Global Climate Change: February 9, 2010

RE: Copenhagen climate summit

Permission granted to GNL by: Mr. Mitra: "Please do use the quote in any way appropriate. Best," Barun

Barun Mitra, a senior member of the Indian think-tank, who attended Copenhagen, says the proceedings at the summit were full of "hypocrisy" and mainly a tool for promoting the latest fashion in the developed world.

Typically, three patterns are followed, he says.
"First, the intellectual basis is laid out, typically a doomsday scenario. Second, the issue is then projected as posing a mortal threat for poor countries. Third, a carrot-and-stick approach is adopted to either bribe or coerce poor countries to adopt the Western panacea," says Mitra.

What was witnessed in Copenhagen was a blatant attempt to bribe delegates to induce them to reshape their country's position, he says.

To read the entire article, please click here: International environmental conventions are platform for hegemony