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April 21, 2015 | |
Wolves & Rural America![]() |
![]() A Talk by Jim Beers At the Lincoln Day DinnerOf The Ferry County Republican Party Republic, Washington 18 April 2015 |
Wolves 2015 - French shepherds verified nearly 10,000 sheep killed last year in France and large demonstrations by the Eiffel Tower in Paris where dead sheep were dumped before government building have taken place. Italian shepherds are identified by WWII Enfields slung over their shoulder as they tend their sheep. Spanish shepherds are devastated by losses to wolves. Easter Europeans and Finns are being continually infested by wolves expanding westward from dense Russian wolf populations. Dogs are being killed in large but downplayed numbers. Shepherds are going out of business to uncertain futures with no prospects of them or their sheep being replaced. Wolf hybridization with dogs has been and continues to be far more widespread than imagines as DNA analyses are conducted. Wolf packs were attracted to the presence of human remains at the scene of the recent Lufthansa air crash and had to be harassed by police guards. National governments (like US States) claim they are helpless because the European Union (EU) government in Brussels (like the US federal government in Washington, DC) protects the wolves and bears from controls, management and hunting except in exceptional circumstances. Environmental and animal rights organizations are entrenched with government “partners” (the same ones found in the US); rich, famous and urban worthies from actresses and politicians to retirees and students clamor for the wolves “out there”. Donations to radical groups and urban political support for worshipping wolves remain strong. Hybridization between wolves and dogs is very common in Europe and the expanding occurrences of such interbreeding are very likely leading toward the extinction of pure wolves. However, like human deaths from wolves in the US and other negative wolf effects like disease, the extent of livestock destruction and the loss of hunting opportunities and hunting revenue; European wolf/dog hybridization facts are denied, go undocumented and are not covered or explained in the news media. Like in the US, hidden agendas and intrigues abound. Last month I was invited to speak in Germany before a “coalition of wealthy German Hunters” about wolves in the US based partially on my US government experience opposing an EU move to destroy the international fur market and trapping 17 years ago. I was tasked with suggesting some solutions to this European problem that is (like in the US) reducing hunting opportunities, big game herds and animal husbandry in Europe (just like in the US). Shortly before the Conference, I found out that the real sponsors of the Conference were the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). These two international environmental extremist (anti-private property/anti-wildlife management and use/anti animal husbandry) organizations are fellow travelers of the Defenders of Wildlife, Humane Society of the US, and PETA et al. My speaking at their conference would have been like delivering a Christian sermon in a Mosque. Something I avoid as I discovered the hard way years ago when opposing EU efforts to destroy the fur market and trapping as a US Fish & Wildlife Service employee. I withdrew from the Conference when I found out. While I had enthusiastically looked forward to participating in that conference and had even begun formulating my paper, I learned long ago that attempting to seek solutions when such groups are in charge is a futile effort. Their agenda is to discredit persons like me, not to engage in honest dialogue in search of solutions. This sort of subterfuge and deceptiveness is typical of the lying and propaganda (think wolves as disease vectors) surrounding wolves in the US for the past 3 decades by such international groups and their’ American counterparts. The “stans” (meaning, “the place of”) like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan (with a very robust wolf population), Uzbekistan et al support wolves in varying numbers depending on plant cover like deserts; forests; food availability like sheep, goats and wildlife; and the availability of guns for local villagers, shepherds and other rural residents . N. China and Mongolia have lots of wolves but, like in Mexico, Arizona and New Mexico they travel singly or in small groups in that semi-arid, open country where food is scarce and native people often hunt them with large eagles from horseback. In all of the above, citizen protection or reasonable control of wolves are frustrated by remote and non-caring governments, lack of both rural political power and gun availability for those living with wolves. Periodic crash wolf control efforts by offering large bounties, or providing temporary government guns and government hunters (all of which tend to be ineffective and temporary placeboes) occur after the not