LAW USA co-founders Chuck & Roni Sylvester are "Looking for Answers." Have any? Contact us at: |
June 13, 2011 |
A Proposal To Remove Encumbrances From BLM and Deeded Land and Water |
DRAFT ONLY Bill Proposal June 8, 2011 RELEASE OF DEEDED PROPERTY AND OR OWNERS OF USAGE AGREEMENTS WITH U.S. DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR AND OR U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OF LAND AND WATER AREAS PRESENTLY ENCUMBERED BY ENDANGERED SPECIES “LISTING PROCESS. Release of Deeded Property and or owners of usage agreement with U.S. Department of Interior and or U.S. Department of Agriculture of Land and Water Areas presently encumbered by “studies allegedly designed to determine whether or not a species may or may not be officially designated as endangered.” Whether public or private, Land and Water areas without species so designated as “Endangered” as defined within the Endangered Species Act of 1973, should be immediately released, and thereon allowing parties with deeded property or ownership of agreements with Federal, to resume “business as usual.” Parties with deeded property and or who own Federal land and water usage agreements with U.S. Bureau of Land Management under the Department of Interior, and or, the U.S. Forestry Service under the Department of Agriculture should be released free and un-encumbered from any *species not officially and specifically designated as Endangered. Upon release, Parties with deeded property and or who own Federal land usage agreements with U.S. Bureau of Land Management under the Department of Interior, and or, the U.S. Forestry Service under the Department of Agriculture should have opportunity to seek remedy from Federal, and reimbursed any compensable losses accrued due to “Listing Process,” a.k.a. “species studies encumbrances,” from point of study initiation to date of release. *Species not officially and specifically designated as Endangered include “threatened” and more. |