August 6, 2009
Subject: OK. So we've allowed our culture to run amok.
OK. So we've allowed our culture to run amok.
Now what?
And how do we stop the God awful elected officials from further exasperating this situation?
After all, they use the good guys (you and I) money to plant and groom along swarms of ignorant feral humans, forcing us with the challenge of either re-domesticating them or die.
Why'd these elected ones do this to us? Their votes depend on this homegrown illiteracy.
Heck! They boast how they personally own orchards of money trees that bear the never-ending harvests of dollars they give to the ferals. Now this might be a harmless if was treated as the fantasy fairy tale it is. But it isn't.
Regardless the fact that pulling out certain segments of society and consciously dumbing them down is the most insidious forms of racism and inequality, it's a practice these elected ones now do...and with in your face blatant-sy!
One of their racist and dumbing down ideas became evident during the "forced busing" era in Denver.
With great sadness two of my black neighbors shared, " I've worked hard all my life to get out of the ghetto. Now they want to bus my children right back in there."
Now we have an America that is not only feral, it is illiterate, racist, and heavy with manners deficit and rudeness obesity.
We've made America very sad and sick.
The good news is there is an affirmative action you can do today. One that will most certainly bring America back happy and healthy!
What is it? Eliminate "income" tax, and transition in an Equitable Consumption (EC) tax as the sole form of taxation.
If you demand your representative stop every policy in the pipeline, end income tax, transition in EC tax, then restart policy making based on the new EC tax, you'd be responsible to bringing Americans the best change of all!
In brief, here's how it'd work: Develop software program that would automatically justify cash, check, debit/credit card receipts (zero retailer handling), then carve off withdraw and send approximately 17% EC tax directly to state.
States would have independent agreements with Federal that would define the percentage they'd send Federal.
Federal would be forced to return to its original Constitutional design of handling only: By-ways, international defense and international trade.
States rights would return, and they'd thereon - and rightfully so - handle everything else unique to their state; including education/medical/welfare/roads.
States would enjoy higher yield on monies collected because of eliminating the D.C. round trip routing fees.
Work and get paid in America? You'd be able to keep your paycheck, budget your money, and never again have to deal with the un-known of not knowing how much federal would keep.
Buy stuff in America? Each time you did so, you'd participate in the re-building of America!
Do payroll taxes? Those countless hours and money doing so, would be freed up to meet your production growth.
Imagine that! A real - workable, common sense economic stimulus plan!
Exempt medical; remember now, under this plan, states would handle medical, therefore federal's pursuit of universal health care would vanish.
You can begin today!
Demand incumbents and candidates for public office promise to let you, "Keep my paycheck!"
Demand they, "End 'income' tax and transition in Equitable Consumption tax!
Tell them, "This may be the worthiest action you'll ever perform for your country!"
If you do this, you will help stop the insidious growth of federal and its feral followers.
More importantly, you will slay the monster of gross rudeness, racism and illiteracy, and return our culture to the sweet realm of knowledge, civility, grace and good manners.
I'm happy to start. Will you join me?

Roni Bell Sylvester August 5, 2009