March 1, 2008

Wolves - Symptoms of a Fatal Disease

by Jim Beers

I am currently putting together a presentation that I will give at The Good Neighbor Forum in Cheyenne, Wyoming at the Little America Conference Center on Saturday 15 March.

The speakers include a top Administration appointee and several nationally known experts on government, international legal matters and current American social issues. Talks and questions will be featured and if past Good Neighbor Forums are any indication, it will be well worth your time if you can attend. For more information go to

The title of my talk will be Stanching The Loss of Rights & Freedoms in the US Today. While wolves are but a part of the problems I will be addressing, several important developments associated with this sad wolf affair have crossed my desk in the last 24 hours and cry out for comment.

Last night I watched a brand-new just-released video on wolves and the real effects they are having on rural America. Bruce Hemming of Gackle, North Dakota has traveled to the Southwest and to Michigan to put together a documentary video on wolves. The title of this very worthwhile documentary is Undue Burden. It is a series of interviews and verifications of the growing menace of wolves to children and rural families. It confirms all the worse predictions of wolves on farm dogs and cattle. It shows the results of wolf attacks on elk and deer and how the wolves are really only weapons being used by radical groups and aristocratic bureaucrats (FWS "biologists" refused to be interviewed) to wipe out ranches, farms, hunting (everything from big game to turkeys and rabbits, etc.), and rural communities in order to expand their control over all Americans and rural America in particular. I strongly urge every rancher, farmer, rural resident, dog owner, hunter, trapper, logger, hiker, birdwatcher, retiree, student, soccer mom and anyone else old enough to add 2 plus 2; whether you live in the West or in the East or around the Great Lakes or in New England or in the South or the Midwest to get and watch this video. Share it with your friends and talk about it at work because wolves are going to be everywhere within the next decade. You need to understand what that means to wildlife and human existence. To order directly through Bruce's "Pro Save the Human Species" Website, click on this link:

Another important documentary on wolves from the documented history of the past 150 years in Russia is Will Graves' book, Wolves in Russia. This must-read account of the human, economic and social costs of living near wolves was recently published and can be ordered from Will at

Yesterday, a friend in California sent me a connection to a website This website was put together by hunters and other outdoors folks in Idaho. It verifies the carnage being wrought on elk and deer in Idaho by the growing wolf packs. Anyone that tells you that sufficient numbers of elk or deer or any other big game will be left in Idaho to hunt are either stupid, radical environmentalists or animal rights advocates, academics or bureaucrats profiting from the affair, or simply the filthy rich that foresee the availability of cheap land as rural Americans are forced to leave their homes like the Joads in The Grapes of Wrath.

It was with the onslaught of this growing documentation of what I have been saying for years about this misbegotten "wolf" weapon fresh in my mind that I read this morning's paper and felt obligated to write about yet another
"unmentionable" effect of wolf warfare on rural America.

As the presidential candidates vie with each other to tell us how bad off we are and what they each will do to save us; as Mr. Bernanke tells us that he expects bank failures; as housing prices and foreclosures put us all in fear of a domestic economic collapse; and as terrorist threats seem everywhere and gas prices of $4 per gallon are forecast: we are now to add the certain prediction of dramatic food price increases. The decreasing value of the dollar and international market demand added to the diversion of corn to ethanol production and the subsequent diversion of more cropland to corn production are the reasons given for an inevitable significant and widespread increase in the price of all manner of food from eggs to pasta to meat.

So watch Bruce Hemming's video, read Will Graves' book, and listen to the Idaho website mentioned above. The wolves are spreading and will spread literally everywhere eventually. Like those no-longer-managed cougars that are moving onto Midwest porches and decks or stalking urban California cyclists and walkers, the old wildlife management nostrums of "they only do this" and "they never do that" and "they only live there" and "here's how to behave if you meet one" (just like the old disproved pronouncements that "turkeys need wilderness" or "striped bass can't live in fresh water" or "resident Canada geese won't be a problem", etc.): wolves, like their domesticated cousins can adapt to anything as their numbers and economic and mortal danger to humans increase proportionately. But enough about that, what does this have to do with the coming increase in food prices?

The disappearance of huntable numbers of deer and elk and moose and turkeys and rabbits and bighorn sheep and antelope et al will spread and be duplicated over time as the wolf packs increase and spread. Consider all the meat and meals from all those animals that were taken annually 20 years ago and now no longer even exists much less is available to hunters. Think of all the rural homes that had meat meals at an inexpensive cost and all the wildlife management that was paid for by those hunters' licenses and the excise taxes they paid to maintain those game animals. Add the loss of all that protein and all that ancillary employment (taxidermists, motels, restaurants, grocery stores, hardware stores, etc., etc.) that the hunting activity brought to these increasingly stressed (ranch abandonment, rural dangers of attacks, hunter fears, loss of tax base, etc.) rural communities and you have government-sponsored devastation that will eventually match the ruin left by the passage of hordes through post-Roman Europe.

The ranchers being vilified and decimated by the wolf advocates and their propaganda "cooperators" are somewhat like the oil sitting off American shores or in the North Slope of Alaska. That oil is kept untouchable as we are price-gouged by dictators and terrorist states that would destroy us.

Those ranchers our media so blithely report as "not belonging 'there'" or as "destroying nature" or even as "sissies" are shut down even as food prices for livestock feed (NOT "NATURAL" GRASSES AND FORBES AND BRUSH ON
UNDEVELOPED LANDS) and the meat they produce economically go through the roof and as we fear for the very future of our nation and our very families.

