Little Bo Peep hasn't lost any sheep and
She's always getting more of 'em.
She can't take care of what she has nor
Can she afford to do anything with 'em.
She wants more sheep, whatever the cost
And she knows just how to get 'em.
Q. How could anyone call Little Bo Peep, "evil"?
A. When the image of innocence is used to mask evil actions, it is evil.
Little Bo Peep is a fairy tale image similar to the image cultivated to
disguise evil actions of the National Park Service. The following is about
the National Park Service but it applies equally to the US Fish and Wildlife
Service, The US Forest Service, The Bureau of Land Management, and all the
other federal land "managing" (actually "owning and closing") agencies from
the Department of Defense Base managers to the Bureau of Reclamation. All
of them cultivate an image of "saving" land and "saving" animals" and
"saving" plants and "saving" ecosystems and "saving" resources and "saving"
whatever gets them more land and bigger budgets and more power. How could
anyone that does such wonderful things be "evil"?
The National Park Service has brazenly become more open lately about its
future plans for taking more private property and American citizen rights.
The reason for this is the upcoming election. They and their federal
(brother?, sister?, brother/sister?, whatever) land owning agencies smell
blood in the water as never before. Agency gains in numbers of Parks; acres
of land controlled; schemes concocted involving "view sheds", "bypasses",
"Heritage Areas", road closures, wolf introductions like Yellowstone and
soon Olympic etc., and assorted regulatory tightenings of the past 30 years
have established a pattern of growth that will not stop until nearly all of
rural America is owned or controlled by federal bureaucrats. Add to these
precedents two of the "greenest" Presidential candidates ever and an
anticipated large liberal US House and Senate majority seeking pleasant
("bread and circuses") diversions for the voters and you have a surefire
recipe for federal bureaucratic excess. The Park Service smells it and all
their "partners" and "fiduciaries" from The Nature Conservancy to the
Universities (grants) and state parks (grants) to the retiree organizations
and historical societies and archeologists and anti-land & anti-natural
resource use groups smell it too.
What have they done lately as they lay the groundwork for their own growth
and further diminishment of private property and viable rural communities
that could be called evil?
Well for starters, National Park Service retiree organizations and a herd of
retired and ex-National Park Service Directors recently testified before
Congress that state gun laws should not apply on any National Park. The
National Park Service has prohibited any guns on any National Park for
years. Why? Why because it is a "Park" and Parks are what? Sacred?
Special? These former and pensioned federal employees have not only written
and enforced federal regulations prohibiting "the right to bear Arms" on
federal land, they actually lobbied Congress to deny 2nd Amendment rights to
Of course this gesture of solidarity with the Mayors of San Francisco and
Chicago and New York was concocted and played before an anti-2nd Amendment
US House of Representatives WHILE the US Supreme Court was considering the
illegality of the Washington, DC gun ban. The National Park Service, both
the active employees and these "junkers", were emboldened to justify their
unjustifiable gun ban with the hope of influencing the Supreme Court! Park
employees have long been notorious anti-gun and anti-hunting zealots but
even more so of late while taking advantage of the opportunity to signal the
anticipated Democrat majorities in the Congress that they support them and
look forward to their (Congress') support for Park "programs".
A few examples of their vision of things to be done to the American society
in the next four years are emerging.
1.. Studies of National Park "view sheds" are being initiated to expand
land control authority and justify land purchases and bypasses and road
closures. The Park near me (Manassas Battlefield) is doing this right now
to stop nearby power lines and commercial development and justify closing
roads in the Park to expand the Park and build a bypass while closing
historic and heavily used highways that bisect the Park. Many other Parks
are laying this sort of groundwork now to give the new Congress things to
spend money on to expand federal ownership of land and to harm anyone living
near or needing to travel through federal lands.
2.. Studies of Olympic Park streams are "revealing" that certain trees are
not abundant "because there are no wolves there". So wolves will be
leapfrogged from the upper Rockies to NW Washington to make Olympic Park
more like Yellowstone with its brucellosis-ridden bison and elk and deadly
predators like wolves. Can deadly grizzly bears be far behind? Human
injuries, human deaths, and the destruction of human property from dogs to
livestock will be the result in and around the Park, but "tree diversity"
will be highlighted even though it is of no moment to anyone or anything.
