November 27, 2007

Subject: Gov takings corrupt & wrong
As a US Citizen, be afraid, be very afraid!  Government takings...at any level...CORRUPT AND WRONG!!

The role of any government under this wise Constitution must be only to ensure a sound monetary policy, secure the borders, provide for a solid infrastructure and then get the HECK out of all our lives.  We are for the most part thinking, intelligent, citizens.  We do not need or want the National, State or Neighborhood NATZIES meddling in our in issues of property or personal choices.  Do what you will with your personal property and lives but then.......   Stay home and do something constructive with your life beyond meddling and making oppressive rules.  

Stop the public funding of gov. agencies, boards, legislatures, neighborhood associations, etc, that all think they should impose their personal perspective and will on the electorate. 

Mind your own business!  I can and will manage just fine without you! 

Art for the World      M. S. Hollis