What you need to know about Good Neighbor

Good Neighbor is 100% hard working volunteers.

No monies go towards staff. Your dollar is prudently spent on un-avoidable hard costs like stamps, webmaster, and printing.

These are some of the folks behind the scenes who spread the good word, maintain website, add editorial, handle registrations, bookkeeping and sponsorships, place ads and a myriad of other kind deeds.

Good Neighbor would like to thank them, for their cheerful donations of time, talent and money, and mostly for embracing
the essence and ethics of being...A Good Neighbor.

Special thanks to JIM ROHN -“Toast of Weld County”- for highlighting Good Neighbor on his 4:30 PM Sunday show. Tune in Pirate 104.7 FM

March 6, 2008
Man's Generosity Spills Over

Volunteer Time

The dollar value of an hour of volunteer time for the state of Colorado, as calculated by the Independent Sector is $20.08 (from 2006 figures). See this site for details: Thanks to Daniel Eirnarsen for the information


Lanterns of the Land
Servants of Community
Joined by a need
Each one with a special gift
Planted like a seed.
Standing back to back they serve,
Supported in the fray,
By the person that's behind you,
With you all the way.
Their effort forms a common bond,
Becomes light within their hand.
Burning in the darkness,
Lanterns of the land.

By Shalah Perkins
Don & Betty Rohn
Gene & Janet Kammerzell
Ken Keil
Julie Carter
Kimmi Lewis
Holly Weaver
Kerry Lewis
Jim Magagna
Ray Sauers
Dan Buckner
Leesa Zalesky
Cara Brighton
Dennis Sun
The Voice - Idella Noel
Tami Jo Blake
Jenny Axelson
Mary Streed
Greeley Tribune
John McArthur
Big R
Peter Romero
Ollie Hill
Philip Hutcheson
Charlie Tucker
Jim Beers
Willie Soon
Lawrence Kogan
Ron Ewart
Jack Venrick
Harriet Hageman
Kent & Cory Rutledge