ARTICLES: October 17, 2012


by Jim Beers


Recently, a Minnesota grouse hunter shot a wolf that had bitten his German Shorthaired-Pointer and then chased it back to the hunter with the clear intent of killing it. The papers noted that the Minnesota DNR Report described a wolf killed by the hunters’ shotgun (with bird shot) at a range of eight yards.

A colleague of mine (Mr. Will Graves the author of WOLVES IN RUSSIA) when informed of this attack, contacted the Minnesota small town paper that was nearest the attack. He was concerned that the wolf should be autopsied especially for the presence of the tapeworm Echinococcus granulosis. This tapeworm can debilitate and even kill humans and all Canids (wolves, dogs, coyotes, etc.). This very common tapeworm in wolves was ignored in wolf “Recovery” documents and is still ignored by federal and state bureaucrats as well as veterinarians concerned about being described as anti-wolf to their animal-loving customers. The wolf’s saliva could very well transmit this tapeworm to the dog with a bite and subsequently the dog’s tongue, feces and saliva could eventually and very easily transmit the tapeworm to family members, yards, kennels, other hunters, acquaintances petting the dog or playing with it or even babies playing on the carpets in the “safety” of their own homes.

Long story, short; the newspaper reporter refused to give out the hunter’s name and when told of the need for an autopsy, retorted that some lady DNR employee said “the wolf had been so shot up it could not be tested for any disease or parasite.” An autopsy for tapeworms can involve the intestines or any of the vital organs where eggs reside or where adult forms are growing. Anything short of a radio-controlled missile bomb fired from a drone (assumedly not available here) would certainly leave abundant tissue and other matter to examine for the tapeworm, but alas what does Mr. Graves know? Being neither a government “specialist” nor a veterinarian, he is probably just an old crank. So the reporter gave Mr. Graves the phone number of the lady’s DNR Supervisor.

When Mr. Graves got no answer or recording, he asked me (a Minnesotan that could surely reach this fellow?) to please contact him. After a long wait yesterday as the phone rang, a recording eventually told me that the phone had been disconnected. The next day I tried to sift through the overwhelming number of DNR employees to no avail. Given phone recordings and (purposely?) complex Offices, Branches, Departments, etc.: I suspect I could have more quickly contacted current on-the-ground CIA operatives in Libya.

As I stared at my computer and the phone it occurred to me that wolves, abortion and same sex “marriage” (the latter is currently on the November Minnesota ballot) have several key aspects in common. If it is possible to set aside our very deeply held beliefs on these matters and to look as dispassionately as possible at their legal and societal evolution, I would suggest we might better understand what is happening with wolves, grizzly bears, and other such “Endangered”,” Native”, “Important”, (whatever) Species.

1. When Abortion was legalized in Norway, it became punishable with a fine and/or imprisonment for a Minister or Priest to demean this particular “Law of the Land. When Abortion was authorized by the US Supreme Court it was understood that it was for the first “trimester”: this soon became the second trimester, then the third trimester, and today we discuss killing children up to 6 months old for “reasons” as flimsy as cleft palates and “quality of life” judgments. Recently, US Presidents have forbidden Military Chaplains from preaching against abortion either privately or publicly in their services. Children are not only being “taught the benefits” of Abortion in school; they are told that parents needn’t know if teachers take them for abortions or if school nurses give them birth control advice and substances. In short, parents and the traditional and moral teachings were to be disregarded by the Brave New World of a younger generation schooled exclusively by wise teachers and bureaucrats. The issue, from funding Planned Parenthood to government funding of birth control for female graduate students is described as a woman’s inviolable right to control her “body” free from government control (the same government control ironically taking shape for bureaucrats to determine who gets knee replacements or heart surgery since government will fund all that as well).

2. When Same-Sex Marriage was adopted in Sweden years ago, schools and churches were forbidden to speak against or in any way demean either same Same-Sex Marriage or Same-Sex sexual practices. Only last week I heard a Swedish Minister tell of his harrowing encounter with a six-month prison sentence for questioning Same-Sex activity from the pulpit. When Canada legalized Same-Sex Marriage in 2005 dominoes began falling all over.

