S O U N D   O F F

May 13, 2008

Subject: Note to Kalee Krieder, scheduler for Mr. Al Gore. Her response will be posted by Roni Sylvester

Dear Kalee,

You sound like a nice, intelligent young lady. Younger than my youngest daughter who is 31.

If after studying the thousands of pages of truth and facts that scientifically refute Mr. Gore's CO2 theory you still choose to work for him, it is our hope that you proceed with this cautioning.

As a young lady, I too worked for a con-artist. Young and stupid, I didn't see his world class conning.

That con-artist turned my world inside out. His actions were so ugly, that after hearing he'd died at a shelter for the homeless in Florida, I asked to see the death certificate. He re-invented himself (Which is the classic route of cons.) so many times, I assumed he "staged a death," only to dissappear then reappear in a new persona.

It took over 10 years of darn hard work to affirm disassociation with that man and recover my reputation.

Financially - I never recovered!

Please don't waste your young productive years with such. Find someone honest to work for. I'm sure they'd welcome your talent and smarts with open arms.

Just words of advice I'd give - and have given, to my children.

Thank you,
