June 27, 2007
Nebraska AG Applauds U.S. Supreme Court's Ruling on Key Environmental Laws

Well said about the Feds.
The Feds. should defend the borders, ensure national security, provide a sound monetary system,  a national transportation and energy network, keep Social Security viable because a vast majority of the elderly now do and in the future will rely solely upon it (to do otherwise would be a national disaster), to facilitate the domestic food production and then for the most part "get the heck out of our lives." 
We do not need more social programs, more entitlements or more regulatory takings. We do not, for the most part, need more legislation.  We do not need an increasingly inflated bureaucracy for county, state and Federal government.      
To remain a viable prosperous productive nation, we do need much lower taxes at all levels of government.  We do need to an abundant on shore food supply.  We do need low cost energy self sufficiency.
We do need a strong domestic economy.  We do need to be the leaders in innovation and research.
We do need to honor private property and water rights.     
We do not need at any level of government more executive, legislative or bureaucratic regulation. 
M. S. Hollis
Art for the World
9 Maplewood Rd
Wimberley, TX 78676
cell: 970-214-8097


Right On Roni. 
Jack Venrick