S O U N D   O F F

July 8, 2010

Subject: Shariah Law
Received a video (It's at the very end - and for good reason.) from a researcher friend.
Damn near had a heart attack "trying" to watch. Shut it off immediately!
It's been two weeks since, and my stomach and heart still wrench. Will forever.
There is nothing one can say to prepare you for this video. Even all the conversations I've included here, preceding it.
It is pure evil.
The devil.
I sent it to friends in security and law-enforcement. One informed me that when in Islam, they learned it's common for Muslims to stone, beat and behead women (and men) during half times at their sporting events.
I wrestled as to whether or not to send this.
But, a combination of hearing Oklahoma State Representative Rex Duncan say," the courts' willingness in Britain to consider Shariah has become "a cancer upon the survivability of the U.K." Continuing with- the ballot question "will constitute a preemptive strike against Shariah Law coming to Oklahoma." The amendment would require courts to adhere to the laws of the U.S. and state constitutions, as well as federal and state statutes. It would prohibit the courts from considering "the legal precepts of other nations or cultures," including Shariah; meeting Brigette Gabriel and hearing her tell about growing up in Beirut, and having to "prepare for death," when she was only 13 years old, because "Muslims kill infidels!" - The Muslim drive to build a mosque near Ground Zero and receiving this video, add up why I'm compelled to send it.
If you love your family, it is your duty to study the Muslim religion, learn about its founder - the murderous pedophile Muhammad - and get so that you can recognize the signs of Shariah Law, Jihad and Jihadists, so you can help stop even a hint!
Remember: Neither lye or Muslim Jihadists (and their Shariah law) negotiate once they've touched you.
JBS Greeley, CO - is bending to the Somalians who want their Shariah Law enforced at the plant.
As Brigette states clearly, "They Must Be Stopped!"
When asked if she thought President Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim, she said, "It is easy for one to change their name. I know I have - many times. For as a Christian, I must for my own security (There were several armed guards in the room.). If a Muslim truly wants to be a Christian, they WANT to and do change their name. Muslims never change their name."
Then she simply looked at us.
Please...do NOT let your children near this.
It's for real...........and those kids are being taken beyond any guilt feelings of committing such atrocities to the point of seeing that action as "normal" and "deserved" by the one the act is committed on - its called brain washing and stealing innocence of youth.......MF
How does one even get footage like that, without getting beheaded themselves?
This will haunt me for ever!
I'm going out side to work!!! Roni
The videographer is one of them. They film and broadcast that to show others what will/can happen to those "infidels" and use the films to promote recruitment to their ranks.
One has to be very desensitized to any value of life in any form to do this.
Then again, as far as I'm concerned, we should have free access to films like this showing abortion procedures (including the partial birth abortion) so that we can see how those brutal doctors, nurses and "enlightened liberal" women that murder tens of millions of infants so "enlightened liberal" women can "have control of their bodies" and "life without sin" are no different that those Muslim folks teaching their children to behead their elders. MF
When we invaded Afghanistan and then later Iraq I remember sitting on my couch watching video of the soldiers of the 3rd Infantry fighting next to the Euphrates river. My son George was 5 years old at the time, and he was sitting next to me.
He ask me, "Daa (he still calls me that)...are those our soldiers."
I said, "Yes."
George then says, "Why are they fighting?"
I responded by telling him how the Taliban had attacked us. I told him how Iraq had also attacked Kuwait (hurt women and children), killed lots of people and how we invaded to take it back. I also told him how the 2nd Armored division during the First Gulf war found hundreds and hundreds of chemical weapons-- artillery shells that were supposed to be destroyed, but for 12 years nothing had been done by the Iraqis to prove they had been destroyed.
I told him how in 1993-94 Iraqi agents tried to assassinate George H. Bush in Kuwait, but we did nothing about it. I told him how Iraqi agents also bombed the World Trade Center back in 1993.
I told him how 19 UN Resolutions to force Iraq to comply with the cease fire had done anything. I told him how this terrorist thug named Saddam Hussein was funding PLO suicide bombers in Israel. I told him how this same thug was threatening all the people in the region again and again.
Well you know what he said to me?
"Daa...sometimes people just need killed huh?"
