July 3, 2007


What is your take on the big picture on all of this era of taking?

We are truly in an era of government tyranny.  I receive little to no response on all my email as does Ron Ewart.  Everything we send out goes to our WA State House and Senate, King "Communist" County, Association of WA Cities, the media, etc. 
They are ignoring us.  My wife works for the City of Seattle I am not proud to say.  She said yesterday we need to get of here, Seattle is falling apart. e.. bums on every corner, traffic jams, too many people in too little space, etc.  And she is a ex New York and CA city girl who married a Montana "cowboy" turned engineer.  She is sadden to see her favorite city morph into a mess.

My take is the cities are the cesspools of the extreme behavior.  I was reading a recent email on the theory that the communist in this country have switched from their failed red cause, e.g. the fall of the Berlin Wall and hard core communism in China, to the green cause back in the 1960's.

Also Ron Ewart and I were chatting yesterday.  I believe that all this mess we are in is also connected to the Council of Foreign Relations.  I am NO conspiracy freak.  But my 24 x 7 research is showing undisputable trails of facts connecting all of the dots of taking of our freedoms to big international central banking interests. My Grandfather noticed this 100 years ago in his writings.

It appears to me, that we have a feeding frenzy on our freedoms.  This has been going on forever.  The social engineering sharks are feeding off of us, the central banking families, e.g. Rothschild's, Rockefellers, Morgan's, the unions, the politicians, the government employees who live off of us, all the people who live off of the government, etc.   I say all this as a Conservative hawk too or ex.

My latest Reason magazine shows government beneficiaries up to 53% depending on Gvt. projected to 60% by 2040.
The wars according to Edward Griffin, author of The Creature From Jekyll Island, makes an excellent case that most of the wars have been about silent profiteering on both sides while staging the fight in patriotism.  Again I say this as a hawk. My Father fought in WWII.  But I am now convinced with all the string of takings since 1675 have extorted our freedoms to our demise.

The bankers are getting rich off of interest on our debt while the government has only to print the money to pay  bills without interest.  Griffin says every paper worthless dollar bill is only debt.  If you collect all the paper money, it is how much we owe.  It is a debased and not only worthless, it is representative of debt... not an asset.

We are driven into this slavery by the CFR and international businesses, et. al.  We are being taken by both parties.
I have boiled down the picture to this.  We should have no debt, precious metal based currency, no Federal Reserve, no income tax on wages, no property taxes.  The military can be paid for by taxes on corporate profit and gain, the government could easily print money to pay for all other social infrastructure like education as in free vouchers for free choice on private independent educational school system.
Jack Venrick

Hello Jack,

My take is that  too many of our elected use the formula of appealling and appeasing the illiterates in packed populous, as a means to get elected... and stay their (See Kennedy, Pelosi, Boxer et al.) job security and control.
The illiterates are so, well...illiterate, that they actually believe guys like Clinton and gals like Clinton, give them money from their own personal bank accounts.  They make no connection to the fact that we, the honest, hard working payers of tax, are the ones who pay their way.

Illiteracy is a throne stabilizer. Those beforementioned elected, will do anything...even ship in non-English speaking, non- U.S. citizens...to cement the voter base foundation under their thrones.

They want (TAKE... STEAL.) the production land and water that we - in  "rural areas" still own and put to beneficial use.  

For as it goes..wars are fought over "who controls the land and water." 

Sometimes my fertile imagine speculates that maybe the real reason the Army claims need for the entire Southeast corner of Colorado, is because someone's hired them to avail for physical combat takeover of  American soil...ON American soil.

Sparsely populated, we don't stand a chance, and they know it.  They have their armies of illiterates to "vote our land and water right out from under us."

What to do about it all?  I haven't the foggiest idea.  No one, and I do mean NO ONE in any position of power will work with us.  To do so would be un-popular and threaten their money and control making abilities.
We who own production property are expendable, as in SEE our 1 to their 5,000,000 votes.
Is it a conspiracy?  I don't think so.  Instead there are many entities that lust for money, power, and control.
Kruschev was right.  They, the communists, didn't have to drop a loud, tangible, messy bomb to clean up after. Their quiet planting of mental bombs in minds of our young, brings them their desired results of  mess free control over minions.

