November 5, 2007


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Silknspark (See profile | I'm a fan of Silknspark)

Private property rights are being destroyed everywhere in the United States, and whether knowingly or not, many in the entertainment industry contribute to the very groups that are shutting them down.
posted 09:31 am on 11/05/2007

Manners are fun! Not tried for the past many years, praticing manners is a good exercise that brings a bounty of benefits.
Since that's the only ingredient missing in today's culture, let's take `em for a test run and see how they boost our society back into civility.

Who wants to go first?
posted 10:52 am on 11/05/2007

ME Sprengelmeyer - http://blogs.rockymountainnews.com/denver/sprengelmeyer/
Speaking of class warfare - farmers and ranchers are continously hit with unreasonable, unfair, crippling derogatory treatment - not only from our urban neighbors, but additionally from the federal government.
If - for example -Writers Guild members were hammered as unrelentingly as our ag producers, there wouldn't be one show playing anywhere on any venue.
Posted by Roni Bell on November 5, 2007 08:37 AM

Re: M.E. SPRENGELMEYER: Clinton's safety zone is clear to see in the polls

All comments starting from beginning:

Women really do have the power: With the usual exceptions, Women have the power to:
a) Say NO - to getting pregnant.
b) Say YES - to getting financially independent BEFORE they have a child.
c) If they have a little boy - they can teach him how to properly treat little girls.
d) If they have a little girl - they can teach her how to properly treat little boys.
e) Be a lady. There is a difference.
f) Choose a good father for their child.
g) Choose a leader based not on their gender, but instead on their ability to solve weighty problems without becomming the problem.

Posted by: Roni Bell on Tue Nov 6, 2007, 4:24 PM

Truth on water pollution
By SilknSpark on 11/11/2007 11:26:AM

Charging "animal of megafarms" for polluting our rivers is so beyond blatant misleading, incorrect and unscientific, that I truly wonder how Parade gets by with printing such. Then you follow your lying words with a further misleading photo (most likely pulled from an enviro's library of "ways to shut down agriculture in America"). Facts: Fowl are more responsible for "fouling our waters" than any other creature. Plus, their poop is off the charts high in nitrate - which burns vegetation, carrys avian diseases, and fries the innards of critters ingesting. Wildlife - wolves, elk, deer, buffalo, coyotes, feral horses and on - also participate in un-controlled usage of waters they touch. Don't waste your time trying to further regulate something the EPA's doing a good job of handling, go after the species that are so out of control that there's not a senator amoungst us capable of reining it in!