- Public Schools were told to teach Same-Sex acceptance and tolerance to all children.
- Any books used in school (from history to mathematics) HAD to emphasize Same-Sex heroes.
- Teachers were told they could not tell parents about course content and neither parents’ wishes nor students’ desires could justify “opting-out” or leaving such mandatory classes.
- When parents began to put kids in parochial and private schools, since they received some public funds or “tax breaks, such schools were forced to adopt public school mandates regarding Same-Sex activity.
- As parents then began taking kids into home-schooling, government-”regulators” enforced the government mandates on home-schooling parents forced to use government-approved books with government mandates on subject matter and government testing to assure compliance.
- Human “Rights” Commissions were established to enforce public acceptance and allowed speech regarding Same-Sex activities in the broadest sense from teaching little kids sex mechanics to speaking publicly or privately in unapproved ways. The secret chambers allow no lawyers and can issue sentences from fines and jail to mandatory “Re-Education” (shades of North Vietnam et al) Training.
- National politicians openly state their goal of developing a new generation that fully accepts Same-Sex activity by punishing and silencing all those that question it.
As Minnesota (the 30th State to do so) prepares to vote on this matter, there is no publicity about these consequences elsewhere. Yet we are met almost every day with articles about corporations and celebrities supporting Same-Sex Marriage while being regaled with reports of ex-Catholic priests, a current Catholic priest, some members of the Knights of Columbus, young Catholics and students, certain Protestant churches and theologians all also supporting the (according to the papers) almost certain passage of legalizing Same-Sex Marriage characterized as a “Civil Right”.


Just as Abortion was celebrated as saving poor women from “back-alley butchers” and Same-Sex Marriage is proposed to rescue fellow citizens from “discrimination”; so too was The Endangered Species Act passed to “save wild species from extinction”. There were only denials and guffaws at the time about where this explosion of federal power would lead the Nation.
- While pointing to eagles and whales and elephants, a minnow in Tennessee was used to stop a hydroelectric dam. Only when Congress passed an exemption was the dam constructed. Future developments from dams to roads would require developers to be subservient to fickle and arbitrary bureaucratic powers based on the established precedent.

- A warbler in Texas was used to tell landowners that they could not use or develop their land. When property owners correctly described this as a “taking”, thereby requiring “compensation”; a court merely ruled that it was not a taking. Future property rights became subject to government whims that cost government nothing.
- Lawsuits to “List” things and “Stop” things became ubiquitous and laws were passed to “pay” the cost of lawsuits by petitioners often in cahoots with bureaucrats. Thus were lawyers drawn to these matters like flies drawn to honey.
- Species “calved” into subspecies that calved into races that calved into populations that calved into distinct populations that calved into distinct population segments; each of which carried all the bureaucratic power of what was originally termed “endangered” SPECIES. Thus were Universities and specialist professors given government funds to bamboozle the public and the courts as well as to provide cover for pandering politicians and bureaucrats. Radical, no-growth, central government agendas were clothed in a blizzard of “science”, “native species” claims akin to Hitler’s “pre-Roman” fascinations, and “experts” on everything from bats to tortoises.
- A never-abundant owl was used to eliminate all logging and timber management over millions of acres or public and private land in the Northwest. When mills closed, unemployment soared (never to recover), small towns dried up, rural economies withered, rural residents fled, and radicals took over state and federal wildlife agencies; the power of the ESA doubled and doubled again. Although the biologically insignificant owl was forgotten, a similar maneuver was used to “List” an insignificant sucker in a lake to close an enormous irrigated farm district to destroy dams, drive out farmers and farming, and turn over the land to government bureaucracies and Native American “partners. A similar effort was launched in the Platte River watershed in 3 states using migratory bird claims and irrigation practices. Government tyranny processes increased as no one or no place was any longer safe from seizure.
- State wildlife agencies, like Universities, steadily became addicted to federal dollars and worked as silent partners in the federal power surge that everyone believed was unstoppable and inevitable.
- Then came WOLVES. If logging could be eliminated by a Northwest owl and Southern logging could be made subject to federal claims about a woodpecker (Red-cockaded) or even false assertions about an EXTINCT woodpecker (Ivory-billed); couldn’t a similar maneuver be used to eliminate hunting and ranching, and remnant rural enclaves? Wolves would kill livestock, reduce game populations, kill dogs and both threaten and kill rural residents thereby making rural living increasingly hazardous. Wolf populations, etc. would be easily invented. Ancient fables about dangerous and deadly predators could be attributed to superstitious beliefs (like moral teachings about human life and sex). Releasing wolves in a National Park could be justified in court whether private property was impacted or public land use was restricted based on warblers, woodpeckers and owls, et al. Reams of “scientific” reports (as is happening) could be generated about willows, aspens, keeping big game on the move, the breeding success of dark wolves v. light wolves, etc., etc. thus keeping the public and the courts baffled while the wolves spread and increased their densities thereby increasingly reducing game, making ranching more untenable, and endangering remaining humans as wolf food became increasingly scarce. Wolf howls could be romanticized and (just like Same-Sex Marriage impacts on children) diseases and infections spread by these very effective vectors (i.e. wolves) could be denied, ignored, and laughed at by bureaucrats, reporters, professors, veterinarians and other beneficiaries of this crime with no one accountable.

