S O U N D   O F F

June 13, 2011
Subject: Regarding: Granite Mountain Open Permittees and 1993 “interim agreement.”

Senator Mike Enzi
Attn: Diane Kirkbride
Staff Assistant/Caseworker
2120 Capitol Avenue
Suite 2007
Cheyenne, WY 82001

Dear Senator Enzi, June 8, 2011

Regarding: Granite Mountain Open Permittees and 1993 “interim agreement.”
It was terrific seeing and listening to you last week in Laramie. Wyoming is very fortunate to have such a dynamic team with you, Senator Barrasso, and Congresswoman Lummis.
Thank you for your letter of June 1st, and copy of the letter from BLM Director Bob Abbey. Your continuing follow up with DOI Secretary Ken Salazar is greatly appreciated.
Just a brief reiteration on the 1993 “interim agreement:”
“Interim agreement” plainly spells out BLM is to maintain a target maximum herd of 250 feral horses.
Permittees were to give up 45% of their AUM’s in the name of conservation and a partnering with BLM on improvements including water development.
Some of the Permittees voluntarily took an additional 2% cut, thereby running 53%.
Parallel that to BLM increasing the feral horse herd to near a thousand head, or over 400% the max, and reneging on improvements!
On a Granite Mtn. tour in Sept 2001, Mr. Jack Kelly showed a depreciated riparian area, claiming cattle grazing as the cause. Because I had flown that same riparian area (before spring cattle turnout), and Roni photographed it lined with feral horses, I challenged Jack while handing him copies of the photos. He refused them, whereon Rubel Vigil stepped forward and took them.
On a Granite Mtn. tour in 2006, Roy Packard bragged the feral horse herd was up to around 900. On hearing that, I stated, “It is now very apparent that the BLM implemented the `93 agreement …not for conservation or improvements…but instead to gain 45% more forage to feed their feral horses.” Not one BLM representative present denied my claim.
On another stop on that same tour, a BLM agent claimed it to be “horse free.” Roni happen to be in the bed of a truck taking photos when she spotted a string of feral horses and asked, “So what so you call those?”
Senator Enzi, BLM’s status quo is revealing itself as feral horse program either run amok or by design.
I believe it’s by design. Regardless, the excessive numbers of feral horses “steal our forage” while BLM averts their eyes and blames the cows.
Though appreciated, in his letter BLM Director Bob Abbey insulted us through his failure to recognize the gravity of the matter, and our request for relief and release.
Contraire to one BLM agent’s suggestion that Permittees should conform to his demands because he’d “read a book,” is the notable difference between “reading a book,” and the hands on execution of a task. If what BLM reads in a book is so damn easy to apply, then Secretary Salazar et al should mount up and ride with the Permittees…until all BLM’s ideals are in place!
This coupled now with BLM’s refusal to act ethically with Green Mtn. Open Permittees (Whose matter is similar to the extent one could stake the claim; “BLM’s showcasing an obvious and ugly pattern.”), it’s become an absolute that none other than Secretary Salazar should visit Wyoming. Being an honest man, I’m sure that after Ken rides the range and takes hard look at the negative economic impact excessive feral horses have on Wyoming, he’ll knuckle down around the table with the Permittees and resolve this matter justly.
We’re not asking for preference treatment. We’re asking for an equitable, doable resolution.
We’d be honored if you’d accompany the Secretary on this visit.
Attached, you’ll see a note to Congresswoman Lummis regarding “Welfare Cowboys;” an idea we tossed out at her during last week’s meet. It’s a humanitarian way to utilize the excessive feral horses.
Also attached is a “Release Species Land and Water” concept that will compliment Senator Barrasso‘s “Release of Wildlands” proposal.
Thank you for your continuing work in behalf of resource providers. We’re honored by your drive to insure the world, safe, cheap, delicious supplies of American raised food.

Charles W. Sylvester

Cc: Granite Mtn Open Permittees, Tom Abernathy, Lander BLM, BLM Director Bob Abbey, Senator Barrasso, Congresswoman Lummis, Dept. of Ag and interested parties.

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Land And Water USA
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