S O U N D   O F F

February 29, 2008

Subject: A Book Recommendation by Gertie Lux

Yesterday, while dusting some old books picked up over the years at various library, garage and antique sales, I found one titled “Bible.”

I’d heard of this book, but never really read it. After all, what I’d heard was some pretty dangerous stuff like, “It’s complicated. Only smart people understand it. It was written by too many people...some that didn't even exist. It’s not for dumb people. It’s confusing. Stuff in there has caused a lot of feud’n and fight’n. It’s a religion you know, and religious people kill each other!”

Well heck, that was just enough to wet my appetite, so I popped that dangerous book titled “Bible” right open.
After reading slugs of words, most of which spun my brain inside out, there they were. Words. Crystal clear. Easy to understand.

After the twenty seventh read, it occurred to me that regardless their genesis, they were just about the most complete guideline every-single-solitary-and-group-thing a person could use for get’n along with just about everybody. Including themself.

So I got an idea. What if everybody knew about this guideline? And used it? Wouldn’t that be just dandy?
I started picturing young men tipping their hats and opening doors for women. Children, puppies and sunflowers with equally big happy, drooling, sloppy smiles. Lot's of "Thank you."..."How do you do?"..."Here. Let me help." Birds and old ladies singing.

Anyway, you get the picture, so how about let's all give them a try.

They're called The Ten Commandments, and they came from the main character called God.

The last 6 commandments are real easy to understand, but you'll have to read the whole book to get the first 4.

The Ten Commandments
1. "You shall have no other gods before Me..."
2. "Do not make an image or any likeness of what is in the heavens above..."
3. "Do not swear falsely by the name of the LORD..."
4. "Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy..."
5. "Honor your father and your mother..."
6. "Do not murder..."
7. "Do not commit adultery..."
8. "Do not steal..."
9. "Do not bear false witness against your neighbor..."
10. "Do not covet your neighbor's wife..."

I highly recommend this book. It's a swell read with lots of twists and turns, romance, love, terrible murders, family problems, plus more great tips on get'n along with just about everybody, including yourself.

Gertie Lux © 2007