ARTICLES: February 3, 2009
Post Election Mommy-festo

By Tracy Dowson January 2009

Writing is suppose to be cathartic; and after this last election, honestly, I have needed some stress release.
I have to admit I tried grape therapy first. But writing has usually worked better for me in the long run. And boy, was this election a long run!
Just think. If both candidates had applied the raised election money to the national debt, I know I would feel a lot better.
While we are discussing national debt, remember the economic stimulus package a few months ago? China called wanting their money back - all from the next generation.
We will have to call the next generation "D" for debt.
If a written account of one’s beliefs is called a Manifesto, would a short list of beliefs be a mini-festo? And if it is written by a hard-working mom, should it be called a mommy-festo?
Yes, I write to relieve stress. You might even be surprised to learn that I was once a journalist with a degree in Technical Journalism.
Not to give away my age or anything, but that was back in the day when journalists were taught to be non-bias. I can hear you thinking that it must have been the Jurassic period.
My young nieces tell there is a new movie out about Tinkerbelle and her friends. The new movie left out the evil pixie – Katie Couric.
I hate getting old! All this age discrimination seems unfair. A woman in her 20's told me the other day that she wouldn’t vote for John McCain because he was too old.
Mick Jagger is no spring chicken, but most would agree that he’s still got it going on!
Since people are living longer, maybe we need to rethink this whole old age thing. I’m pretty sure it’s about twenty years older than my present age.
I do have an idea of why so many Republicans are so old. Our young people are indoctrinated into the socialist belief that any fair thing in life, is that which is shared.
By time these young people live and work long enough to gain the real…and quite different perspective… they are old!
It will be nice to have a young family in the White House again. I also thought it was great to have so many young voters turn out.
But, surely in another four years, these young voters may echo the character Rachael on Friends when she gets her first paycheck and asks, "Who’s FICA and why is he taking all my money?"
After the election I watched the news, scanned the Internet, and listened to talk radio to try and understand what happened.
At the inauguration, you could see seas of ecstatic people.
The Reverend Jessie Jackson had forgiven Obama any trespasses - and was in tears. That Sheri person on The View was overwhelmed and crying. The media sang, shouted and reported, “This is a historic day because we elected an African American as president!” And in the same breath, told you that this election was not about race.

Well, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t judged on resumes; otherwise, Condoleezza Rice would have been touted as one who made many Black American’s, millions of women, and frankly all Americans… proud.
As Secretary of State for the United States, she was one of the most powerful people in the world. Why didn’t the media whip the American public up into a frenzy over Rice? Could it be because she did not advance their liberal agenda?
It is a known, that Obama is the most liberal individual ever elected to our highest office. He voted to the left 97% of the time! Don’t expect him to be a moderate now, for one can be sure he will not be reaching across to conservatives.
During the Clinton administration the death tax was raised. and the Bush administration brought it back down.
This administration promises to "redistribute the wealth.” We can only imagine what this will really mean. Most likely the financial rape of our average Joe‘s, while liberals instruct, “If you don’t bend over and take it with a smile, you are un-American!”
The Declaration of Independence promised us equally, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Present day translation? Liberals will mandate the workers (See Conservatives.) out of their money, so only the liberals will sit fat cat style and exclusively hog life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
Words can be shaped into sounding different than their actual meaning. Obama would like to ‘re-distribute the wealth.’ It doesn’t take too many brain cells to figure that if you punish people for working hard, they will simply stop working hard. Fact!
You can paint your underwear red, white and blue and run it up the flag pole, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to salute it.
Wrapping socialist ideas in the flag does not make it the American vision.
Greed is only human nature, but seems reside more heavily in government officials. Perhaps that’s why most great civilizations only last about 200 years.
Now to really study how media influences public opinion, we need not look any further than John Kerry and Michael Moore. They can put out more manipulation than 500 of your best chiropractors collectively!
And in a recent interview, actor Chevy Chase told a reporter that he deliberately did everything in his power to make then President Gerald Ford look like a bumbling idiot - because he wanted Carter to get elected. The reporter asked him to repeat that. I guess she couldn’t believe it either.
My favorite book is, "Memoirs of a Geisha." I couldn’t wait to see it as a major motion picture. At the end of the story, the greed in the Japanese government was eating up the country. The Hollywood powers to be changed this ending and made it their “ugly Americans” as the evil to the pro-war Japanese culture.
What really angers me is that some liberals (See Pat Schroeder.) have no conscience changing history books, and use their access to our children’s books as a main means to do so.
If I could have less than 13% of any heritage and claim it for the total package, I would have to go with Native American. I would want to own casinos too, because I’m really just a capitalist at heart.
If you’re under the age of 30, most likely you’re really being hammered (taught) the mantra, “Capitalists are bad, repugs, greedy, neo-con people!”
Well the truth is, most small business owners are honest hard workers, who pay more than that which is considered a fair share of taxes, do charity work, give to our churches, and create the jobs for our fellow Americans.
Do these things make us your necessary evil, or just your good neighbor?
We are probably living in the house next door to you, in homes we paid for…without government assistance or bail out money!
I do appreciate honesty, and believe that names should reflect what things really are. You have to hand it to the British for honesty in calling things by their correct names.
Here in the States we have two main political parties. Most people will either identify with the Republicans or the Democrats. It sounds so nice, "I think I will go down to the polls and take part in the democratic process and vote Democrat." Now across the pond they also have a political party that takes money from the labor unions and is beholden to them. They call that party the Labor Party.
Maybe our parties were named/developed by an advertising agency?
Most of us are smart enough to make decisions with our own money; especially those of us who create income that is so heavily taxed. We do not like a government that is so far in dept, and so far inept, messing in our retirement accounts and health care decisions!
This is not George Orwell’s 1984, and I for one do not want Big Brother watching me!
In the above rant you may think I’ve been racist, or perhaps discriminatory regarding age. I don’t want anyone to feel left out so I will make yet another comment that could be construed as sexist. The only reason I wanted Sara Palin in the White House is because it really needs cleaning up; and I believe that it’s going to take a woman to do it!
I’m not a financial expert, but I am wondering if we should put our money in a Swiss bank account, bury our money in a can in the back yard, or just invest in a good vineyard and drink heavily for the next four years.
And last but not least, I do wish our new president all the best. I still believe that this “Best country in the world” is worth fighting for!
May God bless us all.
If you agree with this, please pass it along.
Thank you,

Wife of Dean, Mother of Roy, and protector of both and all.