S O U N D   O F F

February 16, 2008

Subject: Animal Cruelty

Animal cruelty cannot be disguised as culture the usa do not ned to abuse animals at their stupid play acting events called rodeos, they are no better than the people that wash there feet many times a day and pray to - A contrieved god made to keep them into line. - John Hickman

The fact that you chose two notorious animal abusers as 'good neighbors' speaks volumes about your complete lack of integrity. Polhamus and Maulsby should be vilified, not celebrated. For shame.

Janet and Mark Alexander



You cannot reason with the unreasonable.

Arguments that contain reason-- reason that is derived from sound science and fact, can lead to a situation where "Two reasonable people can disagree...."

It is the case with most, not all--but most-- animal rights warriors that they will not engage in a reasonable discussion about the effect rodeo has on the animals in the sport.

They don't want to concede to the great health care and feeding programs that the animals enjoy. Those are provable facts.

We will concede that animals are sometimes injured, but they don't want to hear the documented injury rate of less than one percent...

If after a reasonable discussion, they still didn't want animals to be involved in rodeo, it would be fine; but they don't want the reasonable discussion because they can't entertain the thought that we are actually good to the animals we own.

They prefer to play on emotion and hyperbole and distortions of fact because it plays so well into their fundraising... and they say we exploit animals for profit... pitiful.

Someone who wants to have the discussion without "name calling or vilifying;" I'd be glad to engage... otherwise I ignore them.