uncommon outbreaks of human deaths from wolves or unsustainable losses of livestock to wolves. Despite their comparative “backwardness” compared to a “developed” nation like the US, Asians are almost universally committed to keeping dogs out of homes and of cleaning homes rather thoroughly if a dog gets in. They have been aware for centuries of the very dangerous diseases and infections that dogs and wolves carry and are exposed to; and how they can infect whole families and even villages. Simultaneously, Americans and their veterinarians deny or bury their heads in the sands about such matters being deceptively politically correct about wolves and thus Americans still unwittingly let dogs sleep with children and lick them in areas where wolves frequent yards, playgrounds and walking trails. Concerns about hybridization between wolves and dogs are little noted or of concern in Asia. Rural Asians of all stripes realize hybridization happens, but why it should matter to them whether the Canid that just killed ten sheep and bit the shepherd and his dog and probably infected both with rabies; is ½ dog or ¾ wolf? Such trivia is no more than something they can only laugh about as being important only to those with too much time on their hands. As a Siberian biologist once remarked to me while shaking his head during a conversation about wolves in the US many years ago, “how did you ever win the Cold War?” Dingoes are of such concern that a 3500 mile fence has been maintained for decades to, ostensibly, keep dingoes out of the SE ¼ of the continent to protect sheep and make those settled landscapes reasonably safe for people and their animals. Dingoes; like coyotes, dogs and wolves; interbreed readily when possible and they all, in whatever mix, produce viable offspring that can then pass on the genes of the hybridizing parents to succeeding generations. In other words, wolf/dingo/coyote/dog hybrids produce offspring that are equivalent to Doberman/Golden Retriever/Pointer/St. Bernard puppies of mixed parentage sharing the colors, size, features and temperaments of the parents in varying percentages. Remember this the next time you are told how “important” the “red” wolf or the “Mexican” wolf are to Mother Nature. Australia is mimicking the US and Europe in beginning to publish “science” (what I call “Romance Biology”) that claims dingoes benefit grass, lizards, water quality and even fend off climate change, much like US wolves are reputed to “change rivers”. Also, like Europe, DNA analyses availability is revealing a far greater hybridization between dogs and dingoes than previously imagined. Whole, large areas of Australia are now colored as being primarily or all, dingo/dog hybrids. The Australian central government has vacillated between banning all guns and permitting some guns as well as whether to respond to urban imaginings about wildlife or to support rural Australians struggling with the everyday presence of animals such as dingoes and dingo/dog hybrids. The Australian State governments have little input into these matters; therefore the rural disadvantage in overall political representation, as in the USA, points to a growing disadvantage for rural Australians over time as the central government responds to the (urban) majority and marginalizes the (rural) minority (again just like in the US and Europe). Canadian First People or Native People share in this basic understanding and generally neither oppose wolf controls nor work with radicals to undermine sensible wolf controls. This contrasts with the USA where tribal lands have been used as federal wolf release points in states opposing the releases or in Minnesota where tribal lands prohibit any wolf management. In such matters, the central or federal government of Canada has not manufactured for itself, as in the US, a role of taking property or dictating what animals will be where to the detriment and disregard of rural people and rural communities. This has remained an understood responsibility of Provincial governments that have proven more protective of such prerogatives than their US State counterparts in recent years. Alaska has robust wolf populations. Periodically, either a decline in big game (especially the highly valued moose) or human attacks will generate more robust wolf controls than the ongoing and persistent management of wolves both statewide and where complaints or damages require narrowly construed controls. Alaskan wolves have so far evaded the faux “honor” or claim to be “endangered” under the Endangered Species Act. Alaskan wolf management is therefore a constant target for American environmental/animal rights radical groups working through the federal bureaucracies that they, for all practical purposes, control. Never-ending lawsuits and threats making specious claims and suing about wolf controls are grist for more than one lawyer’s career. Their most ominous moves however, involve an always receptive federal political/bureaucracy that constantly lusts for more