Breaking News: November 1, 2007

 LOST goes to Senate...

As you can see there were only 4 votes against the treaty in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and 17 in favor. The treaty will now be ‘favorably’ reported out of committee for consideration by the full US Senate.
Now is the time to really put the ‘heat’ on your congressional representatives to DEMAND that your CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED RIGHT TO DUE PROCESS be respected. Unfortunately, we are now being governed by an ‘elite’ which is evolving in the image of the ‘elite’ in Europe. They have no regard for your individual constitutional rights because they believe they know better than you do about what is in your best interests.
It is time to speak out so that your senators and congressman HEAR YOU loud and clear before it is too late!! The UN Law of the Sea Treaty SHOULD NOT BE RATIFIED!!!
Institute for Trade, Standards and Sustainable Development (ITSSD)
Princeton, NJ USA

October 31, 2007

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) made the following statement criticizing the Senate Foreign Relations Committee vote today to report the Law of the Sea Treaty to the floor of the Senate:
“The Law of the Sea Treaty is a far-reaching threat to American sovereignty that will govern 70% of the earth’s surface, and I am extremely disappointed in its approval by the Foreign Relations Committee,” Senator Inhofe said. “President Reagan was correct and justified in not signing this treaty for a great number of reasons that range from its economic impact, forced sharing of technology, and submission of American citizens and businesses to an international court system under the auspices of the United Nations itself.
“Despite what we have been told about the Law of the Sea by its supporters, it is a dangerous treaty that we need to reject.  It hampers the operations of the United States Navy, allows international taxation on American companies and our government, and exposes American businesses to the international court system.
“I can only hope that the full Senate will reject this treaty; it is imperative to the sovereignty and the security of the American people.”


Good Neighbor Committee
P.O. Box 155 - La Salle, CO  80645

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