November 16, 2007

Sharing Ben Stein's ahhhhh

Seems more often than not, people today throw out globs of really icky words that serve no purpose other than to maim or kill.

Even though they come with the proven warning - "Unsuitable for human consumption" -some gobble them up as though they're the last meal on earth.

These words, aimed at the heart, are so heavy with dark mean...that once landed it takes a  Manitowoc 999 crane to lift them off.

Then - once in that rare while - someone writes words so lovely they soar far above the rest like grace notes so high, they nudge "ahhhhh" from your soul and a tear from your eye. 

I'd like to share the "ahhhhh" found this morning from words within Benjamin J. Stein's story, "Requiem." 
"Then, I thanked God for all of the men and women who fight for this country and for freedom.  To think that men and women from small towns in Mississippi and Kansas and Louisiana and Idaho went off to fight and die for us lazy slobs back home in World War II and in Korea and Vietnam and now in Iraq and Afghanistan.  This is an act of mind-numbing generosity of spirit.  I pray for them and their families on my knees all through the day, and wow, do they deserve it."

Benjamin J. Stein © 2007   (November 2007 American Spectator www.spectator.org)

Ben.  Thank you for the ahhhhh.
Roni Bell Sylvester