power, votes, contributions, support and increased budgets that result from “more” responsibilities as they define them. All of this is available to federal politicians seeking votes, bureaucrats seeking power and radical groups seeking influence and money by beating up on Alaskans who have few votes and little power in the National scene and whose land most urban Americans view like Yellowstone, that is a Disneyesque National Park they all own and have every right to tell people there how to live. In one very real sense, Alaska relates to the federal government like rural Illinois residents living in the shadow of Chicago or rural Minnesotans living in the shadow of the Twin Cities. Alaska and Alaskans are constantly threatened by federal actions like threats to outlaw aerial shooting (a very efficient control method); dark-of-the-night Wilderness Declarations Orders from the White House and other federal land closures (recently for federal political benefit or as a diversion from other federal matters) to, among other things, impede wolf control; and the rapacious actions of federal elected officials (ironically sworn to uphold the US Constitution) to ban and confiscate all guns everywhere. This latter is of particular importance to rural Alaskans living isolated lives in often perilous circumstances. The moose on Isle Royale National Park, a large island in Lake Superior, recently reached the lowest levels in decades and the wolves that came to the island after a long walk over ice in the 1950’s have likewise become nearly extinct on the island once again due to a lack of wolf food and wolf inbreeding. Minnesota and Wisconsin deer kills and deer licenses have been and are plummeting. Biologists and DNR supporters blame weather, past kill distortions and poor census conditions. As with moose, high wolf numbers have, of necessity shifted to deer where they are additive to the other deer mortality factors at work. Wolves need to eat and when the moose decrease, wolves must shift to deer, cattle and dogs or starve. The results are reduced deer and moose herds and reduced or no moose and deer hunting. Like pheasant hunting and walleye fishing; the future is not bright for moose and deer hunting. Wolves have and are taking a high toll on dogs across N Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan where deer have also declined and rural animosity toward wolves’ mirrors N Minnesota and Wisconsin rural attitudes. Hybridization is widespread with dogs and coyotes but the implications of controlling coyotes and owning dogs and protecting wolves as all 3 wreak rural havoc or snuggle in at night with the kids while looking so much alike that only some remote government “laboratory” employing government-paid technicians utilizing government-approved DNA standards is not only downplayed but objectors to the entire affair are vilified like racists or extremists that refuse to bake cakes for same-sex weddings. Wolves have crossed into the Lower Peninsula of Michigan where they are increasing. Wolves are trickling down the Mississippi River valley into Iowa, Missouri and overland into N Illinois and Indiana. When they reach S Illinois or S Indiana, the substantial woodland connections S, SE and SW will provide cover and food for a wolf breakout into the old Confederacy to do what the “red” wolf was released to do but has failed to do by the same federal overlords and radical groups. The difference will eventually be the continuing influx of wolves from the North into the South (shades of the Civil War) much like Minnesota’s persistent flow and influx of wolves from the woodlands of Manitoba and Ontario. Currently a judge took away the vaunted “state management of wolves” that like “compensation” is only another lie with a twist in that states had to manage wolves just like the feds and the urban American public demanded AND PAY THE BILL as well. The feds posture throughout was creating the illusion of helping the states to be granted wolf “management” while they colluded with the very radicals that sue and will never be satisfied by any wolf management. This is little more than a warning shot to state bureaucrats and rural residents that they no longer have ANY say and in the future they better go along or simply be swept aside. The State wildlife agencies around the Great Lakes represent the interests of their rural residents about like Russian occupiers recognized the rights and interests of Hungarians and Poles during the Cold War. Substitute Washington for Moscow and Wisconsin and Idaho for Hungary and Poland and you have a picture of what federal control of Rural America is becoming. State bureaucrats have evolved into federal subcontractors and urban-environmental sympathizers that see their future dependent on federal employment; employment with radical or former hunting organizations; or on the benevolence of federal and state politicians sustaining a new tax flow of dollars to replace the loss of revenue as hunting, fishing and Excise taxes on banned arms