S O U N D   O F F

December 12, 2007

Adam Schrager - a fine young man with Channel 9 News, sent us the following.  We responded (See following.) - but our questions weren't asked. In retrace, come to find that Roni   (Yes, I assume responsibility.) didn't properly submit.  FYI - we're sharing, as you may want to tune into Adam's show, and submit your questions to that days guest.  Chuck & Roni 

Hello there,
This is Adam Schrager at 9News. I just wanted to let you know you can turn the tables on the radio talk show hosts this week on YOUR SHOW by asking questions and submitting comments for KHOW-AM afternoon hosts Dan Caplis and Craig Silverman.

They're on the program because a couple of viewers have suggested we invite them on to answer your questions and comments.

If you'd like to participate in this week's program, simply reply to this e-mail and we'll do our best to include your thoughts in this week's program.

Each week, it's your thoughts, your questions and your ideas which produce YOUR SHOW.

The program airs each Sunday morning at 10:30 on My 20, Comcast Channel 3 and lives in perpetuity at www.9News.com/yourshow.

If you do not wish to receive e-mails like this in the future, please hit reply and place "remove me from this list" in the subject line and we apologize for inconveniencing you.

Thanks for participating in the past in YOUR SHOW. Let us know how you want us to make the program better in the future.
Take care,

Adam Schrager
9News Reporter
KUSA-TV Denver, CO

Questions for both Craig Silverman and Dan Caplis.


What we cannot understand, is if we the citizens, make a contribution to a political action committee, it is NON-TAX DEDUCTABLE - - for it's considered as evil money going to influence government policy.

Yet, our federal government, primarily the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, awards multi-million dollar grants and stipends of US Taxpayer dollars to entities they hand pick, for purpose of  promoting and enforcing policy -  including the NAIS (Nat'l Animal Identification System),  Premise I.D. and Conservation Easements. 


1) Why the gross inequality?
2) Couldn't this be construed as "making policy" without honoring our legislative process?
3) Would you agree that the federal government needs to get out of the "Grant" business?

 Thank you,

 Chuck & Roni Sylvester