August , 2007

Constitutional freedoms and liberty... including our most precious property rights, are being taken.
The following quote below was offered by one of the forwarding email people.  

• This comment reminds me of those in city, county and state government that work 24 X 7 planning away our life force. 
• In the government mind, they are planning our lives for our sake and the good of the many. 
• The reality is, government has forsaken us by taking our freedoms, liberties and inalienable rights for their own sake not ours. 
• It is a vicious paradigm of taking from individuals that bring great nations down from freedom to tyranny to rebellion to destruction.

"I am in mergers and acquisitions. Representing business owners that decide to sell. As such I experience the results of "centralized planning" on a daily basis. It is not good for business owners as Washington is not competitive with other states. This drives down the values of companies in WA.
Think about the land ownership percentages. The Federal Government owns more property then private citizens. The State and counties own more property then private citizens. The really sad thought is much of the property owned by the government is not used for any constructive purposes. Unless of course kindling is a purpose. Somehow environmentalists believe that idle land is good. Land being used is bad. Now that is a twisted thought. Because if you take that thought to the end, it means that people are unable to be stewards of the land they own; people are bad.
Centralized control is the hallmark of the communist. And we have seen the impact of such enlightenment.  Amazing."    Dennis R. Martin

Jack Venrick
Rurally Taken by Big City, County & State Central Planners
Enumclaw, WA