My Virginia State Senator is one of the finest politicians I know. He is a
strong supporter of 2nd Amendment rights and I have sat at his booth often
at the local gun shows he helped make once more possible in Northern
Virginia. While anti-gun Northern Virginians banned such gun shows for
nearly 50 years and said they were not desired by residents; they are the
biggest affairs every year at our exhibition center and the large parking
capacity is always overwhelmed by gun show patrons. Additionally, my
Senator works hard to increase our road capacity (no small task in an urban
area that prefers to spend such money on illegal alien foot traffic and
landscaping while moaning about "not getting their fair share of road funds"
and increasing the passenger requirements to use sparsely utilized HOV Lanes
in order to "force people to consider car pools"). In short, my Senator is
a fighter for state's rights, low taxes, and liberty. This makes him a
prime target of anti-gun folks, people with agendas like animal rights and
"environmental" falderal, and all groups that must demolish our liberty in
order to force their agendas on the rest of us.
In last month's state election, the Democrat party, our Democrat Governor,
and a host of radical elements poured money and propaganda into our District
in a magnitude akin to the millions and misinformation spent a year ago by
radical groups in US Representative Pombo's California District. While the
lies in last minute flyers in California Church parking lots were also
illegal; Congressman Pombo, the Chairman of the US House Resources Committee
and an advocate of tepid but much needed Endangered Species Act' reforms,
was defeated. Unlike Congressman Pombo; my State Senator, in spite of the
outsiders and their spending, won.
This stalwart defender of the 2nd Amendment was very nearly defeated by a
last minute smear bought and paid for by the radical Humane Society of the
United States. This smear consisted of full-page ads in all our newspapers
of lifeless roosters and a rooster with metal spurs attached: these photos
were overlaid with the charge that my Senator had refused to punish
cockfighters. Interspersed with lurid statements about illegal aliens,
gambling, drug use, and secret locations was the statement of a highly paid
HSUS zealot. Also, each newspaper dutifully carried a Letter to the Editor
from this same HSUS employee (hmmm, could you or I get such "support" in the
media?) accusing my Senator of being a lowlife that was undeserving of
public office (would that any of them had the fine family and sterling
reputation of my Senator).
Only one paper, to my knowledge, ran my Senator's last-minute explanation of
his vote AGAINST increasing the penalty for cockfighting. Essentially, he
said he is "no fan of cockfighting"; that raising the Virginia penalty for
cockfighting from a class 3 misdemeanor to a class 6 felony entailed at
least one year of prison time ($25,000/year); and this was MORE of a
sentence than mandated for Assault or Battery by Mob, Recruiting for Street
Gangs, Kidnapping by a Parent, Assault and Battery, Stalking, Sexual
Battery, Infected Sexual Battery, and other such offenses. He very bravely
stated (remember this is in the midst of the emotional orgy of the Michael
Vick/dogfighting prosecution by Virginia AND federal courts) that "My view
is that these misdemeanors are substantially more serious than cockfighting":
AMEN brother and thank you!
Now consider how we almost lost a leader in the defense of our gun rights
because of the interlocking alliances of the anti-gun and animal rights'
agendas. I have been writing about this while wearing out keyboards on my
computer for eight years. When I mention the stake that ranchers have in
animal welfare regulations for pets and that fishermen have in sealskin
product bans and that dog owners have in endangered species shenanigans;
this HSUS/anti-gun nexus is a prime example of who the enemies of freedom
and liberty are and how they work together.
Other than whining; I was forced to ask, what to do? So I spoke with a
friend that knew an NRA employee with clout. He called this employee and
mentioned that I wanted to speak to him and would he do so? He said he
would do so and so I called several times leaving my name and phone number
twice and hanging up when I got the "message" after several more calls.
Whatever the reason, I could not get through, so here is what I wanted to
tell that person.
Gun owners cannot afford to lose defenders like my State Senator because NO
ONE is addressing the un-American and Constitutionally destructive
activities of the environmental and animal rights extremists. The NRA is
constantly working with conservation organizations like Rocky Mountain Elk
Foundation, Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants Forever, etc. and with the state and
federal fish and wildlife agencies and forestry agencies. The NRA is
intimate with many politicians and is respected by millions of gun owners
across the land. Those organizations and agencies and politicians are NOT
defending the rights of Americans to own and use animals, both those owned
as private property and those held in trust for the public by government.
