Weld County Commissioners declare Weld a disaster area, asks governor to allow pumping of wells to water crops!
Glen Fritzler, June 11, 2012, Greeley, Colorado

We have the attention of the State right now, including the Governor. Please take a few minutes and make your voice heard in Denver. Dave Long, Doug Rademacher, Sean Conway, Bill Garcia and Barb Kirkmeyer are great County Commissioners, and they got the ball a rolling yesterday. It is now up to us to keep it rolling.

Please take action NOW, before it is too late!

  Sean Conway, Barb Kirkmeyer, Doug Rademacher
Glenn Fritzler

This action, by the Governor, will not cost the citizen any money, and will actually increase state revenue and save a great number of farmers!

Governor John Hickenlooper http://www.colorado.gov/govhdir/
Governor's Water John Stulp John.stulp@state.co.us 303-866-3441 ext. 3257
Ag Commissioner John Salazar john.salazar@ag.state.co.us
Chief of Staff Alan Salazar alan.salazar@state.co.us 303-866-2569

Have a FARMtastic Day,

Glen Fritzler
970-737-2141 Office
970-396-5050 Cell
970-737-2129 Fax