S O U N D   O F F

July 30, 2010

Subject: Randy - a statement
It is our understanding the Defenders of Wildlife is using our money to trash Cory Gardner - candidate for CO 4th C.D.
For the record, please know our following statement has absolutely nothing what-so-ever to do with Cory or any other candidate for that matter.


Any organization that receives government funding through grants/gifts/whatever, we consider to be OUR MONEY!
It appears that once again, groups including the Defenders of Wildlife, are using OUR MONEY to fund political causes, without my knowledge, approval, permission and completely against my wishes.
The Nature Conservancy pulled this little stunt in promoting Amendment 58 (if memory serves)- a bill designed to "unfairly tax" resource production. TNC received over $101,000,000 in tax payer dollars in 2006 alone.
Today, July 28, 2010, we hereby request:
a) An executive stop order on the federal agency that doles out grants/gifts/whatever to stop doling out grants/gifts/whatever.
b) Full audit of said agency respective of grants/gifts/whatever.
c) Organizations in receipt of said government funding, immediately provide a full accounting of said monies and return all of it.
It's OUR - American taxpayers - money. We want it back!

Thank you,

Chuck and Roni Sylvester
P.O. Box 155
La Salle, CO 80645
RoniBell@msn.com Farm_Cowboy@msn.com
cc: Whomever it may concern - including TNC and D of W

Randy - FYI: A note sent to Cory Gardner's campaign - and comments from others regards. RMS

Dear Cory Gardner (candidate for Congress - Colorado 4th C.D.)

Defenders (as has TNC et al) has received hundreds of thousands...if not millions (See 2007 tax return.) of taxpayer money (through federal grants).
In behalf of 4th C.D. Colorado residents, you have the right to request full return of those monies. It's our money, we did not give it to them, they certainly do not have permission to use it against us, and we want it back!
If they claim, "that money came from members," respond, "prove it. Let's have an audit!"
Here's another item of interest that illustrates they're a destructive, cunning group of money generators... for their own unjust enrichment.
Not to be disrespectful of one's passing, but - the fact is, Schneider was a hack scientist. Defenders embraces the concept of man-makes global warming - when:
a) Mother nature makes global warming
b) The science regards climate change is "un-settled."
Defenders of Wildlife mourns the loss of climate scientist, Dr. Stephen Schneider (07/26/2010)

Thank you,

a forensic audit because a crime has been committed
60 million was looted by Jamie Clark Defenders Ex VP
I recall debating (Jamie Rappaport) Clark when she was with USFWS over the "success" of the ESA on the bald eagle thing during committee hearings in N.Mex. She didn't like the fact I presented the published evidence that it was the banning of DDT as identified by the EPA as the sole reason for the recovery of the eagle, not any effort or regulatory mandate by the ESA.
She literally stood up in the audience and had the audacity to walk down to the front of the audience and publicly challenge my credibility whereupon I stood up from my speaker's place at the committee table, held up the EPA report and said, "So you are telling this audience of experts and interested public that the EPA and its scientists have no credibility because I'm just the messenger delivering to this committee hearing their years of substantial and factual research?".
It shut her up and she got really red faced with me as the moderator sought to defuse the situation. 2 months later she quit the USFWS and went to work for the Defenders.