S O U N D   O F F

August 11, 2008

Subject: Appeasement by Colleen Walsh

This will make you blood boil, at least it did for mine at first, then I said to myself, "This is a perfect example of what appeasement accomplishes. Nothing!"

Let this be a lesson for us. A government under Tony Blair has run Britain, and now under 'Gordon Brown who thinks you can make secret deals with the enemy'.

The same thing happened in WWII. The government in power had a nice talk with the enemy and returned waving a piece of paper and claimed that we then had peace.

That peace was called WWII.

I am deeply ashamed at the way the British government has acted, but then what can you expect when the country is being run by a socialist entity.

Does that remind you of anybody in our political race? Someone who thinks you can "talk your way out of, or into, anything?"
Go ahead and use this, as it is a perfect example of what we can expect if Obama gets in. Colleen Walsh http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/iraq/article4461023.ece