3.. The boldest display of evil chutzpah was a recent cynical "news" story
concocted by National Park Service employees and their "cooperators". To
wit, the National Park Service "needs to reach out to minorities". The tale
went something like this, "visitors to Parks are nearly all white",
"National Parks are not meeting the 'needs' of minorities", and "National
Parks need to represent the 'minority experience' more". To this old
bureaucrat (I was once the Operations Chief of the National Wildlife Refuge
System) the hidden agenda here was stark, bold, and massive. The National
Park was telling President Obama and Representative Rangel and Senators
Clinton and Feinstein and even Senator McCain that the Parks could BUY more
Parks, HIRE more employees, and DESIGN more programs for the constituencies
that will elect them. What could be better than pleasing those that elect
you with the property and tax money of those that were not enthusiastic
about you? Consider this - 20 to 25 years ago when the National Park
Service and National Wildlife Refuges and National Forests began to charge
"Entrance Fees" the worthiest objection was that the poor and elderly and
minorities would effectively be barred from visiting the Parks and Refuges
and Forests by such fees. I always felt that new immigrants were also some
of the folks we should have encouraged to visit battle sites and important
historic sites but that the last things we needed to do was put blocks in
their way such as proliferating entrance fees for lands that taxpayers
already bought and paid for. But no, Washington bureaucrats and all those
soon to emerge "concerned" politicians put fees everywhere and increased
them time and again. But soon they will "see the light" and not rescind any
entrance fees (of course) but buy more Parks and enlarge Parks and federal
employee numbers and salaries as they hire minorities to reach out to
minorities and grow the National Park Service even more than has been the
case to date.
4.. These things and much more are being enabled by the sly National Park
Service/federal politician Relief Act known as "Heritage Areas" and "Trails".
These funding devices allow politicians to tell urban constituents that
"they" (the thoughtful politician and the Bo Peep Park agency) will spend
millions in certain counties or states to "preserve" this or that site where
horses were once tied or some folks once traveled. Anything qualifies and
the money is funneled through the National Park Service (with
"administrative" deductions of course) to friendly historical organizations
and archeological groups and plain old anti-development groups to stop rural
development and build justification for eventual acquisition before "it"
(whatever it may be) is "lost" to the uncontrolled vagaries of free men and
women living in rural communities in a Constitutional Republic.
So you can call it what you will but I call it evil when someone is 1.
trying to destroy my gun rights; 2. converting usable and productive private
property into unmanaged and unused state-owned property; 3.excluding
minorities and the poor from government properties for years and then
cynically using minorities to curry political favor and money; 4.
introducing and protecting large predators that are a threat to human life
and private property where they do not belong; 5. inventing nonsense like
"view sheds" to justify taking more private property from citizens; and 6.
disguising future government land acquisition until funds are made available
by disrupting rural economies through funding anti-development groups with
tax dollars to soften them up for eventual government purchase.
What I have said here is true. It no doubt angers public employees and
upsets those that would build these "systems" (Parks, Refuges, Forests,
etc.) until they control everything. So be it. We all need to be aware of
precisely what is going on here and not be taken in by the Little Bo Peep
image of these agencies. Each year they whine that they have "backlogs" of
every stripe and that hundreds of "needs" are going unmet unless they get
"more" money, people, and higher salaries. Add to this that every year they
get "more" of all these things. Then think hard about how they and their
brethren bureaucrats are going to play the upcoming President (whichever)
and the new Congress from scared Republican minorities to emboldened
Democrats looking for "causes" and "programs" to name after themselves. It
is not a pretty site to contemplate and the end result will be not only evil
but cumulative destruction when combined with other agency abuses that have
emerged over the past 35 to 40 years like catastrophic fires and law
enforcement that amounts to killing mosquitoes with a hammer.
Jim Beers
12 July 2008