S O U N D   O F F

Subject: Question for eco-activists, conservation easement/land trust/green pushers who claim, "The species have all died out"... Sue Hollis

Did some (you) idiot forget about evolution?
God (the Divine Force, Nature, whatever you want to call it) has designed life to adapt to this planetary's changing environment.
How arrogant to presume that Humans are much more than mere mosquito's in this Universe. The life force, whatever that is, has persevered through asteroid strikes, catastrophic volcanoes, a global ice ball, plate tectonics, human strife and pestilence, etc.
Do not be deceived nor abide stupidity.
Much of contemporary pseudo moron science has been hijacked by Water Trusts, Eco Enviros, Land Serves and these socialistic revisionists to corrupt with a ponzi scheme that makes Madoff look like an amateur.
No man, no plan nor some idiotic water conservancy edict, despite all of the tax payers dollars and idolatry, as yet can control or dictate weather patterns, jet streams or rain fall.
Small minds and small intellects are easily seduced.
The concept that the demise of the Land Trusts, Water Conservancies, etc, could spell doom for the earth species, water or nature is absolute buffoonery and idolatry. Every and all of these entente's exist on the public tit (tax payer's dollars).
Change is inherent in the Life Force.
M. Sue Hollis