The Blue and Gold of FFA

By Julie Carter - Cowgirl Sass & Savvy


It's that time of year again. Insanely busy schedules for kids and parents alike with academic and sports awards banquets, honor society awards, proms, track meets and then graduation - all blotting out the days on the April and May calendar.
Those two months hold more activity and emotion than any other in the year. At least, that is, if you are a parent of a student involved in any of those things listed.
Without taking anything away from any other venue, academic or athletic, I want to tell you about one that over the years has worked its way to very core of my heart for many reasons on many levels.

Why? Because I have seen the beginning and I've seen the results -- FFA works. It grows kids like sunshine and nutrients grow plants - first from within and then on to a total package of strength, viability and production.

FFA - The letters stand for Future Farmers of America; however, in 1988 the official name of the organization was changed from Future Farmers of America to The National FFA Organization to reflect the growing diversity of agriculture. It was not just about farming.

In 1928 a group of farmers founded Future Farmers of America with a mission to prepare generations ahead for the challenges of feeding a growing population. In doing that, they taught the youth of each generation that agriculture is more than planting and harvesting, but is a science, a business and an art.

Today FFA addresses those diversities by helping young FFA members develop their own unique talents and explore their interests in a broad array of career paths.

They key in on leadership, management, character, teamwork and communications. FFA increases awareness of the worldwide technological importance of agriculture and its contribution to the well-being of all of us.

And it all starts with a youngster at the sixth or seventh grade level who, wide-eyed, sees his upper classmen in their FFA blue jackets emblazoned with the FFA logo and in bright yellow letters boldly claiming a state and school of origin.
The crisp white shirts and blue ties above black slacks or skirts make a statement for the professional side of the organization, accented with a proper handshake, and a mannerly "Yes ma'am or no sir" when spoken to.

They carry clipboards and evaluate everything from turnips to tulips, crops to livestock, and meats to marketing during the season of judging competition. They learn parliamentary procedure, public speaking and that agriculture is a global business, not just menial labor directed from a tractor seat.

They build, weld, cultivate, work, study and create projects that earn awards and acclamation throughout their FFA career.
It is a process that they are guided through by FFA advisors that truly see them as the hope of the future and the heart of a solid America. Tirelessly these men and women groom each young "crop" of FFA hopefuls by sparking their interest and enticing a desire to learn. They help young students understand that limits are to be pushed and high levels of accomplishment lay ahead of them.

Every May, there is a harvest among individual FFA chapters. The results of a year of work are recognized before friends and family. The young members find a determination to do more, do better next year. The older members realize that hard work has a payoff determined only by an individual drive to succeed.

Every year I walk away from the event with tears at the corner of my eyes. Tears of joy for the growth I see in each youth and tears of selfish sadness because a few of those kids are seniors, moving on to a new chapter in life.
My hat is off to the FFA. Off to the advisors who spend their lives molding these great kids. Off to the volunteers that make it work from the background and the parents who support and believe in it.
And most of all, hats off to the kids who are what FFA is all about.


Julie can be reached for comment at jcarter@tularosa.net or on her website at www.julie-carter.com.