and ammunition disappear. The lies and propaganda from state bureaucrats have taken on all the exaggerations and intensity or the federal lies and propaganda of the past 45 years to obtain passage, write regulations and enforce everything from the Endangered Species Act, Wilderness Act and Animal Welfare Act to EPA authorities, Heritage Area Designations, Easement Grants and Commissions to environmental organizations for acquiring eventual federal land acquisitions and obtaining key easements to both control and prohibit future Rural improvements. Southern States experienced federal imposition of “red wolves that from the get-go in the 1980’s were and remain an odd mixture of coyote, dog and wolf genetic material. Initial red “wolf” releases in South Carolina disappeared into the coyote/dog gene pool and the gun sights of rural hunters, dog owners and rural residents. A second release in North Carolina has been a similar debacle. In addition to the usual suspects noted in South Carolina, North Carolinians have banded together and cobbled together a coalition of the state Wildlife commission, state political leaders and federal North Carolina elected officials. The determined rural residents have uncovered not only consistent arrogance but also lies, cover-ups and serious law violations involving federal bureaucrats. They have been stonewalled while getting a Hearing and publicity in the US House of Representatives involving the Secretary of the Interior. They are offering a reward for information about a wolf killed by a suspected federal bureaucrat and they have evidence of about 60 wolves released on private lands when the ONLY federal release authority was for releases on federal lands. There is much to learn from this sort of determined resistance to far-off tyrants much like Colonial reactions to English impositions 240 years ago in this country. Southwestern States have been a battleground between Local Rural Americans forced to live with wolves for over 20 years and the urban Americans and federal bureaucrats that have imposed the wolves. Arizona and New Mexico even formed a Coalition of Arizona and New Mexico Counties (think about the significance of that for a moment) in reaction. In that desert country the wolves are smaller (a common phenomenon in mammals that occupy large areas from far northern cold climates to far southern warm climates), NOT because of the silly “red” v “Mexican” v “”timber” or “gray” titles favored by environmentalists and government bureaucrats. Also, large packs of these hybrid Canids do not form in the South or in deserts as food (wild and domestic) is more scarce and widespread. Wolf depredations in the SW on cattle and sheep have been serious; dogs have been attacked, killed, and bred in significant numbers; and incidents of wolves in yards and bus stops have spawned the infamous school bus stops built by parents that are cages where school kids are dropped off and picked up by adults. Despite the failure of the wolves to take hold, more wolves over a greatly expanded area of Arizona and New Mexico are slated for introduction by federal “planners”. Wolf releases with our “Mexican partners” are simultaneously slated just below the Big Bend National Park on the Rio Grande (i.e. the border) in Mexico where it is expected that they will scoot into Texas and US federal protection before our erstwhile “partners” kill them or they starve to death in the criminal chaos that is the deserts of that stretch of Mexico. As if this were not enough, there is a persistent and growing movement to introduce Jaguars (an “endangered” species complete with “Critical” Habitat) into the Arizona, New Mexico border lands. This will complement the Borderland “Wilderness Declaration” in Arizona that is a little-mentioned desert trail for illegals and drugs where federal enforcement is restricted due to “environmental” concerns in a “Wilderness”. Livestock husbandry, an always tenuous matter in those desert dry lands tends to be smaller operations that have become toxic for many. While some operators have simply closed down, at least one has committed suicide and another was killed on his front porch by an illegal “visitor”. Like other western states, federal roads, grazing and logging is being closed down by bureaucracies increasingly employing environmental activists in league with radical Non-Government Organizations that actually work with and benefit financially from bureaucrats utilizing taxpayer dollars. Government bureaucrats sing duets with radical environmentalists that the ranchers and hunters and loggers don’t “belong there” anymore while increasingly ignoring Local governments whose revenue streams are being constricted like a deer wrapped up by a python. Northwestern States are something I need not tell you about. US Fish and Wildlife Service stole millions from State Wildlife funds in the mid 1990’s to capture, transport and release wolves into Yellowstone. No State Wildlife Director ever even asked for the money to be replaced