S O U N D   O F F

June 18, 2008

Subject: What's the difference between a socialist and a communist?

"One thinks you should put out for the government as they get paid for it... and the other thinks you should put out for the government - as the government gets paid for it?" Ric F (NV)
In one wolf pack the alpha wolves force every dog to hunt hard and to make many kills for the good of the pack. The left over scraps are then distributed to the group.
In the other pack, one or two wolves hunt and bring back lots of meat. While the rest of the pack feasts without having to hunt at all. Sue H (TX)
A Communist is in a hurry and has a gun, a socialist is patient and has a plan. Bob Fanning (MT)
A communist believes that everything should be split up evenly; a socialist believes that there needs to a Department of Splitting Everything Evenly (DSEE which evolved into DC). Unknown
Communists are youthful; Socialists are their parents. Mike D. (OR)
A Communist wears jack boots and carries a gun, a Socialist wears a business suit and carries a copy of Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring." Randy Givens (TX)
A Communist confiscates your belongings to redistribute it to the proletariat; a Socialist taxes your "excessive earnings" to provide a "Just Lifestyle," in the name of "Social Justice," to those "less fortunate" who were too lazy to earn it in the first place. Randy Givens (TX)
Communists had the "Communist Manifesto" for inspiration, Socialists have "Global Warming" as their mantra. Randy Givens (TX)
Communists use their Fellow Travelers and Willing Idiots to seize power, Socialists use Environmentalists and NonGovernmental Organizations for the same end. Randy Givens (TX)
Communism: Absolute control by a government over all aspects of civilian life . Socialism: Absolute control by a government over all aspects of civilian life, driven by citizen complaint. Fascism: Allows people to think they're in control under a Democratic process, but requires "permission" or license and permits to do anything and everything. hf (OR)

Randy Givens is really into this political commentary. He is dead on.
Thanks for sharing.
Sue (TX)
Socialist: Nasty evil people who think that the "little" people are too stupid to know how to take care of themselves. Communists: Nice evil people who think that the government knows how best to do business. Jim R (CO)
A socialist is red on the inside and green on the outside, while a communist is red throughout...EC (NJ) See: EU Influences, Congressional Climate Change Chicanery and Environmental Extremists Continue to Hold U.S. Energy Security Hostage http://itssdenergysecurity.blogspot.com/2008/06/eu-influences-congressional-democrats.html
Socialist: A brilliantly skilled Con-Artist who can sell you a defective product you don't want, don't need, can't afford, and make you like them and feel breathlessly happy you bought it. Communist: Orders you to buy their product and kills you if you don't. RMS (CO)