July 15, 2007
NAID and premise id for 4H
This emails is only to direct people to another email list I am starting in order to spread the word about the National ID system currently being pushed by the USDA, which at this time is a voluntary program, but is being forced upon 4H children across the State.
In order to participate at State Fair this year, premises must be identified and premise id numbers obtained from the USDA and all 4H children will be required to have a premise id number to participate in an animal project next year for 4H across the state
If you would like to get involved in the efforts to stop mandatory premise id for 4H kids and possibly all animal owners in the State please email me with “add me to the NAIS” email list in the subject line or otherwise let me know you would like to be included on the email list.
NO further emails concerning NAIS will go out on the Super Slab list, so if you are not interested just delete this email.
On the Super Slab, not much has gone on this summer, everyone felt the need to have a normal life, plant a garden, attend family events, go to a movie and such.   Once we get closer to the legislative session starting in January, things will get going again.   Of course if something interesting happens, I will forward the information.
The last email I received from CDOT indicated “no action or contact had been received from Prairie Falcon”…maybe Ray is having a fun summer too.
Peace and grace,  Sharon