by Congress which is a clue as to how deeply state bureaucrats were in the federal pocket 15 years ago. Congress had previously refused to fund such a release but when the General Accounting Office verified the theft in an Audit Report to The US House of Representatives Natural Resources Committee in 1998, the Congress understood that the wolves were all over by then, there was a Presidential Election coming up, and nothing was to be gained (by Congress) by smearing an august agency and fine bureaucrats appointed by The President of the United States, all engaged in the Lord’s work of “saving the environment”. Shades of today! State wildlife agencies in Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and now California have been shown to be federal subcontractors to federal bureaucracies just like in the Great Lakes States. When big game disappears and hunting success plummets they lie and befuddle their rural constituents. When incontrovertible evidence of wolves as serious vectors of diseases and infections deadly to and destructive to humans, livestock and other wildlife were presented; state biologists and veterinarians were about as evident as Chaplains in the Soviet Army. When ranchers cite livestock losses they are told to put up electric fences and fladry and hire more employees to sit with the stock 24/7 and buy guard dogs (or bitches-of-the-evening for wolves as the case may be) if they expect to stay in business. When hunters that use dogs complain or quit hunting, as one Minnesota non-fan wrote me yesterday, “hunters with ‘good’ bird dogs that stay close will be OK but dogs that range too far or that run rabbits, coyotes, and bears will be fair game for wolves”. Is it any wonder that the former positive attitudes of rural residents toward “their” state wildlife agency have turned increasingly sour and negative? The once respected wildlife employee in the community or “in charge” at Headquarters has become just another untrustworthy bureaucrat that respects neither you nor your property. Federal and State bureaucrats have touted “compensation” that was inadequate, never produced, impossible to qualify for, or only spoken of until the wolves were no longer controllable. Federal “compensation” administration was immediately given to (??) The Defenders of Wildlife (an anti-Rural American radical group) by the USFWS Director when the money was stolen and who later became the very high-paid leader of that very same organization. State bureaucrats, like their federal counterparts, told rural audiences about the need for wolf “control” and “management” (while maintaining distance from government and private animal control agents) and telling the urban audiences what they wanted to hear about “Native” species, “Native” ecosystems and how eventually there will be a “new normal” for Rural America where hunting, ranching, timber management, private property and local entrepreneurship will be things of the past. Grizzly bears (an extremely dangerous, deadly and destructive animal that no more belongs in settled landscapes of the Lower 48 States than do free-roaming buffalo or Asian carp) have been introduced, spread and protected just like jaguars are slated for the SW. Whether it is specious claims of “critical habitat”, or losses of cattle, or kids killed on trails, or young girl campers killed in sleeping bags, or cattle losses, or dog losses, or mentally-stressed rural residents with grizzlies around homesteads that make life one continuous worry, grizzly bears plus the wolves make the demise of rural America both quicker and more sure. The evil lies about these things must be especially apparent to you here in NE Washington. Here you have these “endangered” caribou that were used by the feds and radicals for years to generate restrictions and grow government powers; and then voila, wolves and grizzly bears are needed for the latest radical imaginings. The fact that each eats caribou and caribou calves (Canada is exterminating two wolf packs as I speak to “save” the caribou) and will thus reduce those formerly “precious” endangered caribou or even wipe them out is simply, like wolves as disease and infection vectors, an inconvenient truth for some professor to be hired to write some new “Romance Biology” (like how wolves change rivers) and “prove” how good “occasional” caribou meat in wolf and grizzly bear stomachs benefits them all and is “vital” for a “functioning native ecosystem”. Wolves are but one of many things steadily eroding local families, local businesses, local communities, local governments, and local culture in Rural America. Wolves are perhaps the most glaring threat to Rural American life of all the threats facing Rural America. Wilderness Declarations, federal and state land acquisition, federal and federal “partners” taking easements on land, federal government taking of private property with and without compensation for other that public use, reduced local government revenue, federal Heritage/Scenic/Historic Area designation