S O U N D   O F F

November 17, 2008

Subject: Mr. Con-artist Rich - Roni Bell Sylvester
Mom, two of my brothers and I went to a book store somewhere around the Los Angeles area.
When we got back to the car, they asked, "What did you buy Ronita?"
Proud of my purchase, I gleefully stated, "Metal Men!"
"What's it about?" They asked.
"A con-artist by the name of Marc Rich!" I answered.
"Why the heck would you waste your money on a book about a con-artist?" They responded incredulously.
"It's part of my on going study on con-artists. I want to know what they're made up of, so I can spot them
a mile away...and protect myself!"
This happened in 1988. Now - twenty years later, un-resolved business emerges with Mr. Con-artist Rich.

Remember: Con-artists are very nice people. They paint lovely self-portraits which sell exceptionally well!

Roni Bell Sylvester

Metal Men: How Marc Rich Defrauded the Country, Evaded the Law, and Became the World's Most Sought-After Corporate Criminal by A. Craig Copetas - Amazon.com (Paperback - Oct 8, 1986)