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November 1, 2013 | |
Repeal The 17th Amendment | |
For the record, I have a “pile” (if you could pile up e-mails) of nasty comments from readers and those they forward my scribblings to for my observations concerning the following topic. I have been called ignorant by lawyers and “politically divisive” by liberal voters. I have been referred to Snopes and told to quit “shooting from the hip”. I have been called “naive” by friends that assured me that Obama and Clinton (and their appointees and supporters”) had no such intentions about guns, the Endangered Species Act or Presidential power for that matter. One even noted that they would be “crazy” to try such a thing. The topic? Using UN Treaties to subvert and destroy the US Constitution, one inconvenient (to the President) Right at a time. I have said many times over the past 10 years that UN Treaties and Conventions are being used to change Constitutional government outside the Repeal or Amendment processes stated in the Constitution in order to grow federal power and particularly to eliminate any check on Presidential power. This has been an integral part of my comments, criticisms and suggestions regarding the Endangered Species Act’s now accepted power to authorize federal bureaucrats to take private property both without compensation and for a non-public purpose. Additionally, under Presidents Clinton and especially Obama this pernicious (defined as “ruinous, highly hurtful, fatal, evil or wicked”) practice of quietly helping UN staff to draft a “Small Arms Treaty” that we then sign to “protect” everyone from foreign children to angelic dictators and tyrants is making our current and future Presidents into unfettered dictators. How so? Article VI of the US Constitution states “all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the Supreme Law of the Land, and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of Any State to the contrary not-withstanding”. So an Obama or Clinton takes an oath (which means what anymore, as we become an atheistic/secular nation?) to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” and then immediately appoints persons (Hillary, Holder, ATF “Fast and Furious” appointees, Kerry, etc.) opposed to the 2nd Amendment to undermine and eliminate it and one of the first things they do is clandestinely bargain with UN bureaucrats opposed to the US 2nd Amendment model in any country to use UN Treaty powers to eliminate the 2nd Amendment of our Constitution. While there is a Constitutional process for Repealing or Amending the Constitution, what these environmental/gun control politicians and their appointees are doing (helping to draft and then signing a Treaty) with the UN is what? “Misguided”? “Driven by high ideals”? “Avant garde”? Or simply traitorous? Set aside that the framers of the Constitution no more could have conceived of a United Nations or UN “Treaties” (signed by many, enforced by only a few, and ultimately used to shift national sovereignty to faceless and unaccountable foreign bureaucrats). When they said “Treaty” alas, they envisioned a firm agreement between two or at most a few countries for a specific purpose. Treaty violations might not only mean nullification of that Treaty, it could mean war. Contrast that with a “UN” Treaty wherein violations mean little, unless our President pushes it for his own purposes and for which “nullification” or revocation is a Tar Baby of impossible magnitude worthy of Uncle Remus and Old Br’er Fox. The US Senate has been a willing ally in this Presidential campaign to increase Presidential power and steadily reduce (thus far) Constitutional property rights and gun rights. Both political Parties are guilty as the Democrats ratchet them up when they control the Senate and White House and the Republicans let them stand (to bask in the power it brings them) when they control the US Senate and the White House. Why do I say “the US Senate”? Because under Article II Section 2 of the US Constitution, The US Senate must ratify any and all “Treaties” by a 2/3 vote of those present AND also must ratify all “Ambassadors”, “Ministers”, “Consuls”, Judges of the supreme Court” and all Presidential Appointees. In other words, without Senate ratification of a UN Treaty and without ratification of the appointment of Presidential appointees that have a record of subverting Constitutional freedoms, rights and guarantees The UN Treaty as a weapon to subvert the US Constitution would NOT EXIST! One hundred years ago, 8 April 1913 to be exact, the 17th Amendment was passed. It changed the way the 2 Senators from each State were appointed from “appointment by the Legislature thereof” to “elected by the people thereof”. This has (today) dramatically changed these powerful (especially concerning their ratification powers for Treaties and Appointments) US Senators from champions of the interests of “their” State to pandering personages beholden to international and national interests from UN Lobbies and gambling to environmental and gun interests that actually threaten the welfare of the residents of “their” State. So you ask, how do they get re-elected? They get re-elected with the money and media and volunteers and polls and disinformation these outside-the-state interests bring to bear to keep “their” man or woman in these powerful roles. How else can Minnesota and Colorado Senators work to eliminate the 2nd Amendment and get re-elected? How else could Oregon Senators implement logging closures and irrigation shutdowns and still get re-elected? How else could Arizona and New Mexico Senators support wolves and public land non-management that results in catastrophic fires, destruction of property and endangerment of human lives and still get re-elected? Ask Handgun Control, Defenders of Wildlife, Humane Society of the US, NRDC, CBD, TNC, the UN Agenda 21 crowd, Sierra Club, Wilderness Society, PETA, World Wildlife Fund, EU Parliamentarians, European gun-control governments, UN Lobbyists, etc. Just as the federal government couldn’t pass legislation giving themselves federal authority over “all waters of the US” instead of the Constitutional federal authority over “Navigable waters of the US” (ask ex-Congressman Oberstar of the N Minnesota Lake Country about what his ex-constituents thought when they understood what he and his Party were trying to do about this): so too are gun-controllers and environmental/animal rights radicals implementing their pernicious agendas incrementally. Today the EPA has written and taken to court regulations claiming that the Clean Water Act does what Congress could not say directly (federal jurisdiction over “all waters of the US”) and in any case could not, without amending the US Constitution), expand federal authority so dramatically when the Constitution HAS limited it to “Navigable waters of the US”. Today the US Constitution is under heavy assault from those sworn to protect and uphold it. UN Treaties, un-Constitutional laws, anti-Constitutional Appointee Confirmations, and a US Senate that ought to be wearing powdered wigs and white Knee-Stockings to mimic the rich and powerful Lords we thought we replaced over 200 years ago and who they now think they have become. If they can’t “pass a law taking away rights; if they can’t appoint and confirm “judges” that are ideologues regardless of Constitutional wording or precedent; if they can’t ratify a UN Treaty that will subvert Constitutional guarantees: then the Constitution will continue to be our protection from tyranny as opposed a tool of tyrants. Permitting a “confirmed” radical Attorney General do what is described in the following article before a “confirmed” judge felt to be “safe and dependable” for his pernicious cause to get a foot in the “precedence” just as was done with the ESA and soon enough you have total Presidential control of more than just guns or “ all waters”: you have government powers like the Kelo Decision authorizing government to take property from one owner to give to another as something that everyone soon assumes was always there back when the country was vibrant and productive. |
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