The elimination of hunting and ranching and rural existence coupled with the absolute closure and control of rural America by government and the filthy rich are what the wolf worship and lies are all about. It is all part of establishing precedents to have government do everything from controlling your diet and weight to telling you where to live and how you may move about. There will be no private property or Constitutional rights as this scenario and its "partner movements", such as gun control, government control of all waters and the total "neutering" of state government by federal bureaucrats doling out federal dollars with more strings than a medieval marionette play themselves out over time.
Remember all this as you complain about food prices. We are letting people with very anti-American and anti-human values destroy our nation. We have believed lies and swallowed contrived nonsense like "Native Species" and
destroying human freedoms and rights (for which our forefathers died) for the imaginings of these people that despise us and our values.

I make NO EXCUSE for saying that WOLVES DO NOT BELONG WHERE PEOPLE ARE LIVING. In spite of the claptrap from "biologists" and others, the model for a nation where deadly predators are protected and where animals are not
managed for the best interests of rural people is Africa. US and European radicals have manipulated African nations through UN connivance so that they may not hunt or ship or commercialize the wildlife they host AS THEY SEE
FIT. UN "Conventions" ostensibly try to freeze all species and numbers no matter the human cost thereby controlling commerce and development and human dignity, in reality they simply give radicals (through their UN surrogates)
power over practically all aspects of those nations lives.

Consider what the USA would be like today if we had been forced to maintain free-roaming buffalo and wolves and cougars and grizzly bears et al. The Europeans would have either stayed in Europe (which obviously millions did NOT want to do) or they would have been forced to live (and prosper?) like Africans are forced to do today. We would have formed our own villages and warred with each other (and "Native" Americans) like Hutus and Tutsis or like blacks and whites under the Mau Maus. We would have as many "property rights" as a Zimbabwe subject, the "gun rights" of a Kenyan slum dweller, and the religious freedom of a Darfur native under Janjaweed overlords.

My talk in Cheyenne will try and place this in perspective and make some recommendations. Be warned though, that the recommendations are neither simple nor easy. We are talking about a fatal disease here that has gone
untreated for a long time. There is the possibility that it has advanced beyond remedy but as long as there is life, we must do all we can.

Read Will Graves' book, watch Bruce Hemming's video documentary (does anyone know how it could be considered for an award?), look at all those pictures on the Idaho website, and then come to Little America in Cheyenne on the
15th of March.

I hope to meet you there and answer questions or get some ideas that might help us all.

Jim Beers
29 February 2008

- If you found this worthwhile, please share it with others.  Thanks. (Jim Beers Common Sense)

- Jim Beers is available for consulting or to speak. Contact:

- Jim Beers is a retired US Fish & Wildlife Service Wildlife Biologist, Special Agent, Refuge Manager, Wetlands Biologist, and Congressional Fellow. He was stationed in North Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York City, and Washington DC. He also served as a US Navy Line Officer in the western Pacific and on Adak, Alaska in the Aleutian Islands. He has worked for the Utah Fish & Game, Minneapolis Police Department, and as a Security Supervisor in Washington, DC. He testified three times before Congress; twice regarding the theft by the US Fish & Wildlife Service of $45 to 60 Million from State fish and wildlife funds and once in opposition to expanding Federal Invasive Species authority. He resides in Centreville, Virginia with his wife of many decades.

Response To Jim Beers Article:

Note: As our readers know, Good Neighbor believes in education. The following correspondance regards, "Cheyenne & Wolves" by Jim Beers, is a terrific example of how a good discussion enlarges education, and moves every concern towards real resolutions. Editor GNL


When I get emails written by folks like this guy (Jim Beers) I see red. They are so over the top that I can't stand to even read them. They don't come across as rational at all.

Do wolves cause some havoc to farmers and ranchers. I assume that they do. Are they needed so that places like Estes Park...and elsewhere can cull herds of elk and deer that have over populated areas...absolutely.

Would I want my dog or cat eaten by a wolf...of course not. If I lived on a farm or ranch would I know that that's a possibilty; one of the risks I've taken (just as fast cars down my street are a risk of living in the city)

As you can tell, the tone of the email I got turned me more against folks impacted by wolves than helped your cause.

Jill M (CO)


I apologize for being overly exuberant. Funny thing is, I agree with everything this lady says except the "need" for wolves to cull elk in Rocky Mtn. National Park. The elk should have been "culled" many decades ago and then "culled" annually to assure an elk herd in consonance with the carrying capacity of the habitat in that area frequented by the herd. Those concerned about this before and those who are concerned about it now should be informed that not only is the use of licensed hunters and a managed hunt the only reasonable solution to that problem: only a regualted harvest by hunters generates money for management of wildlife as well as being the ONLY method that has a reasonable likelihood of attaining the numbers and distribution of elk desired. For more reasons than I have the time to mark, saying that wolves are the answer to the "elk problem" is like saying that communism is the answer to poverty.

Jim Beers

WHAT! You mean Communism didn't stop poverty????

My feelings about wolves and elk is really about a bigger picture. We eliminate one part of the food chain (in this case the wolves) and there's often a negative impact on the other parts of the food chain (too many elk, deer, caribou, etc.) Bringing in hunters doesn't bring back the balance.

The latest "ah, ha" is that there's going to be an impact from the destruction of sharks.

We (people) look at our individual problems, (or as in the case of sharks, tastebuds and health claims...or wolves and chickens and calves or sheep) and fail to look at the bigger picture (impact on the balance of/in nature). The reverse of that is when we city folks water our lawns to keep them green and don't care about the impact of water useage on farmers and ranchers.

Those are really apple and oranges comparisons, but I think you get the gist of my thoughts.

Jill M (CO)

Good Neighbor Committee
P.O. Box 155 - La Salle, CO  80645

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