The elimination of these very American traditional activities will
significantly weaken the determination and clout of 2nd Amendment protectors
in this Nation. These three groups go to NRA "breakfasts" and "receptions"
and "conferences" and they MUST be energized to oppose these animal rights
and environmental campaigns or soon our gun rights will simply vanish as
predators can no longer be stopped, hunting is prohibited, and public lands
It was my intent to ask the NRA person for a confidential meeting where we
could discuss the following suggestion I had for him. (For the record I
wanted no credit for this and I would have been delighted to never mention
that I even met with him.) I wanted to suggest that the NRA sponsor (or
co-sponsor with whoever could be dragooned) a conference on Animals and Man
in the USA. This could be an examination of the current trends regarding
animals in American life that are affecting government, liberties, and many
other facets of American life including the right to bear arms. The case of
my Virginia Senator and US Congressman Pombo (another 2nd Amendment
stalwart) and how environmental and animal rights machinations are
threatening the future of the 2nd Amendment would be a perfect
I wanted to tell him that while the public and the conservation agencies and
the bureaucrats from state and federal agencies are the audience, they
should not be the ones asked to present papers at such a conference.
Clear-headed advocates for animal ownership; plant and animal management;
managing predator impacts on game and fisheries; describing dangers from
protected species to both other animals and humans; endangered species and
marine mammal management needs; state and federal roles in managing plants
and animals; describing negative impacts of the ESA, MMPA, and AWA; animals
as property; the place of native species and exotic species and harmful
species vis-à-vis government; the use of animals; dealing with animal rights
and environmental activities that deny rights, traditions, and freedoms; and
returning animal jurisdiction and authority to lower levels of government
are some of the topics I wanted to suggest. This could be followed up by
organizing truly active coalitions of the conservation organizations and
such disparate groups as dog owners, vets, rodeoers, ranchers, etc., all of
whom could be invited to such a conference. Such a movement could sweep
along the bureaucrats and politicians thus making it harder for them to
sneak through things like the current Pet Animal Welfare Act and more public
land closures, etc. to build federal agency budgets and to influence voters
in future elections.
But, as I say, alas: the NRA won't take my call. So let's talk a little
"turkey" here. What I am about to write has gained me very nasty letters
from veterinarians and dog owner executives in the past. It has generated
even more vitriol than the vituperative letters I got over my skepticism
about the millions of dollars and myriad government restrictions justified
by a bird (the ivory-billed woodpecker) EXTINCT for 60 years; what I am
about to say will generate pure hatred, but so be it.
Either we own OUR animals or we don't. If it is permissible, as recently
happened, that federal politicians can pass a law forbidding a horse OWNER
from having their horse slaughtered: then WE DO NOT OWN OUR HORSES!
Likewise, if the federal politicians can pass a law that is then expanded by
bureaucrats and courts (the Animal Welfare Act) such that medical testing
and experiments on animals involving billions of dollars is exported to
China: the laboratories DO NOT OWN THE ANIMALS. If the federal government
can close public lands to all access and use (Wilderness, Roadless, Park,
Corridor, etc.) then we no longer can claim that either the land is "public"
or that we "own" the inaccessible animals therein. If the federal
GRIZZLY BEARS on American citizens and communities and then deny them the
right to protect themselves and their property; then THOSE CITIZENS NEITHER
DEPREDATIONS. There are many more examples but these suffice to make my
The Declaration of Independence says the following, "That to secure these
rights (i.e. 'Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness), Governments are
instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the
governed." Are any of these prohibitions regarding animal property and its
use considered as securing rights? Of course not, the environmental and
animal rights movements are all about DENYING AND DESTROYING RIGHTS.
The groups allied against all of us who own or use animals is large, well
financed and specialized. We are being eliminated one at a time and along
with us will go not only gun owners but the very governmental system we are
beholden to for the freest and most successful society in the history of the
world. Like Europe today, our governments are passing up all power and
authority to centralized dictatorships that are formed in large measure in
response to the influence of these animal rights and environmental despotic
groups that need tyrannical powers in order to force the rest of us to do
their bidding. Our American model of State and Local authority for all but
national defense and interstate commerce is our ONLY hope.
Think of all the animal users and owners as arrayed on a hilltop like an
ancient army facing an army of animal rights and environmental socialists
across the valley. Think of the cockfighters and horse slaughter advocates
on one flank and the dogfighters and dog owners in designated wolf country
on the other. All of them have been wiped out lately by artillery from the
animal rights advocates across the valley and we only watched in dumb
amazement. Now they are taking aim at the hunters and the fishermen and
rural residents. We don't shoot back BECAUSE WE ARE NOT TRYING TO ELIMINATE
THEM OR FORCE THEM TO DO ANYTHING (as they are committed to regarding us):
we just stand there and watch hound hunting eliminated, lead bullets
outlawed, unmanaged whales eating up commercial fish stocks, "sacred" seals
eating up recreational fish stocks, elephants trampling children and crops,
crocodiles and wolves eating children and old people, etc., etc. Meanwhile
we each just sort of hide behind each other and hope they don't hit us
before we die naturally.
