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October 23, 2007 | |
"Majority Rule.... Tyranny By Any Other Name" | |
by Ron Ewart, President National Association of Rural Landowners © Copyright October 23, 2007 - All Rights Reserved | |
bout the time the original 13 colonies adopted their new constitution in 1787, it has been reported that an Alexander Tyler, Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2000 years prior: "A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship." It would appear that Tyler's words were all too prophetic with regard to America. But there are two culpable culprits in this scenario, politicians with an all-consuming desire to remain in power by whatever means and a populace who are willing to sell their very soul (and their freedom) for a few pieces of so-called "free" silver from the public treasury. This leaves the minority in America, who still strongly believe in the principles of the Founding Fathers, floundering in the deep dark sea of a majority whose hands are outstretched to government for all they can get and a government all-too-willing to give it to them for their votes. Guess which politicians get elected? Then to make matters worse, along come the special interest groups who lobby government for all they can get, whether it be money, or a new law or laws to further some pet cause of theirs, you know, like socialism and radical environmentalism. As we have stated on nuerous occasions, the tool for this insanity is your money. Without it, the government would have nothing to give away, the persons and groups with their outstretched hands for a government handout would have to fend for themselves and the special interest groups would go away in frustration. What a concept! What escapes most people is that what we have just described here, fits totally within our constitution. There is absolutely nothing in the constitution about government taking money from the producers in society and giving it away to the non-producers. There is nothing in the constitution that gives the government the right to take a person's property by regulation and then ignore the due process and just compensation clauses of the 5th Amendment. There is nothing in the constitution about taking someone's property under eminent domain, for other than a clear government requirement, like roads and schools. But there is everything in the Constitution about the government protecting its citizens from all enemies, foreign and domestic, including securing our borders. So once the politicians learn they can break the constitution with impunity and the courts give them a green light to do it, as they have, freedom and liberty go out the window. That's right! Freedom and liberty in America, as burned into the history books by our Founding Fathers and paid for with the blood of millions of brave men and women, are out the window. As we move forward, the cabal that is the politicians on one hand and those with outstretched hands to the public treasury and special interest groups on the other, will continue to get stronger, as generation after generation fall pray to the whims of the majority. If the minority remains silent and if the producers continue to shell out their hard-earned earnings to a government that has lost all allegiance to our constitution, that was designed to hold the tyranny of the majority in check, that same government will continue to grow and the taxes required to payoff the voters that keep them in office, will rise exponentially. When the money runs out (as it surely will) due to the inescapable law of diminishing returns, chaos reigns and a dictatorship rises in its place to regain order. Politics and economics 101. The minority and the producers have essentially three choices: 1. Do nothing, which is what most of them are doing now, or 2. Take aggressive actions to protect what they have, or 3. Become far more nosier and vehemently refuse to bow down to the out-of-control majority. Here are a few things you can do to protect what you have, or take action against the majority: a. Learn as much as you can about what is going on in the political world. Knowledge is power. NARLO has produced a CD-ROM disc with a mass of information that is relevant to what is happening in America on a number of fronts. If you read all of this information, you will be well ahead of the next guy who wanders around in a daze and shuts out the rest of the world. The man that shuts out the world around him, will soon become a victim. b. Learn as much as you can about the ownership of land from the standpoint of owning, buying, selling, investing in, or developing. NARLO offers a professional real estate course in CD-ROM disc, or 3-ring binder format, covering all aspects of land ownership. Again, knowledge is power. c. If you own land, you can protect it from government aggressors by simply installing NARLO's strongly-worded NO TRESPASSING signs. d. If you are interested in fighting the tyranny of the majority, think about setting up a NARLO affiliate in your state. e. If you want to do something pro-active in your area, start a small group and become effective by using the tools in NARLO's Rural Justice Initiative. f. Lastly, consider joining NARLO and help us to fight the tyranny of the majority as well. These are concrete things you can do. As a minority, your freedom and the freedom and liberty of your children and your children's children hang in the balance, on what you do or don't do. By all means, forward this message to your list, if you deem it appropriate. | |
Ron Ewart, President | |
"THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF RURAL LANDOWNERS" The National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) is a non-profit corporation, duly licensed in the State of Washington. It was formed in response to draconian land use ordinances that were passed by King County in Washington State (Seattle) in the late Fall of 2004, after vociferous opposition from rural landowners. NARLO's mission is to begin the long process of restoring, preserving and protecting Constitutional property rights and returning this country to a Constitutional Republic. Government has done a great job of dividing us up into little battle groups where we are essentially impotent at a national level. We will change all that with the noisy voices and the vast wealth tied up in the land of the American rural landowner. The land is our power, if we will just use that power, before we lose it. We welcome donations and volunteers who believe as we do, that government abuses against rural landowners have gone on for far too long and a day of reckoning is at hand. To learn more, visit our website at www.narlo.org. President Roosevelt, in his 1933 inaugural address said, “…. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”. I maintain that the only thing we have to fear is unbridled government. The only way unbridled government can exist is if WE THE PEOPLE allow it. | |
Good Neighbor Committee | Good Neighbor Law© 2006 | | |