
S O U N D   O F F

February 18, 2013
Rain Man or Con-Man...You Decide by Roni Bell Sylvester

Dear LAW USA Contributing Educators,

An individual called "The Rain Man" (David Miles- USRAIN) - has approached some Colorado ranchers with a $100,000 (pay him in advance) proposal to pull a vapor cloud over their property to "make rain."

I know absolutely nothing about HARP - rainmaking etc...therefore, am seeking feedback from you, the experts for a sound de-bunk or substantiation of the following;

What I do see, is a predatory business (I'd like to be proven wrong.) built around desperate, good folks who LAW USA would like to advise without emotional prejudice.

Whatever you submit will be posted as an invaluable educational piece.
People need to know.

Thank you,


Following are responses from LAW USA Contributing Educators.

First - a bit about http://www.aquiess.com/

Aquiess offered its rainfall technology to break the drought in the region on 18th August 2011, 2011 at the UN FAO Emergency African Ministers Summit in Rome .

“By cultivating two oceanic sources of gentle soaking rain, we have drawn the oceanic rains across the Arabian Sea to the Horn of Africa, notably to dry areas of Sudan and Ethiopia, to help combat the famine,” says David Miles, CEO of Aquiess.
During the last week of September, above-average rainfall of 5- 10 mm – the satellite estimated rainfall anomaly - was observed across eastern Africa in the dry parts of Sudan and Ethiopia. After below-average rains have fallen since July, the above-average rains across Sudan have helped to increase ground moisture and brought relief of current dry conditions.
Aquiess produced the accompanying charts showing the areas where the rain occurred.

Aquiess’s tested technology, known as RAINAID, was seen as critical to break the persistent drought conditions and bring much needed rain to the area, as shown in the above illustration.

David Miles, scientist and founder of Aquiess, commented: “Having spent a decade developing our unique weather resonance system technology, Aquiess has proved once again that it can deliver oceanic rainfall to targeted areas to combat drought and famine. The company has been successful in doing this in more than 80% of cases in Australia, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and USA.”

Aquiess technology, based on systematic delivery of an electromagnetic waveform that resonates with atmospheric weather patterns, adjusts the path of rain bearing cloud systems. These signals then influence global moisture flow patterns and harness the natural moisture ‘rivers’ in the atmosphere to divert these to targeted destinations to create rainfall.

This latest demonstration of Aquiess, which has brought rainfall to eastern Africa, is testimony to the fact that its weather system technology works by harnessing cutting edge satellite technology.


By Dr. David Legates

There has been no proof EVER of anyone being able to "make it rain". These people emerge from under their rocks when a drought hits only to prey on those who want to "do something".

It takes two things to make it rain -- moisture in the air and a mechanism to release it. His method seems to be to increase the moisture in the air by moving air with global circulation. Egads, that's a tall order! We usually are in a drought because weather patterns bring dry air over a region and do not provide any lifting mechanism to cause that air to condense. His approach is novel in that most groups purport to be able to cause rising air. The only thing that has ever been done is to dissipate fog. That's it.

If he alludes to HARP, then he is in a league with conspiracy theorists. If the government could control the weather, they would.


I could write more if you want, but there has been too much ink spilled over climate modification. - David



By Ric Frost

Being in agriculture and science for over 50 years, I have yet to see any scientific proof this is possible. I might could prove his work in a mason jar (like the FREON/Ozone gas experiment), but not in real planet level experiment where the variables cannot be controlled or combined. There are "conspiracy theory" folks pushing the HARP/Chem-trails weather manipulation by the government and most is anecdotal conjecture in spite of the millions of tax dollars spent on the projects and installations. Folks have been selling rain making since before electricity and the only thing that is proven to work so far is cloud seeding by planes, and even that is highly unpredictable.

I wouldn't give this snake-oil salesman a dime (unless he could produce solid independent peer review science proof), but I would give him my 2 cents to leave.

The drought issue brings several things to mind that I think should be added to the discussion. Start with a top down logic ladder:

1) Do you really think this government (or any government) would allow weather modification without a permit? Think of the river and dam systems the government operates for flood control. I would expect the government, under current ESA/NEPA guidelines, to require extensive impact studies as any rain would be falling on government lands. I'd ask bluntly for those permits and studies.

