S O U N D   O F F

February 1, 2008

Subject: Zero Net Loss Production Acre

A recent Wall Street Journal editorial stated: "Global warming is becoming a new unified field theory for environmentalists, a crisis so urgent and profound that it even justifies leaping the democratic process."

Yes indeed. "Leaping the democratic process," is the ingenious method bad, bad people are deploying to usurp our US Constitution, Private Property and States Rights.

Groups like The Nature Conservancy and other non-government agencies, work in conjunction with, and get funding from foreign and U.S. government agencies, to use the tools of Land Trusts, Endangered Species, Conservation Easements, National Monument designations and buffer zones, to cripple agricultural, timber, fishing, fuel and mineral production, then seize control of our land and water.

It's all about "taking our land and water." Has nothing what-so-ever to do with critters; after all, we allowed environmentalists the Spotted Owl to replace logging with horrific fire and Pine Beetle problems.
If we allow these takings to continue, America's producers will no longer have the means to feed, clothe or provide warm shelter for our poor and hungry.

Sixty Six percent of the Consumer Farm Bill goes towards nutrition. Where's that "nutrition" going to come from if we don't get whole heartily behind the guys and gals who produce it?
Environmentalists tell us they're trying to save the last great places on earth. Sweeping vistas of fallow land will not feed a starving child.

Knowing window sill gardens will not stave off world hunger, county planners across America should implement a "Zero Net Loss Production Acre" plan.

As Americans, we have a duty to stop these land and water thieves, and keep America's soil bringing forth the essential. It's not only a matter of national security, it's an act of ultimate compassion towards mankind.

Roni Bell Sylvester