Response to Organization or Candidate
For Public Office Solicitations

Provided by Good Neighbor Law
P.O. Box 155
LaSalle, CO 80645



Thank you for inviting us to take a look at your organization or candidacy for public office.
What we’d appreciate though, is your taking a look at
Why? Good Neighbor Law receives all of our extra time, talent and money.

The 1796 Old Farmer's Almanac said:
"The cultivation of the earth ought ever to be esteemed as the most useful and necessary employment in life. The food, and raiment, by which all other orders of men are supported, are derived from the earth. Agriculture is of consequence, the art which supports, supplies, and maintains all the rest."

Two hundred years ago, agriculture was everything; agriculture was of consequence!
But as time marched on, more and more people moved further from "cultivating the earth."
They became citified. Which in itself isn't bad, but it brought with it a disconnect between the city people and farmers.
And this is bad. Bad for many reasons.
For one, these people who know absolutely nothing about food production, make policies and treaties that dramatically encumber food production. They mandate food producers squish, condense, and shove thousand of acres into a window sill garden, then produce enough food to feed the world from it.
If you’re a city person, wouldn’t you like to reconnect with, and be a part of helping farmers protect your food source?
Good Neighbor believes it has a duty to teach everyone- “Farming IS of consequence!” Owning a farm or ranch today is dangerous, for the owner becomes a target to anyone who wants it. Particularly in today’s culture where lying and stealing is the way of going...even by our governments.
America’s farmers, ranchers...actually all resource providers, have ugly, unfair, manmade treatment thrown at them daily. Treatment much worse than anything Mother Nature tosses. For unlike man, Mother Nature usually has the courtesy to warn...before she strikes.
As an example of how skewed things have gotten, consider that every prairie rat village has taken land and water out of producing food for human consumption, and now feeds only rats.
Farmers and ranchers spend more of their personal income, time and money, than any other occupation, in trying to protect their abilities to feed, clothe and shelter you.
Yes. This is true. Each day one cashes in their child’s college fund, their pension plan, insurance policy, acreage or water, for the sole reason of finding ways to keep providing food for you.
If Oprah Winfrey had to spend as much time at the court house, the capital or DC, trying to defend her right to do what she does on TV, she’d would of been out of business years ago.
On the Good Neighbor Law masthead, you’ll read the words of Giles Jacob (1729).
"First: No man is to deprive another of his property, or disturb him in enjoying it.
Secondly, every person is bound to take due care of his own property, so as the neglect thereof may not injure his neighbor.
Thirdly, all persons must so use their right, that they do not ... damage their neighbor's property."
“Sic utere tuo ut non laedas" Translated: "So to use your own as not to injure another."
This is what being a Good Neighbor is all about: Use your own so as not to injure another.
At the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin was asked, "What have you wrought?" He answered, "a Republic, if you can keep it."
Our Republic, as we've known it for near 221 years could end soon, if we don't get smart now!
Where in the world has a government, combined with “jurisdictions foreign to our Constitution” to usurp our legislative process, and mandate law without our consent?
Where in the world are loggers putting down their saws, ranchers thinning their herds, fishermen laying aside their nets, oil field workers leaving their rigs, and miners blocked from working?
Where in the world have farmers stopped their plows, and bureaucrats sped up their lies?
Where in the world have bribes ballooned, scruples shriveled, and manners froze in limbo?
Where in the world are these things happening?
The United States of America.
Over a period of about 40 years, environmental groups including Sierra Club, World Wildlife Fund, Nature Conservancy and other - jurisdictions foreign to our Constitution - have raised millions - and received millions from your federal government to help them pull the plug on resource providers.
Why? Gain of absolute control and money through deals with foreign markets.
Some, including Al Gore, boldly fabricate scams of global proportions to sell their junk products. Do you know locally generated food, fuel and fiber is being blocked from production and reaching its destinations?
Presently you pay 9-10% of your disposable income for food. At $8.00 per gallon gas and $10.00 per gallon diesel, this could easily jump to 50% or more, particularly if any of the before-mentioned succeed in forcing America into transporting food from far away countries.
Is this what you want? Exorbitant prices at the fuel pump and grocery store?
Some families already look at the few bucks they have left, and have the dreadful choice of who gets to eat tonight. A country unable to feed itself is a country ripe for takeover. Yet your government with its mega-rich eco- partners has made a choice as to who gets to dine. And you weren't invited..
Together, they make policies surrounding bogus claims of endangered species and global warming, while jeopardizing your food supply and safety.
Because they know national security is tied to American resource production, it appears more and more they’re laying a grand trap of socialism to move us in to. Is this what you want?
Our economy does not have to be in this horrific position. All it would take is one individual with backbone, credibility and decision making power, to say “YES” to resource production in America, and our economy would turn around fast!
Good Neighbor has all the facts, truth and verifiable scientific proof available in the world, to substantiate why everyone should passionately support America’s resource providers.
As Chuck Sylvester once said, " While our opinions on wars, economic conditions, religion and politics differ dramatically, and some may care less who the Rockies recruit to play ball, we do agree and care deeply about one thing: FOOD. We all eat!"
A gentleman by the name of Elie Wiesel knows intimately the danger a hungry country faces; it becomes ripe for takeover by a dictator!
A survivor of the Holocaust, he wrote his heart wrenching autobiography in his book named, "Night."
If you haven't read it, please do. It's a wake up call in real time.
When Elie received the Nobel Peace Prize for "Night”, he firmly cautioned the audience, "We must take sides." We hear candidates for public office tout “change.” Could they mean change from a republic to socialism?
Do you agree with environmental groups who want to shut down America’s resource providers?
Do you agree with Good Neighbors who are passionate about protecting America’s resource providers?
You must...take a side.
If you partner with jurisdictions foreign that generate new laws, treaties and policies which jeopardize American resource production, please know we will work hard to expose your lies and stop you.
If you make a public commitment to support encourage and passionately protect America’s resource providers, we’ll be happy to send you a contribution.
If you agree “Agriculture is of consequence,” then go to and become a Good Neighbor!