Just as any sensible person can now see how abortion has softened up the younger generation to consider and accept euthanasia and government boards to decide who gets medical help or not: just as Same-Sex Marriage is seen as but a step in further taking children away from parents and indoctrinating them by government propagandists (think Hitler Youth or Communist Red Guards, etc.): so too are wolves taking us further into a government maw of tyranny. If wolves are still spreading and doing all these things, why not use the same approach for a rural- destruction-multiplier, i.e. grizzly bears. Grizzly bears are more dangerous to all humans than wolves. While grizzly bears are more dangerous to hikers, campers, joggers, and other recreationists, they are especially dangerous to ranchers, hunters and rural residents that might try to exist in the midst of dense wolf populations but will be convinced to leave when friends and neighbors have horrific and deadly encounters with these animals that no more belong in settled landscapes than pythons, cobras, or Nile crocodiles.
Just as all those early “endangered” (SPECIES??) justified the wolf debacle that everyone is now told to endure forevermore; so too has the wolf precedent justified the grizzly bears. Where will it stop? It will never stop until it is stopped.

As long as these laws are on the books:

- Children are not safe, (nature show nonsense justifying tyranny is no different than the school nurse or the Home School Examiner).
- Families are not safe. Rural economies are being destroyed just as parental authority and future protection for the disabled, the elderly, the sick and the imperfect is in jeopardy.
- Human worth is being steadily diminished as human lives and human injuries are “weighed” against having grizzly bears and wolves roaming “out there”: just as a human fetus is referred to as mere “tissue” and children enticed to “try” Same-Sex practices are treated like children asked to determine what sport they like best.

It matters not when the US Congress grants an “exemption”. Lawsuits and lawful re-intervention by federal overseers can erupt overnight. Current limited “hunts” while widely welcomed are little more than seasons that mimic other hunting seasons designed to maintain or increase reproductive replacement. Additionally, wolves (that are steadily reducing available wild food in their habitat) move in groups and learn very quickly to avoid anything that injured or killed other wolves. Thus are wolves (much as grizzly bears will do) increasing, getting smarter and decreasing their available food supply in a settled landscape where humans and their property will be the only alternative.
Wolves, like abortion and Same-Sex Marriage are recipes for future national (what?) collapse, disintegration, diminishment, tyranny under government oppression.

The wolf killed by the Minnesota grouse hunter goes un-autopsied so bureaucrats and reporters can laugh at folks like Mr. Graves while denying any disease or infectious dangers from wolves. The hunter maintains his anonymity and will never suspect where a neighbor or relative ever “picked up” that tapeworm found in their kidney. The faceless and anonymous bureaucrat “experts” are back in their hole like Eastern Diamondbacks. Ranchers, hunters and rural residents and recreationists can continue to argue about “which subspecies” or the court decision re: “Section j” authority in the Beers case precedent to no real avail. The wolves and grizzlies will steadily expand and kill and destroy in the midst of those helpless before government power bent to serve the wills of those far away.

No matter what this President or the next Senate or some court says now or in the future; as long as these all-powerful laws remain on the books, future despots and self-serving bureaucrats and radical organizations will manipulate them at some future opportune moment.
Laws that do what these laws do, do not belong on the books of a Nation once considered a Constitutional Republic formed to protect “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”. Our Rights are no longer “unalienable” or “endowed by their Creator” if children can be taken from parents and taught what their parents (and human history) condemn, and deadly and destructive animals can be inserted into human communities that are then forced to unfairly endure them or go elsewhere. People will no longer come here because it is so good, but only because the hellhole where they are is so bad. Picture an America with too few children; with children encouraged to not reproduce but only live for pleasure; an America devoid of productive rural precincts and increasingly dangerous as you proceed out from the tightly-regulated urban area cores.

When you consider these things together, it is not farfetched to picture the US as a top that is slowing down and beginning to wobble before it falls down.

Jim Beers
16 October 2012

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Jim Beers is a retired US Fish & Wildlife Service Wildlife Biologist, Special Agent, Refuge Manager, Wetlands Biologist, and Congressional Fellow. He was stationed in North Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York City, and Washington DC. He also served as a US Navy Line Officer in the western Pacific and on Adak, Alaska in the Aleutian Islands. He has worked for the Utah Fish & Game, Minneapolis Police Department, and as a Security Supervisor in Washington, DC. He testified three times before Congress; twice regarding the theft by the US Fish & Wildlife Service of $45 to 60 Million from State fish and wildlife funds and once in opposition to expanding Federal Invasive Species authority. He resides in Eagan, Minnesota with his wife of many decades.

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