The Oregon American Meteorological Society's event featuring Meteorologist Chuck Wiese, Climatologist George Taylor, and me on November 29 at OMSI was canceled at the last minute today due to pressure from local universities and others who were apparently upset that our skeptical perspective on Global Warming would interfere with their climate agendas and Federal funding. Details will surely leak out as will whatever reasons they will cite as a cover story.
We suspected this would happen and would happen at the last minute to make it impossible to reschedule the event immediately. But we are grateful to the President of the local AMS chapter (Steve Pierce) and some members of his Board who have expressed a strong determination to reschedule this event in January. Even those Board members who may not support our position on Global Warming seem determined that this event WILL go forward. That should be a warning to those who orchestrated this power play. Most AMS members clearly want to hear both sides, without their organization taking any sides. I applaud their professional behavior. We are not seeking any endorsements, because that is not how science works.
We are seeking the opportunity to present the logic and evidence that are so crucial in objective science. That should not threaten ANYONE who supports real science.
Please be sure to mark your calendars for the January event when we have a specific date and venue that will be more difficult for Alarmists to scuttle.
BANNED BY OMSI, Portland State University, and others - Come and find out what they did not want you to hear!
Gordon J. Fulks, PhD (Physics)
Corbett, Oregon USA
Dear Dr. Fulks,
I’d be happy to help you get the word out on any other articles or posts you have …
Jeff Reynolds, Chairman
Multnomah County Republican Party
Dear Jeff,
Thanks for your support and help to get the word out. This was a very foolish move on the part of OMSI that clearly demonstrates their perspective and their unwillingness to tolerate the new or opposing ideas that are so important to the advancement of science.
Science has a long history of 'the establishment' resisting real progress. Two recent Nobel Prizes, one in Medicine and the other in Chemistry went to two Australians and one Israeli who were very badly treated by the scientific establishment. The establishment is always happy with things just the way they are!
It is especially sad that Oregon's universities not only tolerate this sort of behavior but encourage it. How can they claim to be centers of learning where ideas are freely exchanged? Have they signed on to an Orwellian world where the 'Ministry of Truth' determines what people are allowed to hear?
Thanks again for your immediate and 'no nonsense' support!
P.S. If our politics were still functioning as it should, your letter would be quickly followed by one from the local Democratic Party Chairman saying: "We may not agree with everything you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it!" Would you like to make a small wager as to whether I will get such a letter?
The Cancellation Notice - sent Saturday, November 26, 2011
Oregon AMS members, et al:
On behalf of the Oregon Chapter of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) and its Executive Council, we regret to inform our members that the Oregon AMS meeting originally scheduled for this coming Tuesday, November 29th 7pm at OMSI in Portland has been postponed due to circumstances beyond the control of the Oregon AMS. We also regret the short notice of this information, again due to circumstances beyond our control. Please try to help offset the timing of this information by immediately forwarding this communication to anyone you may have originally notified.
If you have any questions surrounding this decision, please contact either myself or OMSI Planetarium Manager Jim Todd. Please note --- Jim is the Oregon AMS liaison at OMSI. If he can not address your questions directly, he will forward them to the appropriate individuals within the OMSI organization, for a response. The Oregon AMS Executive Council will meet soon to discuss rescheduling this meeting. As always, we will keep our members updated promptly.
Steve Pierce
President, Oregon Chapter of the American Meteorological Society
Jim Todd,
OMSI Planetarium Manager
Stalin was very efficient at dealing with skeptics.
I sent OMSI an E mail indicating they would fit well in the USSR.
Bob Buker
Dear Bob,
Thanks for your support! It is very important for OMSI to realize that many scientists do not approve of their attempts to muzzle us.
I hope you told OMSI that your are a retired Professor of Agronomy from Ohio State University who worked extensively in the former Soviet Republics trying to reverse the devastating effects of an earlier scientific scam. It was perpetrated by Trofim Lysenko and resulted in widespread starvation. Too many people today are blissfully ignorant of this. Yet it was a centerpiece of Joseph Stalin's policies from the 1930's until his death in 1952. It finally ended when Soviet nuclear physicists, led by Andre Sakharov, took down Lysenko in 1955. Stalin had not purged these physicists, because they were too useful to him. But anyone in your profession who dared disagree with Lysenko had a much reduced life expectancy! Stalin was very efficient at dealing with skeptics.