create artificial green problems using deception to take what is not takable, i.e. our inalienable rights, including; Our Private Property, i.e. our land, home, water, wages, personal property, investments, privacy, including the size of our homes and how close they are to the neighbors, et al.

The TAKERS tell us;
"OUR land is critical"
it's "critical" for the Takers to make the land more "critical" than property owners natural, inalienable & constitutional rights
*it is made "critical" so the Takers can better steal your property

1. "OUR land is wet"

  • Yet its not wet anymore than normal - see graph at left
  • Making it easier for the Takers to take what they want

3..  "Our planet is warming and it's caused by man"

  • but it's not man caused and its not warming anymore than normal - see graph at left
  • The warming and cooling is normal -
  • Those who benefit from the distortion of man caused global warming put your private property into their pockets.
    1 Global warming and cooling cycles have been occurring naturally since the beginning of time. As one glacier in Russia recently receded, human remains on the order of 10,000 years were reveled. Obviously they were there when the "globe was warm'. What can man do ? Nothing, and we shouldn't. As far as Global Warming, on the global scale we are insignificant. The earth naturally "pollutes" itself and it's atmosphere in one week far more than we ever could. Doesn't mean we should be flippant about keeping things clean. A whole other debate is the lack of quality temperature sensors used when ocean temperatures were first measured. Some of which had up to a 10% error and more. Current 2000 sensors have far greater accuracy. That's why it's debatable exactly how much warming is taking place, how much natural temperature migration. No one knows. Follow the money in Global Warming. Most lead to folks like Archer, needing grant money to continue there quest.
    Charles | October 27, 2006

 4.  "Our fossil fuel is disappearing and its dirty and use green energy ", but........
1 Is fossil fuel really "gone" ? 
2 Alternative energy is a green joke on your private property  -
3 Nuclear energy will be phased into production and onto our grid if and when fossil fuel becomes less abundant

5.  "They want ALL your private property "

  • What the TAKERS can't take through legislation, judication, administration, they take by obfuscation
  • They want to paint your inalienable rights green
  • The Random House Dictionary has 102 separate meanings for "take", over one column of text
  • The U.S. Dept. of Energy is more about taking than generating energy -
1 Graph source
2 MSU = Microwave Sounding Unit measurements of atmospheric temperature.
3 Troposphere data refers to temperatures averaged throughout the lowest 5 miles of the atmospheres
4 NH = Northern Hemisphere
5 SH = Southern Hemisphere
• Here's the next surprise for Al Gore fans. 
• It's a cold day in hell here on planet "global warming"
• You just have to go to the right altitude, i.e. 8 - 13 miles.
• The same game of taking by deception is used to take our water, land, homes, wages, and all our rights.
• Check out more takings of our private and public property in Roni Sylvester's email attached above,
• "Don't give the Corps of Engineers Control Over Your Property"
• The socialists and communist in this country want government to own all your private and public property

Stratospheric data refers to temperatures averaged from 8 to 13 miles of altitude.
Don't let government & its minions take your inalienable rights based on "Best Available Science", i.e. Junk Science

There is no science, judge, congress man or women, executive, government or non government employee or politician ....
? that can take away any of our God given, natural, inalienable, common and constitutional rights. 
• You must first give up these scared rights voluntarily before they can be taken
? e.g. think signing your 1040 as an example.
• We have found the enemy and it us
Jack Venrick