S O U N D   O F F

September 16, 2008

Subject: Sarah is a real deal person by Roni Bell Sylvester

I saw her yesterday in Carson City fresh from Anchorage on the beginning of her tour across the country. Here are some pics of the 100+ pics I took yesterday. the guy in the orange cap is Chuck Yeager...When she was signing all the posters and such in a blur, she took my hat and looked at it then realized it was the USS Ronald Reagan and realized it had the battle flag on it from the ship's first deployment to Iraq (of which my son was on as one of the several flight directors). Few people have this hat as typically it is usually limited distribution through the ship by the very people that serve on her.

She literally stopped, took the time in the midst of about 3,000 people to look directly at me and said, "You thank your son for me, for choosing to volunteer to serve our country" and signed it. Words inadequately describe the connection she made with me.

It was way cool.....she has my vote!