requirements and mandates, closure of government lands to management and use, federal water claims, overly-aggressive regulatory enforcement, severe penalties for violating any of thousands of federal regulations, dictatorial federal insertion of deadly animals like grizzly bears strongly opposed by those coerced to live with them, federal water claims that give a fish preference over drought-ravaged communities and irrigation users, federal refusal to remove dead trees that create massive fire fuel, federal imposition of costs on rural communities and local governments for federal mandates, unlimited federal powers to say what animal goes where and which are to be exterminated, federal anti-hunting programs, federal anti-trapping attempts, federal zoning along designated Scenic/Wild river/highways, federal anti-gun efforts, federal wildfire damages to private property, federal coercion of state and local enforcement officers and programs, unaccountability of federal bureaucrats for deaths and destruction caused by federal actions, federal refusal to pay for damages or take responsibility for the costs caused by the animals they force on local communities, federal elimination of clean and efficient power from coal in favor of expensive and unreliable subsidized wind farms that not only kill millions of birds each year but are also granted permits to kill up to and including eagles and other birds that you or I would go to prison for even attempting to take are but a few of the problems eroding Rural America. These problems several common factors:
I have worked for the US Navy, the State of Utah and the Minneapolis Police Department. enforcement officer, biologist, and program analyst. I know wildlife, range and forest management techniques, science and management. Fortuitously, my long work experience in Washington, DC covered from the passage of all manner of such laws in the early 1970’s to 1999 when I became a whistleblower and exposed the theft of millions of dollars by federal bureaucrats from state wildlife programs. Among other results, I have no second thoughts today about long lost friends or misplaced allegiance to the myth of pure federal motives and federal actions. I spent a year as a Congressional Fellow in the late 1970’s where I attended Political Science classes, worked five months for a Congressman from Minnesota and five months for a US Senator from New York, plus I spent two weeks as a guest of Canadian Parliamentary Fellows becoming familiar with the Parliamentary system of government. After 15 years of speaking and writing about federal environmental and animal abuses I recommend the following three Reforms as vitally necessary if Rural America is to have any hope of surviving as we know it. It is probably the result of that year as a Congressional Fellow more than any other item in my resume’ that accounts for these recommended reforms. They are important whether the liberals or conservatives are in power, whether the President respects Constitutional government or not, and whether you live in a rural State like Wyoming or in an urban enclave State like Massachusetts or in an urban–dominated State like Illinois or New York. Rural America must achieve these reforms if they are to ever have anything more than short-term temporary relief in the long slide they are experiencing as I write. Rural America has lost ALL representation in the federal government. Since 1913, rural representation has steadily diminished until it has all but disappeared Because of this; Rural Americans have become helpless before the federal leviathan and all those listed under #7 above have steadily capitalized on this and developed increased power for the federal government until today they control it for all the reasons and more listed by their names and their own purposes. The Rural American representation I speak of is not the simple diminishing of rural voters and the increase of urban voters. It is something much more basic and correctable than that. The Constitution established a federal government that authored all laws, authorized all spending and basically provided the interpretations of Constitutional wording called laws that the Supreme Court judged Constitutional or not and that (until recently) circumscribed the power and actions of the President. This system of “Checks and Balances” protected Rural America for 137 years or until 102 years ago. Everything the House passes (laws, budgets, etc.) is sent to the US Senate where Senate ratification approves it and forwards it to the President or it is rejected or simply buried as happened frequently in the last US Senate under Senator Reid. The US Senate has even more power than the House. The US Senate alone confirms or rejects Presidential appointees, all high judges of the land, and all Treaties. The US Senate and US Senators are very powerful. But these once-bulwarks of Rural American interests are no longer what they once were and were specifically created to be. In 1913 Progressive