S O U N D   O F F

August 26, 2008

Subject: American Demands by Roni Bell Sylvester
Americans demand more power to feed flat-screen TVs, video games, surround-sound systems, appliances and vehicles. Yet environmental groups including The Nature Conservancy, Sierra Club, Earthfirst, Earthjustice are active obstructionists to infrastructures experts verify as needed.
At a tremendous dis-service to our society, actions by environmental groups have encumbered domestic resource production to such extent their actions contribute towards interruption of delivery, outsourcing, exorbitant domestic production costs, and un-necessarily high costs to the consumer.
Instead of being identified and held accountable for their destructive actions, environmental groups enjoy profits (TNC has over 2 billion dollars in their bank.) opportunities to make policies (Without legislative process.), and are exempt from compensating those they damage.
Arshad Mansoor, VP of power delivery and utilization for the Electric Power Research Institute explained, “Construction of coal-fired generating plants has almost stopped and new nuclear plants are years away, if they are approved at all. Better efficiency will only go so far.”
Each time more water is diverted away from food production, America’s food providers ask, “What is the ceiling for expected production from an acre? Do you really think we can feed the poor and hungry from window sill gardens.”
Arshad Mansoor is right. “Better efficiency will only go so far.”

Editor GNL 8/26/08