Why is there NO DIALOGUE about things like; "what is so special about
whales, sea lions, dolphins, wolves, bears, elephants, crocodiles, sharks,
cause great harm to human societies?" "Why shouldn't an owner of a chicken
(or a dog or crickets) be able to use that animal as they see fit?" This
does not mean I accept fighting of such animals but on what basis should
there be BLANKET FEDERAL PROHIBITIONS against fighting them in private or
where local communities permit and regulate it? No one is forced to attend.
If gambling or illegal aliens or drugs are present (as in every other
sporting event in the country), prosecute it. Should Oklahoma City voters
be allowed to (because of their "numbers") prohibit every other Oklahoma
County from allowing and regulating cockfights? How is that any different
from the federal tyranny of federal cockfighting laws or federal animal
"welfare" laws or federal insertion and protection of deadly predators that
simply dismiss local community and state standards?
The recent Michael Vick/dogfighting business is as big a disgrace for the
nation and the rule of law as the fact that some dogs were killed after
losing fights. Let's all cheer for the fact the "he deserves" to be tried
twice for the same crime (Federal and now state court), let's all cheer for
"more" prison time, let's all tsk-tsk about how he isn't "sorry 'enough'".
This says more about us than it does about this young man from a poor
community where this treatment of dogs is condoned. Our willingness to wax
poetic about special rights for minorities and then descend on this man who's
University education was less than sterling and whose idea of spending the
millions lavished on him conflicted with the emotions of rich, urban groups
that think that this tyranny won't someday come to roost on their doorstep
like all those Germans that voted in Hitler because he would build autobahns
and invigorate the economy (at least temporarily) is astonishing to say the
Despite what veterinarians and pet "lovers" "feel" about dogs: they are
animals, no different than deer or rattlesnakes or baby seals. They are
either public or private property. The question for government is not "how
YOU should YOU treat your dog": the point for government and citizens to
remember in a free Republic with guaranteed rights and freedom is "how you
treat your dog (whether you sleep with it or dress it in jewels or fight it,
etc.) is YOUR BUSINESS".
As with the rest of the animal rights agenda, they are FORCING US to lose
our rights one at a time while we offer no opposition, only tepid responses
about how we agree about dogfighting or cockfighting or hunting or fishing
or ranching but not, of course, about OUR PET or OUR PROPERTY. This was
exactly what most Germans thought in the early 1930's only they were in a
depression. We, conversely are in the midst of incredible affluence with a
dwindling sense of the worth of human life or the importance of the morality
contained in the Ten Commandments.
Lest you veterinarians and animal "lovers" want to berate me as being
alarmist and not tuned into your approaching non-violent Brave New World, I
recommend you save your breath, type, and electrons to send things. Lest
others think I am being overly dramatic about this animal "love" denigrating
human life and being something that will eventually be forced on everyone, I
can only refer you to this morning's paper.
"A small but solemn group of mourners gathered at Old City Cemetery,
steeling themselves to say goodbye to three old friends." In Lynchburg,
Virginia (hardly Animal Rights Central) the article went on, "In a first for
Lynchburg's oldest cemetery, the loved ones committed to the ground
Wednesday were not soldiers, city leaders or the impoverished who leave
their final arrangements in the hands of the government. Rather they were a
cockatiel, a hedgehog and a yellow tang fish, all universal favorites among
the staff at the Nature Zone, the animal education center run by the
Department of Parks and Recreation."
These are the people "educating" our children. Think not only what this
says about animal status: consider carefully what it says about the status
of man. These are the people that more and more are becoming convinced that
their views could and should be forced on the rest of the nation. Our
amoral politicians will cater to them for votes and bigger salaries for
bureaucrats. Is there any doubt about the depths of societal mutations they
will eventually force on the rest of us as we continue to despise each other
and fail to come together?
Where are "our" conservation groups? Where are "our" politicians? Where
are our fellow believers in the biblical admonition for man to "fill the
earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of
the air, and all living things that move on the earth"? Where are the men
like my State Senator that have the intestinal fortitude to stand up and be
They evidently are "out" and will "return my call when they are back in the
Jim Beers
14 December 2007