federal politicians passed a Constitutional Amendment (the 16th) authorizing a federal income tax (previously the federal government was financed by and was thus constrained by Excise Taxes mainly from alcohol). At the same time they passed a second Constitutional Amendment (the 17th) that changed the way the US Senators were created. For the first 137 years of this Nation, US Senators were “chosen by the Legislature thereof” (sic the Legislature of their State) for a six year term as defined in the US Constitution. In 1913 that was changed to “elected by the people thereof”. Now after we get over that warm, fuzzy feeling about “the people’s voice being heard” and 102 years of this dramatic change in the nature and role of US Senators and the US Senate, let us focus on what this 102 year experiment has meant to Rural America. US Senators no longer represent “their” State. US Senators now represent (just like US Representatives and the President for that matter) THE VOTERS AND ORGANIZATIONS THAT ELECTED THEM AND THAT THEY EXPECT TO RE-ELECT THEM. For instance, I live in the Progressive state of Minnesota where urban voters control the state. “We” have elected two US Senators that are, no surprise, very Progressive. have the opportunity to hunt moose in Minnesota; or a rural Minnesotan that has lost dogs to wolves that frequent your yard and the President is rumored to be about to outlaw handguns; or you are a cabin owner worried that the blowdown trees from a severe storm three years ago on adjoining federal property present an extreme fire hazard to your property; or the federal government just bought more land in your county and took it off the already strained tax rolls. What would you imagine the reaction of those two Senators would be if you appealed to them for help or asked them to propose legislation to stop these things? Remember they were elected by urban voters like unmarried professionals, unemployed college graduates, hardcore Progressives, academics, government workers, etc.,: all of whom desire the exact opposite of what you do. In fact the two Senators, even if they were Conservatives from a Conservative State would be under enormous pressure from their fellow Party members nationally to not “rock the boat” for the rest of them by allowing the Progressive party to label them as gun-crazed enemies of the environment and a pristine ecosystem. Thus I will get the run around from “my” Senators because I and my issues only endanger their political future and power. You will get “Response Letter # 36” and a sweet young girl will sympathize with you on the phone before she goes to lunch in the cut-rate cafeteria in the basement. The two most common questions I get as I travel and discuss these issues are, “How could ‘my’ Senator pass such a law?” and “How can I get ‘my’ Senator to stop this?” In answer to both questions, imagine two kinds of Senators; one the brand-spanking new sort of Senator ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE who we will call Pretty Boy, the other is the cranky old-fashioned Senator APPOINTED BY THE STATE LEGISLATURE TYPE who we will call Henry Clay. Imagine further that a federal law to expand the Endangered Species Act or to condemn millions of acres of private property to make a new “Wilderness Park” is up for a vote.
Now that is a good question and one worth sharing for your consideration. I answered that if the last 40 years have taught us anything it is that we (Rural America) are being destroyed by wicked (the correct word) forces using the raw force of federal power and significant financial resources to do a long list of things to remove rural people and human activities from the land. A major part of this effort is outright land transfer to federal overlords and land control of the remainder by new and expanding federal laws and the innocent-sounding taking of easements intended to make any remaining private property unusable as a primary means of income for any remaining residents. I asked him, “What would you suggest to stem this?” He responded that his property was his to do what he can or would with it. I said then there may be no hope and we should encourage our kids and grandkids to prepare for an urban existence and just forget Rural America. While that was as far as it went at the time (3 days ago now) I have since wished I had thought to say that we are and have been losing Rural America to manipulated government coercion and tactics taken from Socialist and Communist tactics of the last two centuries around the world. These cannot be overcome and dismissed by timid processes and hopeful wishing. We need to come together and do what MUST be done to make Rural America and that man’s land once again profitable and more profitable each year instead of steadily losing value amidst communities that are steadily losing people, families, jobs and the social fiber that is and always was essential to building, growing and sustaining America. |
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