S O U N D   O F F

February 2, 2008

Subject: Yes, I'd support Barack...under these conditions.

I'd vote for Barack Obama in a heartbeat...IF...he'd publically disavow socialism and any religion or entity that practices evil.

If that young man made a public commitment that he, and his troupes, would stop anything smacking of socialism and any other evil, I'd be happy to hire him.

For a fact, Hillary could never make that promise, as she and her armies are shoulder deep in socialistic policy making.
McCain, he's pretty iffy in too many regards.

Romney, a bit too perfect.

Huckabee, I like immensely (and fear God less than socialism). But, the Clinton's made certain their crusho machine flattened him from the onset. They had to, as Huckabee knows more about them (Thereby posed more of a true treat to her.) than any other candidate.

Barack is young enough that his ways are not yet set in concrete. Therefore with him, I read "educable hope."

My point? I've taken a side, and that is ZERO SOCIALISM and ONE MILLION PERCENT REPUBLIC!!!

Just one old woman's humble observation.

Roni Bell Sylvester

Just ckg w/you...on the Huckabee comment you meant 'threat" not "treat" I'm assuming. But otherwise, apparently you and I have the same feeling about the 'so-called' candidates that are emerging as the top contenders for the highest position in this country. I have said over and over in conversations with various people, I see this country on the slipperiest slope of heading for communism. If the people of this great nation don't wake up and smell the coffee soon, we are doomed. I see more gov't intervention into our daily personal lives telling us what we can or can not do. Instead of a population standing up for themselves and taking care of situations, no, they'd rather have the gov't make rules and then sit there and bitch about how their rights are being taken away from them!! HELLO!!?! I say, "then get up off your fat backsides and do like I forebearers did, and just take care of it without having your hand out for all the "benefits" the gov't hands out. Just who in the world do you think is paying for all the "goodies" you seem to think you're 'entitled' too? It all comes out of yours and mine pockets people!!!! God, here I am on my soapbox again. I guess I'd just like to see more people stop and think about what is happening to this country with all the "rules" they think they need!! It just makes me want to throwup!!! End of sermon!!!

I just wish there was a true unblemished, honest, sincerely concerned person who really cares about who and what this nation could be again that we could vote for. Unfortunately, I don't see that in any of the ones currently running. God save this nation!!
Judi (NE)

Hi Judi,
You're right; treat was a slip up...maybe.

Thank you for your heartfelt response.

Standing firm on the side of "Republic"... vs socialism, - is the message we need to get to these candidates, so they have absolutely no doubt as to where the majority of Americans stand.


Interesting, did I miss something. What happened that you think the Clinton's crusho machine flattened Huckabee from the onset? I think he did not have enough money to truely compete in NH or MI, although he did pick up delegates in both states; but I believe Romney pulling out of SC and Fred Thompson going after Huckabee instead of McCain there in SC really hurt Huckabee. Thompson hadn't even campaigned before that state and he was suppose to be a conservative, so he pulled several votes away from Huckabee and that was a rotten tactic! I didn't have a clue the Clinton's did anything. I met all the candidates personally over in Council Bluffs before the Iowa caucuses and Huckabee was the most trustworthy of all of them. He seemed genuine and I love the Fair Tax and doing away with the IRS. Big endeavor, but it is the closest to how the constitution was put into place. I do think he has an outside chance if the true conservatives have any say in this presidencial election. I guess Romney's campaign is trying to get the Huckabee backers to vote for him because they are telling them a vote for Huckabee is a vote for McCain. Huckabee had something to say about that today. He says a vote for him is A VOTE FOR HIM! I'm sorry but Barack's middle name is Hussein and he is the number 1 liberal in the Senate right now. Arrrrgh!!!!!! PL (NE)

Huckabee has been under influence of Tyson and Walmar hence his soft on illegals, even wanting college education for them? And releasing so many criminals?? HC (WY)

Who you callin' an "old Woman"..? Don't you be "dissin'" my friends...! Randy (CO)

If he disavowed any religion/entity that practices evil we'd be "s--- out of luck." The US has a long history of doing that under the guise of the CIA, FBI, politicians, govt security etc. JM (CO)


Yep! You are so accurate.

Huckabee has the most considered proposals that would benefit the America. Alas, he has been rendered almost unelectable by the spin doctors.

This upcoming Presidential Election seems more about the acquisition of power than sound policy. - M. Sue Hollis (TX)