Regards taxes?  My suggestions include: a) Should be a "Fair tax" - like some form of consumption tax.  b) Federal government should release all monies not used for National matters (like defense, highways-skyways), back to states... and states then determine how best to spend those dollars. c) Federal government needs to get out of the grant business.  This has bred too many cottage industries that use our taxpayer dollars for bad purposes.
Mainly...and somehow...we need to force our Federal government to return rights to our states. States enjoyment of rights independent of the federal government, would cure mostly all our ills.

But, as Mom once warned me, "Don't lecture...Ronita. People do not like being lectured at." Well, no excuses, but years of not doing a very good job of explaining why it's ill-fated to kill American ag production,  fell into lecturing, yelling, screaming, scolding, and all those ugly actions that served only to turn off everyone including me.
So from now on, my focus is to not give up, and to work on with cheer.  For surely some smart cookie will come up with an idea so pointed, that even the stupids will awaken in time to help us.


A fast adding of my two cents:  Previously an idealistic, patriotic American from a depression era family of 8 children, five of whom have served in the military(including myself)  beginning with Pearl Harbor (survived).  
I read a book, The Unseen Hand, which is a conspiratorial view of history and not the history we were taught in school.

Your correspondent is right on regarding the Bilderberg Group (the really rich of the world, just google it); the Council on Foregin Relations including my friend and fellow Wyoming statesman, Dick Cheney, has a plan to form the North American Union.  This plan and task force formed by the CFR works through the Commerce Dept. at the behest of Pres. Bush, Mexican  leader and Canadian Prime Minister who met in Waco, Texas in March of 2005 and announced the Security and Prosperity Program (google it.)  It is so two-faced of our President and V-P to be discussing border control when their goal is to do away with the border in effect.  My personal gripe for several years was “North American Beef Industry.”  I have kept calling the NCBA and USDA people that we are the U.S. Beef Industry.  The packers who operate in many countries want to do away with borders and country designations and no possibility of Country of Origin Labeling for meats.  But our USDA wants to know that a number has been assigned to my ranch ie the Premise No. which is a prelude to requiring each of my cattle and horses have identification numbers.  Forget knowing where the poisonous foods from China originate that are  being imported into this country, but make sure they have numbers for the goats my grandchildren are showing at the county fair in case there is an epidemic of some disease break out and the animals will need to be traced.  In the mean time, USDA wants to ship older  cattle into this country from countries with BSE 10xs more prevalent than the 1 found that could have originated in this country.  The Texas trader cow, not the BSE case that originated with a cow shipped here from Canada and that information withheld by our USDA Secretary until we lost our export markets.  The cattle nos. and ranch nos. have dropped drastically in this country, but no one ever charts the figures for us, nor do they discuss the drop in purchasing power of the dollar.  No one discusses the numbers of welfare recipients, the crimes committed by illegals or the diseases they are bringing into this country and spreading with poor living conditions.  There is a liberal agenda to ruin this country.  I have attended the last two Republican conventions and inaugurations, but I am too disillusioned now to be interested in future functions of the GOP, but I will still work with our party to correct the wrongs I see.   
Dang, Roni, you have put me on a roll.  Google up the Tri-lateral commission which was started by David Rockefeller who also was the person who arranged the election of the peanut farmer from Georgia who marched to the liberal tune played by those who are arranging One World Government which is to end the sovereignty of this nation.  These elected and unelected Manipulators are funding huge foundations that fund the environmental groups who work to end the productive use of all resources in this country, as well as other countries, and who also use the United Nations and their sustainability programs for that goal.
Enough!  My blood pressure is rising.  There was a good book reviewed on C-Span recently re the work of big foundations, and all I remember was that Foundations was first word.  I will see what I can google.
It is not too late for this country if we all become better informed and take every opportunity to inform others.  We should also become adamant about the imbalance of trade with China, heinious pay to corporate CEO’s etc.  Corporations used to work for the shareholders!
Happy Independence Day.


What is your take on the big picture on all of this era of taking?

We are truly in an era of government tyranny.  I receive little to no response on all my email as does Ron Ewart.  Everything we send out goes to our WA State House and Senate, King "Communist" County, Association of WA Cities, the media, etc 

They are ignoring us.  My wife works for the City of Seattle I am not proud to say.  She said yesterday we need to get of here, Seattle is falling apart. e.. bums on every corner, traffic jams, too many people in too little space, etc.  And she is a ex New York and CA city girl who married a Montana "cowboy" turned engineer.  She is sadden to see her favorite city morph into a mess.

