
S O U N D   O F F

September 19, 2012
Subject: Stop Conservation Easement and Land Trust Growth by Roni Bell Sylvester - Volunteer Editor

LAW USA is strongly opposed to Conservation Easements and Land Trusts. Here's one good reason why: Presently, allegedly hidden in the Farm Bill budget is $1.58 BILLION tagged to grow Conservation Easements and Land Trusts. Government is using those taxpayer dollars to grow its control over private property when it should instead, liquidate its 14,000 un-used structures and several million acres of land, and give that money back to the communities where those properties are located.

LAW USA demands our general assembly completely stop all federal funding of conservation easements, land trusts, and any self-described environmental group, including the Sierra Club and Nature Conservancy.

Government employees, who are over-bleeding America's private sector, must be stopped and held accountable.
If for example, $1.58 billion is just sitting around waiting for a use, it sure as hell shouldn't be gifted to Nature Conservancy C.E.'s and its federal government employee partners.

Why? They arrogantly use it to steal our property and degrade our nation's property tax base - i.e. everything our soldiers die to protect.

Contact: Roni Bell Sylvester - Volunteer Editor
(970) 284-6874

Land And Water USA
www.LandAndWaterUSA.com (970) 284-6874 LAWUSA@q.com