July 2, 2007
Scatter bombing of America's Resource Producers

Dear Mr. Al Gore,
Your immediate help is needed.

We have a emergency situation going on, right here on American soil;  America's Resource Providers are under attack by our federal government, and certain groups including so called "green groups".

Together, they paint American resource producers as evil people out to destroy our land, water and air. 

Some of these groups even receive millions of dollars from federal government grants, to fund this war against resource producers.

Will you help stop the lies these groups generate?  Their lies are bringing un-necessary burdens...heart ache, work and high cost...to our American producers; costs they cannot pass on to the consumer.

Good God I hope you're not a part of any of these groups.  They are un-believably virulent.

One scapegoat they use are our cattle.  If the lies they pass on to an un-knowing public weren't so serious, they'd be laughable.  For examples:  They claim cattle are responsible for making hummocks.  Hummocks are on the moon.  Did the cow land on the moon when it was trying to jump over it? 

Another claim:  Cattle participate in global warming.  Mars and Jupiter experience global warming.  Do cattle  graze on planets? 

And just yesterday- July 1st, the Denver Post editorial stated "grazing livestock, mining and other human activity is blowing (dust) onto the snowcapped mountains"  Yee gads!  That article was so full of lies and derogatory comments that we thought for certain John Marvel (A person who's hell bent to get cattle off the land.) wrote it.  For sure NO resource producers were consulted, for it was an article void of factual science.

How the heck does one fight these lies?  Particularly when some media outlets embrace and perpetuate such?
President Bush isn't helping matters, as he's yet another president who allows these groups to share office space with federal agencies, and make policy through means which usurp our legislative processes.

Would you please talk to President Bush and ask him to stop the human rights violations of our American producers? 
Surely you don't want to expose our nation to the vulnerability of being at the mercy of un-friendly nations for our essential goods.

So please visit with President Bush, Senator Pelosi et al, and ask them to stop scatter bombing American Resource Producers.
Maybe talk to Michael Moore too.  The travesties foisted on our resource providers deserve his investigation.
American Resource Producers most likely spend more money on legal fees than any other industry; just to be able to continue providing you and I with food, fuel, clothing and shelter.

Study the issues, letters, etc on www.GoodNeighborLaw.com.  The facts and concerns posted will equip you with the valuable insight you'll need to help us.

Stopping these heinous actions against our American Resource Providers is the most important domestic matter facing the U.S. today; one of high national security importance.

One real way you can be of immediate help, is by initiating a movement to bring back states rights. The federal government, along with non-government agencies are micro-managing our states. This is choking life's breath out of us. 

A return to States Rights would stop most of scatter bombing of America's Resource Providers.

Will you help?
Thank you,
Roni Bell Sylvester

Dear Roni,
Do you have Mr. Gore's email address?  I've learned that it's very difficult to obtain.
Thanks for your perspective and willingness to share the insight.
David Walker
Ardmore, AL/TN

A Smog Check inspection & repair audit, gasoline oxygen cap and elimination of dual fuel CAFÉ credit can cut car impact over 50% in 2008
"Stopping these heinous actions against our American Resource Providers is the most important domestic matter facing the U.S. today; one of high national security importance."
Many folks believe ethanol in California gas increases oil use and profit
Clean Air Performance Professionals (CAPP)  supports a Smog Check inspection & repair audit, gasoline oxygen cap and elimination of dual fuel CAFÉ credit to cut car impact over 50% in 1 year.
* A Smog Check audit would cut toxic car impact in ½ in 1 year  
* An oxygenate waiver would stop a $10 billion oil refinery welfare program coming from the fed @ $0.51 per gal of ethanol used
* About 1/3 of the gasoline used by new cars nationwide is allowed by the "renewable fuel" CAFE
CAPP contact: Charlie Peters  (510) 537-1796  cappcharlie@earthlink.net