2) The Anasazi were wiped out by 75 years of drought in the 13th century. I did an extensive study on this, which I'm including with this e-mail. Drought IS normal and so is EXTENDED drought! Drought is what shut down my grandfather's (and many others) in Magdalena, New Mexico (by Pie Town) ranch in the early 1950's. They had an extended MINI-drought. Lots of folks were forced to move to survive like the 1930's drought/Dust Bowl era. What we are experiencing hasn't been seen since then, so we are due for one - not that I want one.

Look at the patterns:

I've done lots of archaeology (for example, I've worked at White Sands Missile Range in the 1980's on the STAR wars program and for the Andover Foundation for Archaeology, Cambridge as an archaeologist. I also worked on a site while at NMSU that discovered the oldest hybrid corn in the United States - oldest being in Mexico) and have studied it for many years. One of the remarkable aspects about Southwest History is the drought cycle. I attempted to explain this in my report.

Think about this:

Casas Grande by Chihuahua, Mexico is the northern most established Indian building structure in Mexico for its time supported by extensive irrigation.

Chaco Canyon, by Farmington, New Mexico is the most southern established building structure in the United States for its time supported by extensive irrigation (occupied by Anasazi who traded with the Mayans).

The Anasazi were wiped out by 75 years of drought in the 13th century.

The region between them was called Chichimecca by the Maya/Aztec tribes of Mexico.

The Apache and other nomad tribes between Chaco and Casas Grande were called Chichimecs.

Chichimecca translated means, "Land of the sons of dogs", or, as the Spaniards called them, "barbarians". This was due to the fact survival in that region band was notoriously difficult due to drought.

They didn't have electricity, food truckers or computers. I can get a 12 hour old Maine Lobster here in Reno, Nevada - they couldn't - why?

They did have government systems that enforced regulations through beliefs that promoted the demise of their cultures due to the perspective humans were the source of the droughts, ergo humans cause climate change.

If we lose our ability to produce electricity and gas, how long do you think our agricultural system could continue through a drought without wells and irrigation systems?

3) Soil studies show beyond our recorded weather history, predictable drought cycles and how long they lasted. Archaeological studies show cultural impacts due to drought cycles and how long they lasted. I currently have a new study from Lake Tahoe - 3 hour drive to the ocean, so it gets the coastal rains before anyone east of here does - that shows a 280 year drought period. The Fallen Leaf Lake level dropped 40 to 60 meters during the megadrought conditions 1000 years ago when no vikings were driving SUVs around the Lake Tahoe (a UN biosphere protected area). I've included the study as well.

I could go on and on, but I think these three points make a solid stool to stand on when pushing back with reason, not emotion - snake oil salesmen rely on emotional triggers to get the subject to release the money. I know everyone is fearful of losing their way of life and generational culture - that is an emotion from stress of demise - my family has already gone through losing everything ranch related three times since the 1930's, so I personally know what that is like. Other than my history, I have nothing to show for my family's legacy. Don't let emotion cloud sound reason, the facts and keeping your money in your pocket. Emotion will cost big chunks of money and drain your bank account faster than a drought will.

I've learned a saying since moving to Reno and the 24/7 gambling that goes on here: "If its a big gamble and you want to double your money, fold it in half, stick it back in your pocket and walk away".



Has he shown you any of his machines? Dr. Willie Soon

Dear Roni,

From Dr. Bob Carter

Chris Monckton has forwarded your query to me.

I am not expert in this field, but did see the announcement in the press the other day. At first sight it looks to be scientifically sound, but the marketing and spin that surrounds most such research results these days makes it VERY difficult to be sure. And even if it is sound, whether it will be applicable, or should be applied, to localities other than those studied will be a moot point.

Please don’t hesitate to send me some more specific questions should you wish.

With kind regards.
Bob Carter (Professor Robert (Bob) M. Carter)


Duration and severity of Medieval drought in the Lake Tahoe Basin
J.A. Kleppea, D.S. Brothersb,*, G.M. Kentc, F. Biondid, S. Jensene, N.W. Driscollf


Environmental Process and Agricultural Economic Impact by Ric Frost

Land And Water USA
www.LandAndWaterUSA.com (970) 284-6874 LAWUSA@q.com
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