S O U N D   O F F

February 6, 2008

Subject: An example of fact vs fiction ...

Animal Welfare Friends,

I received the following propaganda from a good friend, and decided to share our exchange as a great example of a wonderful person who - like millions of good people - was duped by Pacelle and company.

PS: Name deleted to protect a good person.

Dear Friend,

You are priceless. It saddens me that ruthless groups like the HSofUS preys on giving, loving people like you.
I will forward this to Dr. Rollin and other trusted animal welfare authorities, for their discernment.

Thank you,

----- Original Message -----
To: Roni
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 6:18 PM
Subject: Re: Call to action... Update: case sends shock waves

Thanks for the heads up... because I have about 25 different animal agencies that I donate to when I can... This really disturbs me to learn something like this... the softest place in my heart is for animals. I do donate to my local humane society as well. They are a no kill shelter. I didn't donate to them before, but once someone else took over and made it a no kill, I've done what I could to help... not always money, but often times food, kitty litter... etc., things they will always need every day. How would I contact Dr. Rollin? Thanks for the note..

----- Original Message -----
From: Roni
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 7:03 P
Subject: Re: Call to action... Update: case sends shock waves

Hi Friend,

Be very cautious with Mr. Pacelle and his Humane Society of the United States.

They use sensationalist clips like this, to bring in millions, but don't use one dollar (that's a documented fact) for the welfare of one critter.

Their use money raised to shut down animal farming in America - and force their culture of veganism on our society.
Your dollar would be better spent on your "local" Humane Society, where you can SEE it working kindly on critters.

If you want facts about them, contact Dr. Bernie Rollin at CSU. He's a world renown expert on Animal Ethics, and can tell you who's who.

Yes, unfortunately there are a hand full of "bad processors" still out there. But Pacelle has nothing what so ever to do with helping an animal.

Thank you for staying on top of these issues. We need more like you.


----- Original Message -----
To: ::FYI::
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 5:05 P
Subject: Call to action... Update: case sends shock waves

Last week, an undercover investigation revealed shocking abuses of "downed" dairy cows -- those who are too sick or injured to walk -- at a Southern California slaughter plant. The cows were subjected to terrible pain and fright in attempts to get them to stand up and walk to their deaths. - https://community.hsus.org/campaign/FED_2007_stewardship_act/u6k53w4l7jw7i56?

Progress in "Downer" Abuse Case -- But More is Needed to Prevent Other Cases Like it

A Call To Action for Farm Animals, Factory Farming Campaign - The Humane Society of the United States

Last week, our undercover investigation revealed shocking abuses of "downed" dairy cows -- those who are too sick or injured to walk -- at a Southern California slaughter plant. The cows were subjected to terrible pain and fright in attempts to get them to stand up and walk to their deaths.

We also discovered that the meat from these tortured animals gets fed to children through the National School Lunch Program! Please watch our investigative video, and then take action today to stop this cruelty.

So much has happened since we released our investigation last Wednesday:

The USDA suspended its purchases from Hallmark within hours of our release of information on the case.
Millions of people have seen our undercover video of abuse, whether on CBS Evening News, CNN, local television broadcasts, or on humanesociety.org.

More than a dozen U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives have expressed outrage and demanded action to prevent this kind of abuse from happening again.

California, Iowa, Minnesota, Oregon, Washington, and other states, responding to letters HSUS sent to them about possible food safety risks, have stopped serving beef from the slaughter plant we exposed.

These responses show that the public will not stand for such cruelty to animals, nor for the health risks that come with using "downed" cows for food. But the outrage has not yet prompted a change in federal policies related to the handling of downer cows.

Urge the USDA to tighten its lax enforcement of the downer rule and to close the rule's loophole -- so that cows who are obviously in no shape to walk are not taken to slaughter in the first place.

Thank you for all you do for animals.


Wayne Pacelle
President & CEO
The Humane Society of the United States