October 19, 2007

"Restoring" "Clean" Water

by Jim Beers

A bill proposed before Congress, the "Oberstar/Feingold Clean Water Restoration Act of 2007” neither “restores” or “cleans” water. It is a bold move by government and a host of supporters from Ducks Unlimited and the Sierra club and HSUS and all the “in-betweeners” to further erode private property rights and force an alien and despicable way of life on the citizens of the United States of America.

A reader asked the following questions and since it took more time than I thought to answer him, I hereby share my “quick” response with you.

The question(s):
1) What effect will this bill have on farmers?
2) What effect will this bill have on landowners?
3) What effect will this bill have on wetlands?
4) What effect will this bill have on the state government?
5) What effect will this bill have on local governments?

The answer:
Here is a quick summary of the effects you ask about:

1.) Farmers - More private farmland, both eased and uneased, under Federal claims of authority. This means not only water movement like new roads’ drainage or never-before-flooded land but even more ominous there will arise (both from Federal regulation evolution and clever lawsuits buy radical groups from Sierra Club to HSUS et al) all manner of claims by government to make these "wetlands" over which they claim authority priority targets for "Native Ecosystem" and "Invasive (meaning introduced NOT HARMFUL) Species and "Corridors" and all manner of yet-to-be-invented Environmental and Animal Rights Agenda Items. The name of the game for bureaucrats and radicals and conservation (DU, NWF, et al) groups is forcing LANDOWNERS of all stripes to be submissive to their agendas is a power shift from Private landowners to government which they then control by supporting politicians and stacking bureaucracies with their members. The UN and international groups all love this for the same reasons and to stop the USA from being a beacon of private property and more and more like countries where government controls landowners AND THE UN CONTROLS GOVERNMENTS.

2.) Landowners, many of whom will be bitten eventually, see this as affecting "the other guy". Little do they know that floodplains and newly diverted water will simply add more and more government-controlled land to the government maps colored with various shades of control. Even the rich guys and little old ladies in New England and the retirees in Texas and Florida and the second-home folks will find new purchases' costs prohibitive (because of less and less developable land): they will see government claiming all manner of new and enlarged floodplains and "never-flooded-in-recent-history" lands as courts and the media cave to claims by radicals that this is the "last part of the Beers teensy-weenie prairies biome" and that if government doesn't assert its controls under the Clean Water Act then wells will go dry and the world will further warm and wolves will never be able to expand to their rightful portions of the US etc., etc.

3.) "Wetlands" - Does anyone with half a brain have to even ask? "Wetlands", exactly like their (wetlands) legal history of the last 5 decades and exactly like the definition and number of "Endangered Species" and exactly like the definition of "Invasive Species" and exactly like the definition of and desirability of "Native Ecosystems" and exactly like the land to be occupied by (and cleared of humans by) deadly wolves and grizzly bears and exactly like the money needed for "more" government land acquisition and easement and shutdown to humans, etc. etc., will grow and spiral beyond anything allowed to be mentioned today. Such claims will be laughed at and claimants, like your humble correspondent, will be vilified and marginalized. Anyone saying anything else is a liar or seriously deranged or so naive that they should not go out alone.

4.) State government will secretly swoon and publicly be pensive. They (Fish and Games like Education and Highway Departments) are more and more dependent on Federal Appropriated dollars and less and less dependent of State dollars and therefore state control. State politicians more and more look on these Departments as vehicles for getting every penny "due" the state as quickly as possible. They judge their appointees on that more and more. "Wetlands" expanded under this Act are a bonanza. Grants, and straight funding and all manner of cooperative dollars (for doing Federal bureaucrats bidding) will emerge for "studies" and "inventories" and "statements" and "plans" and "cooperative management" of these newly claimed (by government) areas and then there will be all the "keeping up" with newly "included areas" that the best analogy will be the history of medical investigations into the human circulatory system as we went from the heart to the arteries to the veins to the capillaries to micro studies of fluid and energy and nucleic transfers in tissue and who knows what tomorrow. Given the opportunity circulatory specialists would claim hegemony over the whole body and that is exactly what bureaucrats and scientists are being encouraged to do by such totalitarian acts. State bureaucrats see more people and more funding and promotions and increased retirements and their kids college costs and daughters’ weddings, etc. State pols see more money coming into the state THAT THEY DON'T HAVE TO RAISE TAXES FOR. Then there is the sad fact that state bureaucracies are just behind the Federal bureaucracies in being stocked with radicals and extremists that really see the European and even Soviet model of government as the only reasonable way to fulfill their anti-human and pro environmental/animal rights worship fantasies by forcing the rest of the world just like any dictator in history to follow their desires OR ELSE.

5.) Local governments will further evolve into historical footnotes and anachronisms as their power from local landowners becomes irrelevant and state bureaucrats and politicians respond cravenly to Federal mandates. Local governments represent NOTHING when private landowners and local communities either disappear or simply become serfs. State government funding and dollars will increase giving the illusion of growth but that will be a chimera. State governments will simply be morphing into puppets on Federal strings. The ironic thing here is that the Federal bureaucrats will one day discover that they are merely puppets on the radicals' strings. Just as the Feds will eventually devour the state governments and the UN folks anticipate devouring national governments, so too do the radicals foresee devouring everything else. The name of the game is, as it always was, POWER.

Either the whole thing collapses of its own dead weight like the Soviet Union or somehow a "Few Good Men" emerge as they did in 1776. With the absolute disregard of all this by the pack of presidential candidates and the plans being laid by the radicals and their political representatives in Congress and in the parties I am very fearful of what the future holds. This boldly (what; communistic?, dictatorial?, unconstitutional?, all of the above?) egregious proposed act is but one of many things being planned to expand and add to the already growing list of government actions intended to return us to the status of vassals that our forefathers fled for the freedom and liberty we are so blindly letting slip through our fingers.

Other that that, this “Clean” Water “restoration” Act is only one of many progressive harbingers of how we will stop all use of plants and animals, control all property, clear rural America, and ultimately force the rest of America to live where and how WE want them to. Please send us money so we can gain passage of this vital bill and begin to save the ecosystem, otherwise those who rape and ruin our environment will pollute us and warm us and continue killing things. BARF!


Jim Beers
19 October 2007

- If you found this worthwhile, please share it with others.  Thanks.

http://jimbeers.blogster.com (Jim Beers Common Sense)

- Jim Beers is available for consulting or to speak. Contact: jimbeers7@verizon.net

- Jim Beers is a retired US Fish & Wildlife Service Wildlife Biologist, Special Agent, Refuge Manager, Wetlands Biologist, and Congressional Fellow. He was stationed in North Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York City, and Washington DC. He also served as a US Navy Line Officer in the western Pacific and on Adak, Alaska in the Aleutian Islands. He has worked for the Utah Fish & Game, Minneapolis Police Department, and as a Security Supervisor in Washington, DC. He testified three times before Congress; twice regarding the theft by the US Fish & Wildlife Service of $45 to 60 Million from State fish and wildlife funds and once in opposition to expanding Federal Invasive Species authority. He resides in Centreville, Virginia with his wife of many decades.

Good Neighbor Committee
P.O. Box 155 - La Salle, CO  80645

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