I said, "Yes son they do." ...MR
Yes, we got to tell our children how America will only be great if and only if we are willing to fight and die for our country ... we have too many enemies from within...and we must not forget the fallen soldiers ...it is painful to watch what is good about this great land being belittled by bad Americans ...MS
Pol Pot did the same sort of thing when he pulled homeless young boys down from the mountains and forests and taught them terror tactics. Keep in mind Pol Pot was educated in Paris and was from a successful family in Cambodia. So it wasn't like he was nursing some sort of vendetta, or that he was ignorant or even abused by his parents. He wasn't. Yet he killed over a million Cambodians.
t's the mainstream press and govt. fence-sitters that need to see this stuff, verify it, confirm there are no "special effects," etc...
Our fellow patriots are already concerned and know that the real terrorists are using the tactics they learned at the hand of Communists, just like Pol Pot did when he hooked up with them in Paris. Our ludicrous excuse for a press, however, will not report the facts, mostly because they have bought into socialism and/or Marxism, sometimes without even realizing it, inasmuch as they started getting this message in school beginning 40 years ago. They need to be shocked out of their complacency. Their present, "free-to-be," elitist lifestyle certainly didn't include beheading and stonings and burquas.
They need to hear it from the Brits (as per your message here), because their people & govt. have mostly have turned to socialism, a little before us, actually.
But they nevertheless are clueless when it comes to the threat of Shariah law within their own county.
Moreover, preaching to the choir here is not going to be enough. It wasn't in the 60s and it certainly isn't now. We all need to get this stuff into the hands of people, in govt. and the press,. Just maybe, they will get their head out of the sand and realize how much trouble we are about to be in, and start doing their job of protecting this country and its people instead of targeting them with a bunch of politically correct "gotcha" nonsense!
Best, Bev
All I can say is I am stunned, but not sure why.
I watched the beheading of the journalist years ago, so thought I got the depravity of the culture.
I watch the planes fly into the twin towers, over and over again, I thought I understood the heinous nature of these people.
I didn't and my stomach hurts too.
I've long been familiar with such scenes because of my wide contacts and travel, and have pondered the problem of Islam, studied its texts, spoken with its adherents, and examined its values for many years. My message here ends with a question that is difficult to face, but I'll pose it for your consideration anyway. Observation: Islam is irreconcilably and irretrievably at war with the West. Demographic: There are about 1.57 billion Muslims in the world. Strategic fact: In order to win the war against Islam, it is necessary for the West to kill 1.57 billion Muslims and to exterminate all who attempt to revive it. Question: Are you personally willing, with a gun in your own hand, to put a bullet in the brain of 1.57 billion men, women and children, some of whom may not be extreme Islamists but who might become such? I personally am not. But I would like to hear any thoughtful reframing of the problem.
Ron Arnold, executive vice president
Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise
Oh my goodness Roni, I could not watch it, I immediately turned it off. Made me so sick to my stomach, but I know it is true. Our President is a 'Muslim'; although I do not know his heart but I know he is not a Christian. I just viewed another video of him mocking God and the Bible. It is sad that so many dumbfounders went to polls and voted for this questionable man or did they? Did Acorn and the far left cheat to have him win the election? I don't know the answer to these questions, but I wonder deep down if he wasn't elected by the right way of democracy. Anyway it must have been in God's plan because there are several of us wide awake now, many more have to wake up still. I believe he should be impeached! He has broken laws and disregarded the constitution in which he took an oath to uphold. He is a disgrace to the oval office! The idiots that believed in him once but have changed their minds is a relief, but we must continue to spread the truth about this man occupying the greatest office in the world. Those that say they don't care need to see this video. It is coming the U.S. very rapidly make no mistake about it..Pauline
To help you to understand exactly what it is we are fighting against, if you can, please view this short video. http://www.truthtube.tv/play.php?vid=2008 It shows a 12 year old boy being taught by his father how to behead a man. This is a very graphic video, but if you will watch it, you will see exactly what it is that we are fighting against. The people in this video are living in the age that we thought was in our past history, many centuries ago. We can not allow these kind of people who care so little for human life, to succeed in their quest to conquer the world. MW