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November 5, 2013 | |
Some "Howcums" | |
How come the same animal “lovers” that are outraged by chicken fights or dogfights blithely ignore or are Ok with funding and supporting government wolves that kill and maim thousands of pet dogs, watch dogs, hunting dogs and herding dogs? How come? How come teachers and teachers’ unions are given authority to imbue children about everything from sex education and abortion to mythical wildlife and 2nd Amendment beliefs over parental objections while the parents retain responsibility for the children and their actions until they reach adulthood? How Come? How come the same urban folks that tell us that rural people must learn to “live with wolves” are the same ones that upon seeing a large dog running loose call 911, call in the kids and are fine with euthanizing the dog when no owner is found? How come? How come every dog owner knows that a bitch in heat is bred immediately by every male dog that gets near her during this extended period, yet the same folks are silent or gullible about animal rights’ claims that “only” Alpha male wolves breed or that somehow wolf pack “social” structure is somehow impaired if a new “Alpha” male (for whatever reason) assumes that role? How come? How come every dog owner, veterinarian and County Animal Warden knows the importance of “shots” and the wide capability of dogs to contract and carry diseases and infections of great danger to themselves, humans and other animals; but are then either silent or disbelieving regarding identical dangers from wolves (that breed successfully with every dog, range far and wide, and eat and roll in everything from dead and dying animals to animal feces and other disgusting items)? How come? How come the same animal “lovers” now saying that people shouldn’t own dogs or hunt or raise sheep or have children in “wolf country” are the same ones that also don’t want anyone to have a gun or own an animal or continue traditional Constitutional and limited government? How come? How come the same federal bureaucracies that allowed the importation of pythons for pets and Asian carp for catfish farms now seek new laws to authorize them to (over State and citizen objections) eradicate “non-native” brown trout, pheasants, Hungarian partridge, Great Lakes’ salmon, etc. and even “out of place” “natives” like muskies, bass, striped bass, etc. simply because they were not here or there in 1492 AD? How come? How come the assertion that somehow any plant or animal not present in North America before European settlement in 1492 AD (Hitler and his henchmen vowed to restore “pre-Roman” plants and animals not present in Germany when Rome began conquering primitive pagan German tribes around the time of Christ) goes unchallenged by American citizens, especially rural Americans being treated as if they lived in a petri dish? How come? |
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