My take is the cities are the cesspools of the extreme behavior.  I was reading a recent email on the theory that the communist in this country have switched from their failed red cause, e.g. the fall of the Berlin Wall and hard core communism in China, to the green cause back in the 1960's.

Also Ron Ewart and I were chatting yesterday.  I believe that all this mess we are in is also connected to the Council of Foreign Relations.  I am NO conspiracy freak.  But my 24 x 7 research is showing undisputable trails of facts connecting all of the dots of taking of our freedoms to big international central banking interests. My Grandfather noticed this 100 years ago in his writings.

It appears to me, that we have a feeding frenzy on our freedoms.  This has been going on forever.  The social engineering sharks are feeding off of us, the central banking families, e.g. Rothschild's, Rockefellers, Morgan's, the unions, the politicians, the government employees who live off of us, all the people who live off of the government, etc.   I say all this as a Conservative hawk too or ex.
My latest Reason magazine shows government beneficiaries up to 53% depending on Gvt. projected to 60% by 2040.

The wars according to Edward Griffin, author of The Creature From Jekyll Island, makes an excellent case that most of the wars have been about silent profiteering on both sides while staging the fight in patriotism.  Again I say this as a hawk. My Father fought in WWII.  But I am now convinced with all the string of takings since 1675 have extorted our freedoms to our  demise.

The bankers are getting rich off of interest on our debt while the government has only to print the money to pay  bills without interest.  Griffin says every paper worthless dollar bill is only debt.  If you collect all the paper money, it is how much we owe.  It is a debased and not only worthless, it is representative of debt... not an asset.
We are driven into this slavery by the CFR and international businesses, et. al.  We are being taken by both parties.
I have boiled down the picture to this.  We should have no debt, precious metal based currency, no Federal Reserve, no income tax on wages, no property taxes.  The military can be paid for by taxes on corporate profit and gain, the government could easily print money to pay for all other social infrastructure like education as in free vouchers for free choice on private independent educational school system.
Jack Venrick

Hello Jack,

My take is that  too many of our elected use the formula of appealling and appeasing the illiterates in packed populous, as a means to get elected... and stay their (See Kennedy, Pelosi, Boxer et al.) job security and control.
The illiterates are so, well...illiterate, that they actually believe guys like Clinton and gals like Clinton, give them money from their own personal bank accounts.  They make no connection to the fact that we, the honest, hard working payers of tax, are the ones who pay their way.

Illiteracy is a throne stabilizer. Those beforementioned elected, will do anything...even ship in non-English speaking, non- U.S. citizens...to cement the voter base foundation under their thrones.
They want (TAKE... STEAL.) the production land and water that we - in  "rural areas" still own and put to beneficial use.  

For as it goes..wars are fought over "who controls the land and water." 

Sometimes my fertile imagine speculates that maybe the real reason the Army claims need for the entire Southeast corner of Colorado, is because someone's hired them to avail for physical combat takeover of  American soil...ON American soil.

Sparsely populated, we don't stand a chance, and they know it.  They have their armies of illiterates to "vote our land and water right out from under us."

What to do about it all?  I haven't the foggiest idea.  No one, and I do mean NO ONE in any position of power will work with us.  To do so would be un-popular and threaten their money and control making abilities.
We who own production property are expendable, as in SEE our 1 to their 5,000,000 votes.
Is it a conspiracy?  I don't think so  Instead there are many entities that lust for money, power, and control.
Kruschev was right.  They, the communists, didn't have to drop a loud, tangible, messy bomb to clean up after. Their quiet planting of mental bombs in minds of our young, brings them their desired results of  mess free control over minions.

Regards taxes?  My suggestions include: a) Should be a "Fair tax" - like some form of consumption tax.  b) Federal government should release all monies not used for National matters (like defense, highways-skyways), back to states... and states then determine how best to spend those dollars. c) Federal government needs to get out of the grant business.  This has bred too many cottage industries that use our taxpayer dollars for bad purposes.
Mainly...and somehow...we need to force our Federal government to return rights to our states. States enjoyment of rights independent of the federal government, would cure mostly all our ills.

But, as Mom once warned me, "Don't lecture...Ronita. People do not like being lectured at." Well, no excuses, but years of not doing a very good job of explaining why it's ill-fated to kill American ag production,  fell into lecturing, yelling, screaming, scolding, and all those ugly actions that served only to turn off everyone including me.
So from now on, my focus is to not give up, and to work on with cheer.  For surely some smart cookie will come up with an idea so pointed, that even the stupids will awaken in time to help us.
